- Apartment Name: Pondok Indah Residence
- Location: Jl. Kartika Utama
- Size: 156 m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 3
- Study Room: 1
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: *Pondok Indah Residences*
- Private Residential Persembahan dari Pondok Indah Group.
Terconecting langsung dengan Pondok Indah Mall dan Office Tower.
Apartement Mewah dengan Private Lobby & Double Private Lift, masing-masing unit memiliki 2 Lot Dedicated Parking*
Terdiri dari 3 Tower :– *Maya*– *Kartika*– *Amala*
Harga unit Amala Private Lift mulai dari Rp8Man*– *SIAP HUNI, FULL FURNISHED*– *Nilai sewa unit $3500 – $4500 USD/Month*
Pondok Indah Residences adalah *Pilihan terbaik untuk berinvestasi dan tempat tinggal yang sangat prestigious*
- Facility:
- Bintang 5
- Kolam renang, Gym In Door & Out Door, Tenis, Bilyard, Bbq, Joging Track, Basket, Supermarket, Tempat Cuci Mobil, Tempat Cas Mobil Listrik, Ruang Serbaguna Kapasitas 30 Orang, 2 Private Parkir, Private Lift & Private Lobby
- Additional Info:
- Sertifikat SHM sudah Pecah
- Promo bulan ini :
1. Promo Full Furnished (Amala 0502)
2. Free Balik Nama AJB, BPHTB, BBN (Estimasi 6%)
3. Free Service Charge Maxsimal 3 Tahun
4. Jaminan Rental Guarantee Maxsimal 20%
- Selling Price: *Apartemen Pondok Indah Residence*
Tower Amala – 0502 – FULL FURNISHED
*Rp 8.800.000.000,-*
Free Balik Nama (AJB, BPHTB, BBN) 6%
(Diskon Balik Nama Rp 528.000.000)Banyak Promo Ramadhan :
Hub : Ardiyan Inhouse Pondok Indah Group - Rental Price: $3500 – $4500 / Month
- Contact: 0878-8715-4906
Ardiyan – Konsultan Properti Inhouse
Pondok Indah Group
PT. METROPOLITAN KENTJANA, Tbk - WhatsApp: 087887154906
- E-mail: Ardiyansyah.pondokindah@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Pondok Indah Residence Langsung Pemilik Tanpa Perantara Murah
TERMURAH! Jual Apartemen Pondok Indah Residences Jakarta Selatan – 1 BR / 80 sqm Fully Furnished, Siska 08161861228
- Apartment Name: Pondok Indah Residences
- Location: Jl. Kartika Utama, Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Maya
- Size: 80 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully Furnished
- Facility:
- Olympic swimming Pool, Covered Pool, Kids Pool, Children’s Playground, Tennis Courts, Multi-Purpose Area, Gym, Jogging Track, Reserved Parking, ATM, Pharmacy
- An exclusive high-rise Apartment tower in South Jakarta’s
- Walking distance to PIM 2, PIM 1 & street gallery and connected to office tower with underground tunnel (Future Development of Tunnel and Sky Bridge Pedestrians ), Close to JIS (Jakarta International School ), Raffles, Pondok Indah Hospital, supermarkets, shops, sport leisure, golf, water park, hotels, office tower.
