- Apartment Name: Branz Mega Kuningan
- Location: Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower KITA / 12-44 / SCBD, Mega Kuningan, Sudirman, Swimming Pool
- Size: 33 m2, 61 m2, 63 m2, 74 m2, 80 m2,89 m2, 136 m2
- Bedroom: Studio, 1, 2 dan 3 BR
- Bathroom: 1 s/d 2
- Study Room: 1
- Maid Room: 1 (in 2 BR and 3 BR unit)
- Maid Bathroom: 1 (in 2 BR and 3 BR unit)
- Condition: Semi Furnished
- Facility: Swimming Pool, Jacuzzi, Fitness Gym, Sauna, Function Room, Sky Lounge, Cafe
- Additional Info: Apartemen sudah topping off (tutup atap) di bulan September 2023 kemarin dan akan serah terima unit di Desember 2024. BRANZ Mega Kuningan adalah Apartemen dengan konsep dan kualitas Jepang. Developer Terpercaya asal Jepang yaitu, Tokyu Land. Dan kontraktor terbaik asal Jepang, Shimizu.
- Selling Price: (exclude PPN) :
- Studio : Start from Rp 1.824.000.000
- 1 BR : Start from Rp
- 2 BR : Start from Rp 3.834.000.000
- 3 BR : Start from Rp 5.863.000.000
- Pilihan Pembayaran :
- Tunai Keras
- Cicilan ke Developer
- Easy Payment / Custom Payment (menyesuaikan budget yang ingin customer keluarkan setiap bulannya, minimal 8 JT)
- Hubungi saya untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut, video unit, harga dan promo terbaik.
- Rental Price:
- Studio 15 juta
- 1 BR 25 juta
- 2 BR 35 juta
- 3 BR 50 juta
- Contact: YENI Marketing Official BRANZ 0853 5257 8796
- WhatsApp: 085352578796
Jual Apartemen Branz Mega Kuningan Langsung Pemilik Tanpa Perantara Murah
Jual Apartemen BRANZ Mega Kuningan – Studio, 1BR, 2BR & 3BR – Start from 1,7 M Cicil Langsung ke Developer s/d Desember 2025 Cicilan Start from 8 Juta
- Apartment Name: BRANZ Mega Kuningan
- Location: Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower KITA / 12-44 / SCBD, Mega Kuningan, Sudirman, Swimming Pool
- Size: 33 m2, 61 m2, 63 m2, 74 m2, 80 m2,89 m2, 136 m2
- Bedroom: Studio, 1, 2 dan 3 BR
- Bathroom: 1 s/d 2
- Study Room: 1
- Maid Room: 1 (in 2 BR and 3 BR unit)
- Maid Bathroom: 1 (in 2 BR and 3 BR unit)
- Condition: Semi Furnished
- Facility: Swimming Pool, Jacuzzi, Fitness Gym, Sauna, Function Room, Sky Lounge, Cafe
- Additional Info: Apartemen sudah topping off (tutup atap) di bulan September 2023 kemarin dan akan serah terima unit di Desember 2024. BRANZ Mega Kuningan adalah Apartemen dengan konsep dan kualitas Jepang. Developer Terpercaya asal Jepang yaitu, Tokyu Land. Dan kontraktor terbaik asal Jepang, Shimizu.
- Selling Price: (exclude PPN) :
- Studio : Start from Rp 1.824.000.000
- 1 BR : Start from Rp
- 2 BR : Start from Rp 3.834.000.000
- 3 BR : Start from Rp 5.863.000.000
- Pilihan Pembayaran :
• Tunai Keras
• Cicilan ke Developer
• Easy Payment / Custom Payment (menyesuaikan budget yang ingin customer keluarkan setiap bulannya, minimal 8 JT) - Hubungi saya untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut, video unit, harga dan promo terbaik.
- Rental Price:
- Studio 15 juta
- 1 BR 25 juta
- 2 BR 35 juta
- 3 BR 50 juta
- Contact: YENI Marketing Official BRANZ 0853 5257 8796
- WhatsApp: 085352578796
Jual Apartemen BRANZ Mega Kuningan – Unit Studio, 1 BR, 2 BR dan 3BR – Start from 1,7 M – Bisa Cicil Langsung ke Developer s/d Desember 2025 – Cicilan Start from 8 Juta
- Apartment Name: BRANZ Mega Kuningan
- Location: Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower KITA / 12-44 / SCBD, Mega Kuningan, Sudirman, Swimming Pool
- Size: 33 m2, 61 m2, 63 m2, 74 m2, 80 m2,89 m2, 136 m2
- Bedroom: Studio, 1, 2 dan 3 BR
- Bathroom: 1 s/d 2
- Study Room: 1
- Maid Room: 1 (in 2 BR and 3 BR unit)
- Maid Bathroom: 1 (in 2 BR and 3 BR unit)
- Condition: Semi Furnished
- Facility: Swimming Pool, Jacuzzi, Fitness Gym, Sauna, Function Room, Sky Lounge, Cafe
- Additional Info: Apartemen sudah topping off (tutup atap) di bulan September 2023 kemarin dan akan serah terima unit di Desember 2024. BRANZ Mega Kuningan adalah Apartemen dengan konsep dan kualitas Jepang. Developer Terpercaya asal Jepang yaitu, Tokyu Land. Dan kontraktor terbaik asal Jepang, Shimizu.
