- Apartment Name: Sky House BSD Luas 91m2 Tipe 85
- Location: BSD
- Tower/Floor/View: Claymore
- Size: 91 m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: SEMI FURNISHED:
- Free Kitchen Set
- Intercom & Pintu baja smart-lock door
- Lantai Kamar Parkit Kayu
- Shower screen
- Balkon dengan saluran air
- Facility: Fasilitas:
- Jaccuzi & Sauna
- Yoga Room
- Outdoor & Indoor Gym
- Outdoor & Children Playground
- Swimming Pool & Resort
- Multifunction & Studyroom
- Videoroom & Gazebo
- Additional Info: KELEBIHAN:
- Samping AEON MALL
- Seberang the BReeze Outdoor Mall & ICE BSD
- Sebelah Tol Sepong Balaraja
- Dekat perkantoran Green Office Park, BCA Tower, OCBC Tower, Unilever HQ
- Dekat Universitas Prasetya Mulya, Monash, Atmajaya, Apple Developer
- Selling Price: HANYA 1,9 M saja (RP. 1.900.000.000,-) NEGO
- Rental Price: Rp. 85.000.000,- sampai dengan Rp. 150.000.000,- per tahun
- Contact: Ester – 081377618787
- WhatsApp: 081377618787
- E-mail: laurenciaesterina@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Serpong Langsung Pemilik Tanpa Perantara Murah
PROMO LEBARAN 16-25 April 2023 – Dijual Apartemen Sky House BSD+ Tangerang – Studio / 1BR / 2BR / 3BR / 3+1BR / 3+1BR – Signature
- Apartment Name: Sky House BSD+
- Location: samping AEON Mall BSD, Tangerang
- Tower/Floor/View: 4 Tower / 2-35 / City, Pool, Garden, Mall
- Size: 23m² / 35m² / 50m² / 68m² / 85m² / 120 m2
- Bedroom: Studio / 1BR / 2BR / 3BR / 3+1BR / 3+1BR-Signature
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Semi Furnished
- Fase 2 :
- 1 Tower 1 tipe unit
- Premium
- Siap Huni
- Kitchen Set (kabinet atas bawah, Kompor tanam, solid table, cooker hood, sink, meja solid table & kabinet atas-bawah)
- Pintu Baja smartlockdoor + Intercom
- Kamar mandi termasuk shower screen, kabinet, mirror dan 1 water heater)
- Balkon dilengkapi saluran air untuk mesin cuci
- Lantai kamar Parkit kayu, lantai HT 80×80
- Fase 3 :
- Studio, 1BR, 2BR
- Indent Agustus 2025
- Kitchen Set (kabinet atas bawah, Kompor tanam, solid table, cooker hood, sink)
- Pintu Baja smartlockdoor + Intercom
- Balkon dilengkapi saluran air untuk mesin cuci (kecuali Studio)
- Lantai kamar Parkit kayu, lantai HT 60×60
- Facility:
- Children & Adul swimming Pool
- Jacuzzi & Sauna
- Indoor & Outdoor Children playground
- Indoor & Outdoor Gym
- Videoroom, Study room, Meeting room
- Yogaroom, gazebo, garden
- Additional Info:
(selama 16-25 April 2023)- Extra Promo Gold selama Lebaran 16-25 April 2023
- Harga lebih murah saat lebaran
- Unit special price
- Lokasi keren samping AEON mall BSD
- Selling Price: Cara Bayar :
• Hardcash• KPA Bank• Cicilan langsung ke developer– Studio, 1BR dan 3BR max 88 bulan– 3+1BR dan 3+1BR Signature max 100bulan
– 2BR max 120bulan, special price 2BR max 60bulan
HARGA :• Studio 23sqm start 480 jutaan
• 1BR 35sqm start 730 jutaan
• 2BR 50sqm start 820 jutaan
• 3BR 68sqm start 1.2 M-an• 3+1BR 85sqm start 1.7 M-an• 3+1BR 120sqm Signature start 2.1 M-an - Rental Price: Khusus 22 dan 23 April
Buka : 10.00 – 17.30
Yukk kunjungi show unitnya dan dapatkan promo Lebaran - Contact: CONTACT
Batista0812 3222 7770
Sales Inhouse - WhatsApp: 081232227770