- Additional Info: For more informatin for Sale or Rent please dont hesitate for contact me, Thank you
- Selling Price:
- Tower Maya
- 1 BR 80 sqm Rp. 3.700.000.000 BEST PRICE
- 1 BR 80 sqm Rp
- 2 BR 110 sqm Rp 5.800.000.000
- 2+1 BR 134 sqm corner Rp 7.300.00.000
- Tower Kartika
- 3 BR 159 sqm Rp 7.900.000.000 BEST PRICE
- 3 BR 159 sqm Rp 8.300.000.000
- 3 BR 179 sqm Rp 9.300.000.000
- Tower Amala3
- BR 156 sqm Rp 8.500.000.000
- 3 BR 176 sqm Rp 9.500.000.000
- Penthouse 4 BR 337 sqm Rp
- All prices are negotiable
- Tower Maya
- Rental Price:
- 1 BR = $ 1,500 – $ 2,000 / month
- 2 BR = $ 2,000 – $ 2,500 / month
- 3 BR = $ 3,000 – $ 3,500 / month
- The Price is Negotiable
- Contact: For more Info & Private Viewing, Please Contact: Siska, 08161861228
- WhatsApp: 08161861228
- E-mail: siska@abieproperty.com
JUAL Apartemen Pondok Indah Residence 2BR – Tower Maya
- Apartment Name: Pondok Indah Residence
- Location: Jalan Kartika Utama, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan 12310
- Tower/Floor/View: Maya
- Size: 110 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 2
- Condition: Fully Furnished
- Facility:
- Olympic swimming Pool, Covered Pool, Kids Pool, Children’s Playground, Tennis Courts, Multi-Purpose Area, Gym, Jogging Track, Reserved Parking, ATM, Pharmacy
- Walking distance to PIM 2, PIM 1 & street gallery and connected to office tower with underground tunnel (Future Development of Tunnel and Sky Bridge Pedestrians ), Close to JIS (Jakarta International School ), Raffles, Pondok Indah Hospital, supermarkets, shops, sport leisure, golf, water park, hotels, office tower.
- Additional Info:
- Walking distance to Pondok Indah Mall 1, Pondok Indah Mall 2 & street gallery and connected to office tower with underground tunnel (Future Development of Tunnel and Sky Bridge Pedestrians)
- Close to JIS (Jakarta International School), Raffles, Pondok Indah Hospital, supermarkets, shops, sport leisure, Pondok Indah Golf Course, water park, InterContinental Hotel, office tower
- Access to JORR (Jakarta Outer ring road)
- Selling Price: Rp 5,7M (Nego)
- Contact: Hendrik: 081255255150
- WhatsApp: 081255255150
- E-mail: Hendrik26jonathan@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Pondok Indah Residences – Unit Town House Amala, 3+1 Bedroom
- Apartment Name: Pondok Indah Residence
- Location: Jl. Kartika Utama, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Amala
- Size: 178 m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Study Room: 1
Private Residential Persembahan dari Pondok Indah Group.Terconecting langsung dengan Pondok Indah Mall dan Office Tower.Apartement Mewah dengan Private Lobby & Double Private Lift, masing-masing unit memiliki 2 Lot Dedicated Parking*Terdiri dari 3 Tower :– Maya– Kartika– Amala– Harga mulai dari 8 M-an– Nilai sewa unit $ 3500 – $ 4,500 USD/Mont*Pondok Indah Residences adalah Pilihan terbaik untuk berinvestasi dan tempat tinggal yang sangat prestigiousSERTIFIKAT SUDAH PECAH, READY, SIAP HUNI
Promo Bulan Ini
2. SERVICE CHARGE 3 TAHUN - Facility: Lengkap Bintang 5 :
Kolam renang olympic, Kids pool, kolam renang outdoor, Gym indor dan outdoor, Playground, Bilyard, Tennis, Basket, Tennis meja, Tempat cuci mobil, Tempat cas mobil listrik, Bbq Area, Supermarket, Konekting Tunnel PIM 1, PIM 2, PIM 3, - Additional Info:
- Town House Amala
Adalah Apartemen dengan lokasi di lantai 2 dari Apartemen Pondok Indah Residence - Konsep rumah dengan kiri dan kanan bertetangga dan mempunyai area Balkon dan Teras yang sangat luas.
- Serta memudahkan aktifitas penghuni dan sudah terkonekting dengan Mall Pondok Indah.
