Location: Jl.Jenderal Sudirman NO.86 Jakarta 10220
Tower/Floor/View: Best View
Size: 84 Sqm
Bedroom: 2BR & 4BR
Bathroom: 2
Study Room: 1
Condition: Fully Furnished
Swimming pool
Mini Market
Fitness Center
Convention Hall
Inter – Com System ( Loby to Unit )
Internet & TV Cable
Parking Lot With Basment
24 – Hour CCTV
Personal Mailbox
24 Hour Security with door Access / Lift Access
Convenient Stores
Loundry Service
Clinic 24 hours
Additional Info: Best Location.it is located near CBD,SUdirman,Thamrin,Plaza Senayan,Grand Indonesia,Grand Hyatt Hotel,Casablanca And Mega Kuningan & Near MRT
Location: Jl. Jendral Sudirman No.86 Jakarta 10220
Tower/Floor/View: Di bawah 20 / city
Size: 84m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 2
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished
Facility: Swimming pool, Mini Market, Gym / Fitness Center, Convention Hall, Inter-Com System (Lobby to Unit), Internet &TV Cable, Parking Lot with Basement, 24-hour CCTV, Personal Mailbox, 24-hour Security with Door Access/Lift Access, Convenient Stores, Laundry Service, ATM, Bank, Clinic 24 hours
Additional Info: Best location. It is located near CBD, Sudirman, Thamrin, Plaza Senayan, Grand Indonesia Shopping Centre, Bundaran Hotel Indonesia, Grand Hyatt Hotel, Casablanca and Mega Kuningan, Near Train MRT & Bus station.
Location: Jl. Jendral Sudirman No.86 Jakarta 10220
Tower/Floor/View: Atas 20 / city
Size: 84 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 2
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully furnish
Facility: Swimming pool, Mini Market, Gym / Fitness Center, Convention Hall, Inter-Com System (Lobby to Unit), Internet &TV Cable, Parking Lot with Basement, 24-hour CCTV, Personal Mailbox, 24-hour Security with Door Access/Lift Access, Convenient Stores, Laundry Service, ATM, Bank, Clinic 24 hours
Additional Info: Best location. It is located near CBD, Sudirman, Thamrin, Plaza Senayan, Grand Indonesia Shopping Centre, Bundaran Hotel Indonesia, Grand Hyatt Hotel, Casablanca and Mega Kuningan, Near Train MRT & Bus station.
Location: Jl. Jend. Sudirman kav.86 Karet Tengsin, Jakarta Pusat
Tower/Floor/View: 26 / view
Size: 84 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished
Facility: Swimming pool, Mini Market, Gym/ Fitness Center, Convention Hall, Inter-Com system ( lobby to unit ), master antena TV include TV Cable, parkibg lot with basement, 24-hours CCTV, personal mailbox, 24-hour security with door access/lift access, convenient stores, laundry service, ATM, Bank, Clinic 24 hours.
Additional Info:
Strategic location in SCBD area, near to Thamrin, Kuningan, Senayan and Kemang.
Near to Plaza Indonesia Mall, Grand Indonesia, Plaza Semanggi and Pacific Place.
Only stroll away to City Walk where you can find Papaya Supermarket, Restaurants and Cafes, Sahid Sahirman Memorial Hospital is within in complex.
Location: ?Jl. Jendral Sudirman No.86 Jakarta 10220
Tower/Floor/View: Best/low/city
Size: 50 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Condition: furnished
Facility: Swimming pool, Mini Market, Gym / Fitness Center, Convention Hall, Inter-Com System (Lobby to Unit), Internet &TV Cable, Parking Lot with Basement, 24-hour CCTV, Personal Mailbox, 24-hour Security with Door Access/Lift Access, Convenient Stores, Laundry Service, ATM, Bank, Clinic 24 hours
Additional Info: Best location. It is located near CBD, Sudirman, Thamrin, Plaza Senayan, Grand Indonesia Shopping Centre, Bundaran Hotel Indonesia, Grand Hyatt Hotel, Casablanca and Mega Kuningan, Near Train MRT & Bus station.