- Selling Price: (exclude PPN) :
- Studio : Start from Rp 1.824.000.000
- 1 BR : Start from Rp
- 2 BR : Start from Rp 3.834.000.000
- 3 BR : Start from Rp 5.863.000.000
- Pilihan Pembayaran :
- Tunai Keras
- Cicilan ke Developer
- Easy Payment / Custom Payment (menyesuaikan budget yang ingin customer keluarkan setiap bulannya, minimal 8 Juta)
- Hubungi saya untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut, video unit, harga dan promo terbaik.
- Rental Price:
- Studio 15 juta
- 1 BR 25 juta
- 2 BR 35 juta
- 3 BR 50 juta
- Contact: YENI Marketing Official BRANZ 0853 5257 8796
- WhatsApp: 085352578796
- E-mail: yeni_apriyanti@tokyu-land.co.id
Dijual Apartment Branz Mega Kuningan di CBD Mega Kuningan – Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Branz Mega Kuningan
- Location: CBD Mega Kuningan
- Tower/Floor/View: South, north, east, west. 12-88
- Size: 33, 61, 80, 89, 136 m2
- Bedroom: Studio,1BR, 2BR, 3BR
- Bathroom: 1-2
- Study Room: 1 ( unit tertentu)
- Maid Room: 1 ( 2BR Luxury & 3BR )
- Maid Bathroom: 1 ( 2BR Luxury & 3BR )
- Condition: Semi furnished ( AC, Wardrobe, Kitchen set )
- Facility: Swimming pool, Gym, Sauna, Jacuzzi, Supermarket, Cafe, Resto dan masih banyak lagi
- Additional Info:
- Branz Mega Kuningan berada dilokasi premium yang terletak di CBD Mega Kuningan di kelilingi banyak perkantoran, embassy, pusat perbelanjaan, hotel, sekolah, universitas dll.
- Cara bayar : Cash keras, KPA dan Easy Payment ( cicilan start 8jt/bulan sd Desember 2025 )
- Developer by Tokyu Land Indonesia
- Kontraktor by Shimizu
Serah terima DESEMBER 2024
- Selling Price:
Studio 1.8M
1BR start 3-4M
2BR start 4-5M
2BR Luxury 6M
3BR 7M
Exc Ppn - Contact: Dapatkan harga terbaik saat visit Show unit kami di Gedung Noble House Lantai 33
Appointment hub : Kholid - WhatsApp: 08559895958
- E-mail: kholidilhami0813@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen BRANZ Mega Kuningan – Studio, 1BR, 2BR dan 3BR Start from 1,7 M – Bisa Cicil ke Developer s/d Desember 2025 – Cicilan Start from 8 Juta
- Location: Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower KITA / 12-44 / SCBD, Mega Kuningan, Sudirman, Swimming Pool
- Size: 33 m2, 61 m2, 63 m2, 74 m2, 80 m2,89 m2, 136 m2
- Bedroom: Studio, 1, 2 dan 3 BR
- Bathroom: 1 s/d 2
- Study Room: 1
- Maid Room: 1 (in 2 BR and 3 BR unit)
- Maid Bathroom: 1 (in 2 BR and 3 BR unit)
- Condition: Semi Furnished
- Facility: Swimming Pool, Jacuzzi, Fitness Gym, Sauna, Function Room, Sky Lounge, Cafe
- Additional Info: Apartemen sudah topping off (tutup atap) di bulan September 2023 kemarin dan akan serah terima unit di Desember 2024. BRANZ Mega Kuningan adalah Apartemen dengan konsep dan kualitas Jepang. Developer Terpercaya asal Jepang yaitu, Tokyu Land. Dan kontraktor terbaik asal Jepang, Shimizu.
- Selling Price: (exclude PPN) :
- Studio : Start from Rp 1.824.000.000
- 1 BR : Start from Rp
- 2 BR : Start from Rp 3.834.000.000
- 3 BR : Start from Rp 5.863.000.000
- Pilihan Pembayaran :
- Tunai Keras
- Cicilan ke Developer
- Easy Payment / Custom Payment (menyesuaikan budget yang ingin customer keluarkan setiap bulannya, minimal 8 JT)
- Hubungi saya untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut, video unit, harga dan promo terbaik.