- Setiap penghuni mendapatkan 2 Slot Parkir atas nama penghuni
- Town House Amala
- Selling Price: Harga unit Rp
- Harga unit yang masih Kompetitif
- Apartemen Eksklusif
- Future Development yang masih akan dibangun Pondok Indah Mall 5, persis di Ranch Market seberang PIM 3
- Contact: 0878-8715-4906
- WhatsApp: 087887154906
- E-mail: Ardiyansyah.pondokindah@gmail.com
Dijual Apartemen Pondok Indah Residence Jakarta Selatan – 3 BR Furnished
- Apartment Name: Pondok Indah Residence
- Location: Jl. Kartika Utama, Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Low floor
- Size: 179 m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 3
- Condition: Furnished
- Facility:
- Olympic swimming Pool, Covered Pool, Kids Pool, Children’s Playground, Tennis Courts, Multi-Purpose Area, Gym, Jogging Track, Reserved Parking, ATM, Pharmacy
- An exclusive high-rise Apartment tower in South Jakarta’s
- Walking distance to PIM 2, PIM 1 & street gallery and connected to office tower with underground tunnel (Future Development of Tunnel and Sky Bridge Pedestrians ), Close to JIS (Jakarta International School ), Raffles, Pondok Indah Hospital, supermarkets, shops, sport leisure, golf, water park, hotels, office tower.
- Additional Info:
- Close to Jakarta International School (JIS), Jakarta Japanese School (JJS), High Scope School International, Korean International School, France International School, Prasetya Mulya School, Al-Izhar School. Walking distance to Pondok Indah Mall.
- Close to Gandaria City Mall Pondok Indah Hospital, RS Fatmawati, Siloam Hospital, Mayapada Hospital. Easy and convenient access from toll TB Simatupang, Toll Depok – Antasari, Bintaro – Serpong-BSD-Alam Sutra.
- Selling Price: Rp 9.5 M Nego
- Contact:
- Gabriel.f 0819831001
- Francezka 082211050550
- WhatsApp: 0819831001
- E-mail: gabe.Propertindo@gmail.com
Dijual Good Unit at Apartemen Pondok Indah Residences – 1 BR / 2 BR / 3 BR / 3+1 BR / Penthouse
- Apartment Name: Pondok Indah Residence
- Location: Jl. Kartika Utama, Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Any Tower/ Any Floor/ Any View
- Size: 80 / 110 / 134 / 156 / 159 / 176 / 179 m2
- Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 2+1 / 3 / 4
- Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
- Maid Room: 1 (Depend On Size)
- Maid Bathroom: 1 (Depend On Size)
- Condition:
- Fully Furnished
- Semi Furnished
- Facility:
- Brand new luxury fully furnished unit Apartment
- Double private lift
- Split ducted AC provided
- Imported marble
- Reserved parking
- 24-Hours security and receptionist
- CCTV, comfortable lobby
- Additional Info:
- Olympic swimming pool, covered pool, kids pool, children’s playground, tennis courts, multi-purpose area, gym, jogging track, reserved parking, ATM, pharmacy.
- Additional Info : An exclusive high-rise Apartment tower in South Jakarta’s
- Walking distance to Pondok Indah Mall 1, Pondok Indah Mall 2 & street gallery and connected to office tower with underground tunnel (Future Development of Tunnel and Sky Bridge Pedestrians)
- Close to JIS (Jakarta International School), Raffles, Pondok Indah Hospital, supermarkets, shops, sport leisure, Pondok Indah Golf Course, water park, InterContinental Hotel, office tower
- Access to JORR (Jakarta Outer ring road)
- Selling Price:
- Tower Maya :
- 1 BR (80 m²) Starting From IDR,-
- 2 BR (110 m²) Starting From IDR 5.800.000.000,-
- 2+1 BR (134 m²) Corner Starting From IDR 7.300.000.000,-
- Tower Kartika :
- 3 BR (159 m²) Starting From IDR 8.300.000.000,-
- 3 BR (179 m²) Starting From IDR 9.300.000.000,-
- Tower Amala :
- 3 BR( 156 m²) Starting From IDR 8.500.000.000,-
- 3 BR (176 m²) Starting From IDR 9.500.000.000,-
- Unit Penthouse 4 BR (337 m²) Starting From IDR,-
- Tower Maya :
- Rental Price:
- 1 Bedroom : Start From $ 1,400/ month
- 2 Bedroom : Start From $ 2,400/ month
- 3 Bedroom : Start From $ 3,000/ mont
- Contact:
- Richie – 087778038461
- WhatsApp: 087778038461
- E-mail: mkt.tmb2.jethro@gmail.com
Dijual Murah Apartemen Pondok Indah Residences – 1 BR / 2 BR / 3 BR / 3+1 BR / Penthouse
- Apartment Name: Pondok Indah Residence
- Location: Jl. Kartika Utama, Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Maya, Kartika, Amala / Higher and Lower Floor / Pool & City
- Size: 80 / 110 / 134 / 156 / 159 / 176 / 179 m2
- Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 2+1 / 3 / 4
- Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
- Maid Room: 1 (depend on size)
- Maid Bathroom: 1 (depend on size)
- Condition:
- Fully Furnished
- Semi Furnished
- Facility:
- Brand new luxury fully furnished unit Apartment
- Double private lift
- Split ducted AC provided
- Imported marble
- Reserved parking
- 24-Hours security and receptionist
- CCTV, comfortable lobby
- Additional Info:
- Olympic swimming pool, covered pool, kids pool, children’s playground, tennis courts, multi-purpose area, gym, jogging track, reserved parking, ATM, pharmacy.