Jual Cepat Apartemen B Residences BSD Tangerang Selatan – Tower Tulip – Unit Studio Furnished
- Apartment Name: B Residences BSD
- Location: Central BSD, Jalan Edutown Kavling III No. 1, Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Tulip / 30 K
- Size: 25.05 m² (Semi Gross)
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: PPJB, furnished
- Facility:
- Swimming pool
- Sports center
- Parkir
- Additional Info:
- Berdekatan dengan Universitas Prasetya Mulia, STT Sriwijaya, Universitas Atmajaya, ICE & AEON Mall BSD, Breeze BSD City
- Lcatin in Central Business District BSD
- Dekat AEON Mall BSD, QBig Super Stre (Ace Hardware, Infrma, Mitra 10), Lulu Hypermart & Department Stre, Curts Megastre, Gramedia, Giant, Teras Kta Tangerang, The Breeze
- Dekat Indnesia Cnventin Exhibitin (ICE) BSD
- Educatin Center BSD : jalan kaki ke Prasetiya Mulya Business Schl & STT Sriwijaya, Swiss German University, Frggy Edutgraphy, Nanyang Internasinal Schl, IPEKA Internatinal Schl, Sinarmas Wrld Academy
- Banking District : BCA, Mandiri, etc
- Hospital : Eka Hospital BSD, Bethsaida Hospital, OMNI Hospital
- Dekat Stasiun Cisauk, Stasiun Rawa Buntu
- Selling Price: Rp 600.000.000,- (Negotiable)
- Contact: WA Owner Anita – 08119505025
- WhatsApp: 08119505025
Jual Murah Apartemen Baru The Branz BSD 2BR Jadi 1BR Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: The Branz
- Location: Bumi Serpong Damai
- Tower/Floor/View: A/17
- Size: 57 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Study Room: 1
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished
- Facility:
- Fasilitas Mall Aeon
- Apartemen Baru The Branz BSD
- Unit baru serah terima unit
- Depan Mall Aeon BSD
- Call utk detail unit
- Additional Info: Jual Apartemen The Branz New di BSD
- Sdh fullfurnished Harga Murah Jual cepat
Call for detail dan visit unit
Harga murah /masih Nego
- Selling Price: Rp 1.950.000.000
- Contact: 081288844408
- WhatsApp: 081288844408
- E-mail: anjarkalibata@gmail.com
Dijual Apartemen di Pusat BSD – Harga Murah Bisa KPA Bank BCA – Type Studio dan 1 Kamar Fully Furnished di B Residence Tangerang
- Apartment Name: B Residence
- Location: BSD
- Tower/Floor/View: Lotus, Rose, Tulip/Any Floor/City View
- Size: 19, 22, 23, 31, 38 m2
- Bedroom: Studio, 1 Bedroom
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
Booking Fee hanya Rp 20 Juta
PPN 50% dibayarin Developer
Cicilan 18 bulan🤑 Kredit Bank: BCA dan CCB
Bisa cicilan DP hanya 10%
Tenor 5, 10 atau 15 tahunKHUSUS INVESTOR:
GARANSI RENTAL selama 2 Tahun sampai dgn 80jt - Facility:
- 168 meters Infinity Pool
- Sunken Lounge
- Kids Pool
- Fitness Centre
- Reading & Activities Lounge
- Roof Top Garden
- Food Court Centrum
- Mini Market: Indomaret Telah Beroperasi
- ATM Centre
- Cafe & Resto
- ATM Centre
- Fast Internet Access
- Lobby & Lounge
- Six Floors Parking Area
- Shuttle Bus
- Additional Info:
- 1 menit ke Foresta Business School
- 1 menit ke Froggy building
- 3 menit ke The Breeze
- 5 menit ke Jakarta-Nanyang Int’l School
- 5 menit ke UNIKA Atmajaya
- 5 menit ke Apple Research Center
- 10 menit ke stasiun Rawa Buntu
- 10 menit ke stasiun KRL Cisauk