Location: ?Jl. Jendral Sudirman No.86 Jakarta 10220
Tower/Floor/View: Best view / low floor / spool
Size: 103 m2
Bedroom: 3
Bathroom: 2
Study Room: 1
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully furnish
Facility: Swimming pool, Mini Market, Gym / Fitness Center, Convention Hall, Inter-Com System (Lobby to Unit), Internet &TV Cable, Parking Lot with Basement, 24-hour CCTV, Personal Mailbox, 24-hour Security with Door Access/Lift Access, Convenient Stores, Laundry Service, ATM, Bank, Clinic 24 hours
Additional Info: Best location. It is located near CBD, Sudirman, Thamrin, Plaza Senayan, Grand Indonesia Shopping Centre, Bundaran Hotel Indonesia, Grand Hyatt Hotel, Casablanca and Mega Kuningan, Near Train MRT & Bus station.
Location: Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 86, Jakarta Pusat 10220
Tower/Floor/View: <10
Size: 38,75 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Berperabotan dalam kondisi masih bagus dan terawat
Facility: Swimming Pool, Whirpoll, Mini Market, Gym / Fitness Center, Sauna, Inter-Com System (Lobby to Unit), Parking Lot with Basement, 24-hour CCTV, Personal Mailbox, 24-hour Security with Door Access/Lift Access, Convenient Stores, Laundry Service, ATM, Bank, Clinic 24 hours.
Condition: Full furnished kondisi masih bagus dan terawat
Facility: Swimming Pool, Whirpoll, Mini Market, Gym / Fitness Center, Sauna, Inter-Com System (Lobby to Unit), Parking Lot with Basement, 24-hour CCTV, Personal Mailbox, 24-hour Security with Door Access/Lift Access, Convenient Stores, Laundry Service, ATM, Bank, Clinic 24 hours.
Additional Info:
Akses mudah hanya 5 menit jalan kaki ke Stasiun MRT setiabudi
Facility: Swimming Pool, Mini Market, Gym / Fitness Center, Convention Hall, Inter-Com System (Lobby to Unit), Master Antena TV Include TV Cable, Parking Lot with Basement, 24-hour CCTV, Personal Mailbox, 24-hour Security with Door Access / Lift Access, Convenient Stores, Laundry Service, ATM, Bank, 24-hours Clinic.
Additional Info: Strategic location in SCBD area, near to Thamrin, Kuningan, Senayan and Kemang. Near to Plaza Indonesia Mall, Grand Indonesia, Plaza Semanggi and Pacific Place. Only stroll away to City Walk where You can find Papaya Supermarket, Restaurants and Cafes. Sahid Sahirman Memoriam Hospital is within the complex.
Additional Info: Terima titipan jual Property tersedia unit size dan tipe lainnya. Untuk Informasi Lebih lanjut bisa hubungi Betty 0811170635 Coldwell Banker
Location: Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.Kav.86, RT 10/RW 11 Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10220
Tower/Floor/View: Any Tower / Any floor / City and Pool
Size: 45/50/60/90/110 m2
Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Bathroom: 1 / 2
Study Room: 1 (Depend on size)
Maid Room: 1 (Depend on size)
Maid Bathroom: 1 (Depend on size)
Condition: Full Furnished
Facility: Leisure outdoor pool, kiddy pool, relaxing jacuzzi, fully equipped fitness club & gym, Indoor Children Playground, cozy library, BCA Bank, Victoria Cafe & Resto Mini Mart travel agent, Money Changer, Laundry.
Additional Info: Strategic location in SCBD area, near to Thamrin, Kuningan, Senayan and Kemang. Near to Plaza Indonesia Mall, Grand Indonesia, Plaza Semanggi and Pacific Place. Only stroll away to City Walk where You can find Papaya Supermaket, Restaurants and Cafes. Sahid Sahirman Memoriam Hospital is within the complex.