- Additional Info : An exclusive high-rise Apartment tower in South Jakarta’s
- Walking distance to Pondok Indah Mall 1, Pondok Indah Mall 2 & street gallery and connected to office tower with underground tunnel (Future Development of Tunnel and Sky Bridge Pedestrians)
- Close to JIS (Jakarta International School), Raffles, Pondok Indah Hospital, supermarkets, shops, sport leisure, Pondok Indah Golf Course, water park, InterContinental Hotel, office tower
- Access to JORR (Jakarta Outer ring road)
- Selling Price:
- Tower Maya :
- 1 BR (80 m2) Starting From Rp
- 2 BR (110 m2) Starting From Rp
- 2+1 BR (134 m2) Corner Starting From Rp
- Tower Kartika :
- 3 BR (159 m2) Starting From Rp
- 3 BR (179 m2) Starting From Rp
- Tower Amala :
- 3 BR (156 m2) Starting From Rp
- 3 BR (176 m2) Starting From Rp
- Tower Maya :
- Rental Price:
- 1 BR Starting From $ 1300 – $ 1900/month
- 2 BR Starting From $ 2000 – $ 2300/month
- 3 BR Starting From $ 2500 – $ 3000/month
- Contact:
- Kiara – 087778038460
- Feel free to contact me if you have a unit for sale or rent, I’ll help you market it
- Kiara – 087778038460
- WhatsApp: 087778038460
- E-mail: kiaraps.jethro@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen PONDOK INDAH RESIDENCE Tower AMALA Jakarta Selatan – 3BR+1 Furnished
- Apartment Name: Pondok Indah Residence
- Location: Jakarta Selatan
- Size: 156 m2
- Bedroom: 3+1
- Bathroom: 3
- Study Room: 1
- Condition:
- Pondok Indah Residences
- Private Residential Persembahan dari Pondok Indah Group.
- Terconecting langsung dengan Pondok Indah Mall dan Office Tower.
- Apartement Mewah dengan Private Lobby & Double Private Lift, masing-masing unit memiliki 2 Lot Dedicated Parking*
- Terdiri dari 3 Tower :
– Maya 2 Bedroom
– Kartika 3 Bedroom
– Amala 2 Bedroom & 3 Bedroom
– Harga mulai dari Rp 8-Man
– Nilai sewa unit $3500 – $4500 USD/Month - Pondok Indah Residences adalah
– Pilihan terbaik untuk berinvestasi dan tempat tinggal yang sangat prestigious*
- Facility: FASILITAS: Sweeming pool, olympic, kids pool, gym outdoor dan indoor, tenis, bilyard, play ground indoor dan outdoor, basket, bbq, cas mobil listrik, tunnel akses langsung ke mall PIM1, PIM2, PIM3
- Additional Info: # PROMO BULAN INI :
- Selling Price:
- Rental Price: $3500 – $4500 / MONTH
- Contact: Ardiyan – Inhouse PIR 087887154906
- WhatsApp: 087887154906
- E-mail: ardiyansyah.pondokindah@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Pondok Indah Residences Jakarta Selatan – 3 BR Full Furnished 179 sqm
- Apartment Name: Pondok Indah Residences
- Location: Jl. Kartika Utama, Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Amala / High floor
- Size: 179 m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 3
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full Furnished
- Facility: Olympic swimming Pool, Covered Pool, Kids Pool, Children’s Playground, Tennis Courts, Multi-Purpose Area, Gym, Jogging Track, Reserved Parking, ATM, Pharmacy
- Additional Info: Walking distance to PIM 2, PIM 1 & street gallery and connected to office tower with underground tunnel (Future Development of Tunnel and Sky Bridge Pedestrians ), Close to JIS (Jakarta International School ), Raffles, Pondok Indah Hospital, supermarkets, shops, sport leisure, golf, water park, hotels, office tower.