- Walking Distance to Prasetiya Mulya Business School
- Facing Future Development IULI University (International Liaison University Indonesia)
- 10 Minutes drive to Tol Gate BSD
- Access New Toll Gate SERBARAJA Completed
- Selling Price: Starts From IDR 500,000,000 (Lima Ratus Juta Rupiah)
Bisa kredit bank BCA dan CCCB - Contact: Rishad 0811-390-100- atau 0877-1265-2777
- WhatsApp: 0811390100
- E-mail: rishadpohan@gmail.com
Jual Hunian Apartemen Akasa Pure Living BSD Tower Kamaya – Sudah Serah Terima Unit Promo Full Furnished & Free BPHTB Semua Type Studio, 1BR, 2BR, 3BR
- Apartment Name: Akasa
- Location: BSD CITY
- Tower/Floor/View: KAMAYA / 10 / POOL
- Size: 22 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Bangunan baru sudah serah terima
- Facility:
- Gym
- Area BBQ
- Taman Tematik
- Nursery Park
- Lapangan Basket
- Lintasan Joging
- Sky Garden
- Taman Refleksi
- Taman Bermain Anak
- Ruang Serbaguna
- Pusat Kebugaran
- Digital Park
- Area Ritela
- Additional Info:
- Banyak banget PROMONYA…
- Cukup dengan UTJ Rp. 5 juta
- Cicilan hanya Rp. 2 juta
- Langsung HUNI
- Promo Akasa
- Untuk semua type progam smart move Idemu
- Selling Price: Rp 398.000.000
- Contact: Agustian 081286035021
- WhatsApp: 081286035021
- E-mail: zatmikoagustian69@gmail.com
DIJUAL Apartemen SKY HOUSE BSD Termurah dan Termewah – Studio Furnished
- Apartment Name: Sky House BSD
- Location: BSD City
- Tower/Floor/View: Leonie / 3 / Pool
- Size: 20 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Partially Furnished
- AC
- Cooker Hob
- Exhaust Fan
- Water Heater
- Smart Door Lock
- Intercom Security System
- Facility:
- Swimming Pool (Kids Pool & Adult)
- Gymnasium
- Playground
- Botanic park
- Slot parkir (1 mobil & 1 motor)
- Additional Info:
- 5 menit jalan kaki ke AEON Mall BSD
- 10 menit berkendara ke Stasiun Komuter Line – Cisauk
- Pusat Bisnis (Unilever, Traveloka, AstraBiz, Green Office Park/GOP, Indonesia Convention Exhibition/ICE BSD City, Foresta Business Loft, Mercure Hotel, Ibis Hotel, Santika Premier).
- Komersil (AEON Mall, The Breeze Mall, TerasKota Mall, Pasar Modern Intermoda, QBIG, Mitra 10, Lulu Supermarket, Ararasa Shopping area, Summarecon Mall Serpong)
- Pusat Pendidikan (Prasetya Mulya, German Swiss University / SGU, Universitas Atmajaya, Jakarta Nanyang School, IPEKA)
- Selling Price: Rp 500 Juta (nego)
- Contact: RIKA 082124895268
- WhatsApp: 082124895268
- E-mail: rika.handayani@gmail.com
Dijual Apartemen Great Western Serpong Tangeang – Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Great Western
- Location: Tangerang Kota Exit Pintu Tol Tangerang Serpong
- Tower/Floor/View: A/10/11 / jalan raya
- Size: 26,4 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished
- AC
- TV
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kitchen set
- Springbed
- Lemari baju
- Meja dan kursi makan
- Facility:
- Pusat kota
- Dekat pintu tol
- Access card
- Kolam renang
- Laundry
- Indomart
- Hotel
- Restaurant
- Additional Info:
- Sertifikat Hak Milik (Atas Nama Pemilik)
- View City Bagus
- View Sun Set Dapat
- View Sun Rise Dapat
- DEKAT KE RUMAH SAKIT (Siloam,EMC, Awal Bros).