- Selling Price: Rp 10 M include PPN
- Contact:
- Gabriel.f 0819831001
- Francezka 082211050550
- WhatsApp: 0819831001
- E-mail: gabe.Propertindo@gmail.com
GOOD OFFERS !!! Jual / Sewa Apartemen PONDOK INDAH RESIDENCE – 1 BR / 2 BR / 3 BR Fully Furnished & Good Condition 081210771557
- Apartment Name: Pondok Indah Residence (PIR)?
- Location: Jl. Kartika Utama, Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan 12310
- Tower/Floor/View: Maya, Kartika, Amala / all floor / pool and City view
- Size: 80 / 110 / 134 / 159 / 179 m2
- Bedroom: 1/2/3
- Bathroom: 1/2/3
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Facility:
- Security: 24-hour Security and Receptionist, CCTV, Comfortable & Private Lobby, Double Private Lift, Card access to units and facilities, Private indoor Parking, Parking Access Card.
- Sports: Olympic Swimming pool, Covered Pool, Children pool, Jogging Track, Tennis court, Fitness center, Sauna, Jacuzzi.
- Entertainment: Children playground, Function room, BBQ area, Garden.
- Additional Info:
- An exclusive high-rise Apartment tower in South Jakarta
- Walking distance to PIM 2, PIM 1 & street gallery and connected to office tower with underground tunnel (future development of tunnel and sky bridge pedestrians)
- Close to JIS (Jakarta International School ), Raffles, Pondok Indah Hospital, supermarkets, shops, sport leisure, golf, water park, hotels, office tower
- We have some units for rent or sale in Pondok Indah Residence, please call me for more details.
- If you have a unit in Pondok Indah Residences for Sell or Rent, Please let me know and i will help to market it.
- Selling Price:
- Tower Maya :
- 1 BR (80 m²)Rp 3.700.000.000,- (NETT)
- 2 BR (110 m²) Starting From IDR 5.800.000.000,-
- 2+1 BR (134 m²) Corner Starting From IDR 7.300.000.000,-
- Tower Kartika :
- 3 BR(159 m²)Rp. 7.700.000.000,- (NETT)
- 3 BR (179 m²)Rp,- (NETT)
- Tower Amala :
- 3 BR( 156 m²) Starting From IDR 8.500.000.000,-
- 3 BR (176 m²) Starting From IDR 9.500.000.000,-
- Unit Penthouse
- 4 BR (337 m²) Starting From IDR,-
- Tower Maya :
- Rental Price:
- 1 Bedroom : $ 1,300 – 1,500 / month
- 2 Bedroom : $ 2,000 – 2,300 / month
- 3 Bedroom : $ 3,000 – 3,500 / month
- Contact: 081210771557 (for Schedule)
We also accept Apartment/Landed house/Commercial Ruko/Office Tower/Land listing for Buy/Sell/Rent/Invest.” around SOUTH JAKARTA at gandaria & iskandar muda street - WhatsApp: 081210771557
- E-mail: supreme_master889@yahoo.com
SUPER MURAH!! Dijual Apartemen PONDOK INDAH RESIDENCE / PONDOK INDAH RESIDENCE Jaksel 3BR FF Luas 159m2 @ 7.7 M & 178m2 @ 8M Mr. SUPREME 081210771557
- Apartment Name: Pondok Indah Residence / Pondok Indah Residences (PIR)?
- Location: Jl. Kartika Utama, Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Maya / Kartika / Amala
- Size: 159 /179 m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully Furnished, Double private lift
- Facility:
- Swimming Pool, Covered Pool, Kids Pool, Children’s Playground, Tennis Courts, Multi-Purpose Area, Gym, Jogging Track, Reserved Parking, ATM, Pharmacy and Walking distance to PIM 3,. PIM 2, PIM 1 & street gallery and connected to office tower with underground tunnel and Sky Bridge Pedestrians
- Close to Hotel intercontinental, JIS (Jakarta International School), Raffles, Pondok Indah Hospital, supermarkets, shops, sport leisure, golf, water park, hotels, office tower.
- Additional Info:
Please call me 0812-1077-1557 for more details. If you have a unit in another apartment, I can help you to rent/sale it
- Selling Price:
- 3BR 159 sqm 7.7 M (SUPER DEAL MURAH)
- 3 BR 179 sqm 10M Tower Amala (VERY GOOD DEAL)
- 2 BR 80 sqm 3.7 M (NETT)
- Other units at Tower Maya:
- 1 BR (80 m2) Starting From Rp
- 2 BR (110 m2) Starting From Rp 5.800.000.000
- 2+1 BR (134 m2) Corner Starting From Rp 7.300.000.000
- Tower Kartika:3 BR (159 m2) Starting From Rp 8.300.000.000
- 3 BR (179 m2) Starting From Rp 9.300.000.000
- Tower Amala:
- 3 BR (156 m2) Starting From Rp 8.500.000.000
- 3 BR (176 m2) Starting From Rp 9.500.000.000
- Unit Penthouse 4 BR (337 m2) Starting From Rp
- Rental Price:
- 2 BR (157 m²) Starting From $ 2,000 – $ 2,900/month
- 2+1 BR (195m²) Starting From $ 3,000 – $ 3,400/month
- 3 BR (225 m²) Starting From $ 3,500 – $ 4,000/month
- 3+1 BR (288 m²) Starting From $ 4,300 – $ 5,000/month
- Contact:
Whatsapp : +62812 1077 1557
for more listings BELOW MARKET PRICE!If you have any property to sell or rent, please don’t hesitate to contact me!
WhatsApp +62812 1077 1557 - WhatsApp: 081210771557
- E-mail: supreme_master889@yahoo.com
APARTEMENT PONDOK INDAH Residence DIJUAL / DISEWAKAN 1 Bedroom / 2 Bedroom / 3 Bedroom, PENTHOUSE Pondok Indah – Kebayoran Lama Jakarta Selatan
- Apartment Name: Pondok Indah Residence
- Location: Jl. Kartika Utama, Pondok Indah, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Maya / Kartika / Amala – View : pool / city
- Size: 85 / 110 / 156 / 159 / 176 / 179 m2
- Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4+1
- Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
- Maid Room: 1 for 2 bedroom and 2 for 3 bedroom
- Maid Bathroom: 1 for 2 bedroom and 3 for 3 Bedroon
- Condition: Semi Furnish and Full Furnish
- Facility:
- Swimming Pool, Covered Pool, Kids Pool, Children’s Playground, Tennis Courts, Multi-Purpose Area, Gym, Jogging Track, Reserved Parking, ATM, Pharmacy and Walking distance to PIM 3, PIM 2, PIM 1 & street gallery and connected to office tower with underground tunnel and Sky Bridge Pedestrians
- Close to Hotel intercontinental, JIS (Jakarta International School ), Raffles, Pondok Indah Hospital, supermarkets, shops, sport leisure, golf, water park, hotels, office tower.
- Additional Info:
- We have some units for rent in Pondok Indah Residence, please call me for more info.
- If you have unit in Pondok Indah Residences for Sell or Rent, please let me know i can help you to market it.
- Selling Price:
- Tower Maya
- 1 BR 80 sqm Rp
- 2 BR 110 sqm Rp 6.400.000.000
- Tower Kartika
- 3 BR 159 sqm Rp 7.900.000.000
- 3 BR 178 sqm Rp 9.500.000.000
- Tower Amala
- 3 BR 156 sqm Rp 8.400.000.000
- 3 BR 176 sqm Rp 9.500.000.000
- Unit penthouse 4+1 BR 337 sqm Rp
- The price is negotiable. Please call me
- Tower Maya
- Contact: Murray 0819 3203 1119
- WhatsApp: 081932031119
- E-mail: murrayjobs777@gmail.com