- DEKAT MALL Sumarecon Mall, Lippo Karawaci Mall, Living World, Mall Alam Sutra.
- DEKAT KE Airport
- Selling Price: Rp.175.000.000 (Nego)
- Contact: 0818 763 758 (Karlin)
- WhatsApp: 0818763758
Jual Apartment Sky House BSD Samping AEON MALL – Bisa Cicil 120x DP 5%, KPA Start DP 5%
- Apartment Name: Sky House BSD
- Location: BSD (samping AEON MALL)
- Tower/Floor/View: 4 tower / 6 tipe unit / 2-35 / Garden, Pool, City, Mall
- Size: 23m2 / 35m2 / 50m2 / 68-75m2 / 85-91m2 / 120-128m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: KONDISI UNIT :
SEMI FURNISHED (khusus 3BR & above) :- Free Kitchen Set, Meja Granit, Sink, Kompor, Cooker Hood dan Kabinet atas & bawah
- Intercom & Pintu baja smart-lock door
- Lantai Kamar Parkit Kayu
- Shower screen, kabinet bawah – mirror cabinet – Water Heater
- Balkon dengan saluran air
- Facility:
- Samping AEON MALL
- Seberang the BReeze Outdoor Mall & ICE BSD
- Sebelah Tol Sepong Balaraja
- Dekat perkantoran Green Office Park, BCA Tower, OCBC Tower, Unilever HQ
- Dekat Universitas Prasetya Mulya, Monash, Atmajaya, Apple Developer
- Fasilitas (khusus 3BR & above) :
- Jaccuzi & Sauna
- Yoga Room
- Outdoor & Indoor Gym
- Outdoor & Children Playground
- Swimming Pool & Resort
- Multifunction & Studyroom
- Videoroom & Gazebo
- Additional Info:
- SIAP HUNI (1 Tower 1 Tipe unit)
- Duxton 3BR (68-75 sqm)
- Claymore 3+1BR (86 sqm)
- Bristol 3+1BR Signature (120-128 sqm)
- INDENT (2025)
- Keshington Studio 23 sqm
- Keshington 1 BR 35 sqm
- Keshington 2 BR 50 sqm
- Cara Bayar available :
- Hardcash
- Cicilan Develover hingga 100 Bulan
- Selling Price:
- Harga tergantung lantai, view, promo & cara bayar.
- Harga termasuk PPN 11%
- Studio 23sqm start 470juta-an
- 1 Bedroom 35sqm start 711juta-an
- 2 Bedroom 50sqm start 820juta-an
- 3 Bedroom 68sqm start 1.243M-an
- 3 Bedroom 75sqm start 1.218M-an
- 3+1 BR Bedroom 86sqm start 1.7M-an
- 3+1BR Signature 120sqm start 2.1M-an
- Rental Price:
- Pilihan cicilan developer : 12x, 24x, 36x, 48x, 60x, 72x, 88x, 100x
- DP start 5% buat KPA & cicilan developer 60x, 72x , 88x dan 100x
- Harga tergantung lantai, posisi unit, cara bayar & promo KPA BANK maksimal 25 tahun*
- Contact: BATISTA
0812 3222 7770
website : http://skyhouse-indonesia.com - WhatsApp: 081232227770
Dijual BU Apartemen 2 BR Unfurnish di BSD – Serpong Greenview
- Apartment Name: Serpong Greenview
- Location: Jalan Astek
- Tower/Floor/View: B/20/Selatan, pool
- Size: 33 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnised, AC 1
- Facility:
- Swimming pool
- Fitness
- Playground
- Indomart
- Atm
- Cafe, dll
- Additional Info: Unit posisi Selatan jadi gak panas, view cakep, siap AJB
- Selling Price: Rp 230.000.000
- Rental Price: Rp 25.000.000
- Contact: 087877083439
- WhatsApp: 087877083439
- E-mail: Agusyoe37@gmail.com
Dijual Murah Apartemen Sky House BSD+ – Studio, 1BR, 2BR, 3BR dan 3BR+1, Cicilan Developer Flat Tanpa BI CHECKING, KPA, Hardcash
- Apartment Name: Sky House BSD+
- Location: CBD 55 – Lot Iii 1 – 5 (Beside Aeon Mall Bsd City, Jl. Bsd CBD II, Sampora, Cisauk, Tangerang Regency, Banten 15345)
- Tower/Floor/View: Middle Floor View City / Garden View
- Size: 23.6 m2 / 35 m2 / 48 m2 / 51 m2 / 68 m2 / 85 m2 / 120 m2
- Bedroom: 1, 2, 3, 4
- Bathroom: 1, 2, 3
- Study Room: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Apartemen satu-satunya di BSD city yang 1 Menit AEON mall dan memiliki pilihan type unit yang lengkap
- Indent
- Studio 23 m2
- 1 BR 35 m2
- 2 BR 51 m2
- Ready Unit
- 2 BR 48 m2
- 3 BR 68 m2
- 3+1 BR 85 m2
- 3+1 BR 120 m2
- Facility: Fasilitas Terbaik:
- Green garden 41.600m2 & Sky garden 17.000 m2, jogging track, Dog park & bbq area
- Swimming pool, jacuzzi, sauna, gym outdoor, gym indoor, yoga room
- Bilyard room, Mini teater, Vip room, Childen playground indoor & outdoor, Sky launge
- Smart Lock. Finger print, pasword, card key & manual Smarthome system
- Additional Info: Surrounding Area
- Pusat pendidikan
- Universitas Prasetya mulya
- Universitas Atma jaya
- Univeritas IULI
- Traveloka campus
- Monash University
- IPEKA school
- Sampoerna academy school
- Pusat perbelanjaan
- Aeon mall Bsd
- Teras kota mall
- The breeze
- ITC Bsd
- Pusat perkantoran
- Green office park
- Unilever
- Sinarmas
- Grab
- Orami
- Digital hub (coming soon)
- Cimory Dairy Land (coming soon 2024)
- Jatim Parkzoo (Coming soon 2024)
- apple tower
- Huawei Dll
- Mandiri tower, Ocbc Tower, Bca tower, UOB, Total
- Selling Price: Cara Bayar
- Hardcash (start 400 jutaan)
Cash Bertahap 12x, 36x, 48x, 60x, 72x - Cicil Developer (up to 120x)
- KPA via Bank (Start cicilan 3 jutaan)
- Hardcash (start 400 jutaan)
- Rental Price:
- Nominal Cicilan KPA bank & Cicilan developer all type tanpa BI CHECKING
- 2 BR 48 m2 : KPA (7 jutaan)
- 3 BR 68 m2 : tenor 88x (17 jutaan)
- KPA (8 jutaan)
- 3+1 BR 85 m2 : tenor 100x (20 jutaan)
- 3+1 BR 120m2 : tenor 100x (25 jutaan)
- Studio 23 m2 : tenor 88x (6 jutaan) & KPA (3 jutaan)
- 1 BR 35 m2 : tenor 88x (10 jutaan) & KPA (5 jutaan)
- 2 BR 48 m2 : tenor 120x (10 jutaan) & KPA (6 jutaan)
- Contact: Website : https://sites.google.com/view/fadell-skyhousebsd/beranda
Hubungi :
Marketing Executive Sky House BSD+
0896-5241-2540 - WhatsApp: 089652412540
- E-mail: skyhousebsd.pluss@gmail.com
Dijual Apartemen AKASA Pure Living BSD – Studio Corner Furnished 28 m2
- Apartment Name: AKASA Pure Living
- Location: Lengkong, Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Kirana 25/ barat daya.
- Size: 28 m2
- Bedroom: Studio Corner
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished
- Facility: Kolam, gym, mini market, security 24 jam, AC
- Additional Info: –
- Selling Price: Rp 380.000.000,-
- Contact: 08978209210
- WhatsApp: 08971817799
- E-mail: northstarwishes09@gmail.com