- Rental Price:
- Studio 15 juta
- 1 BR 25 juta
- 2 BR 35 juta
- 3 BR 50 juta
- Contact: YENI Marketing Official BRANZ 0853 5257 8796
- WhatsApp: 085352578796
Jual Apartemen BRANZ Mega Kuningan Start from 1,7 M – Studio, 1BR, 2BR & 3BR – Bisa Cicil ke Developer s/d September 2026 Cicilan Start from 8 Juta
- Apartment Name: BRANZ Mega Kuningan
- Location: Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower KITA / 12-44 / SCBD, Mega Kuningan, Sudirman, Swimming Pool
- Size: 33 m2, 61 m2, 63 m2, 74 m2, 80 m2,89 m2, 136 m2
- Bedroom: Studio, 1, 2 dan 3 BR
- Bathroom: 1 s/d 2
- Study Room: 1
- Maid Room: 1 (in 2 BR and 3 BR unit)
- Maid Bathroom: 1 (in 2 BR and 3 BR unit)
- Condition: Semi Furnished
- Facility: Swimming Pool, Jacuzzi, Fitness Gym, Sauna, Function Room, Sky Lounge, Cafe
- Additional Info: Apartemen akan topping off di bulan September 2023 dan serah terima unit di Desember 2024. BRANZ Mega Kuningan adalah Apartemen dengan konsep dan kualitas Jepang. Developernya PT. Tokyu Land Indonesia dan kontraktornya Shimizu (semuanya berasal dari Jepang).
- Selling Price:
- Studio : Start from Rp 1.824.000.000
- 1 BR : Start from Rp
- 2 BR : Start from Rp 3.305.000.000
- 3 BR : Start from Rp 5.713.000.000
- Pilihan Pembayaran :
- Tunai Keras
- Cicilan ke Developer
- Easy Payment / Custom Payment (menyesuaikan budget yang ingin customer keluarkan setiap bulannya, minimal 8 Juta)
- Hubungi saya untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut, video unit, harga dan promo terbaik.
- Rental Price: Rp 13 Juta s/d 25 Juta tergantung furniture
- Contact: YENI Marketing Official BRANZ 0853 5257 8796
- WhatsApp: 085352578796
- E-mail: yeni_apriyanti@tokyu-land.co.id
Jual Apartemen BRANZ Mega Kuningan – Studio, 1BR, 2BR & 3BR – Start from 1,7 M – Bisa Cicil ke Developer s/d September 2026 Cicilan Start from 8 Juta
- Apartment Name: BRANZ?Mega Kuningan
- Location: Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower KITA / 12-44 / SCBD, Mega Kuningan, Sudirman, Swimming Pool
- Size: 33 m2, 61 m2, 63 m2, 74 m2, 80 m2,89 m2, 136 m2
- Bedroom: Studio, 1, 2 dan 3 BR
- Bathroom: 1 s/d 2
- Study Room: 1
- Maid Room: 1 (in 2 BR and 3 BR unit)
- Maid Bathroom: 1 (in 2 BR and 3 BR unit)
- Condition: Semi Furnished
- Facility: Swimming Pool, Jacuzzi, Fitness Gym, Sauna, Function Room, Sky Lounge, Cafe
- Additional Info: Apartemen akan topping off di bulan September 2023 dan serah terima unit di Desember 2024. BRANZ Mega Kuningan adalah Apartemen dengan konsep dan kualitas Jepang. Developernya PT. Tokyu Land Indonesia dan kontraktornya Shimizu (semuanya berasal dari Jepang)
- Selling Price:
- Studio : Start from Rp 1.824.000.000
- 1 BR : Start from Rp
- 2 BR : Start from Rp 3.305.000.000
- 3 BR : Start from Rp 5.713.000.000
- Pilihan Pembayaran :
- Tunai Keras
- Cicilan ke Developer
- Easy Payment / Custom Payment (menyesuaikan budget yang ingin customer keluarkan setiap bulannya, minimal 8 Juta)
- Hubungi saya untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut, video unit, harga dan promo terbaik.
- Rental Price: 13 Juta s/d 25 Juta tergantung furniture
- Contact: YENI Marketing Official BRANZ 0853 5257 8796
- WhatsApp: 085352578796
- E-mail: yeni_apriyanti@tokyu-land.co.id
Jual Apartemen Branz Mega Kuningan – Unit Studio, 1 Bedroom, 2 Bedroom dan 3 Bedroom di Jakarta Selatan
- Apartment Name: Branz Mega Kuningan
- Location: Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Ada beberapa pilihan unit dan view, pilih unit terbaikmu
- Size: 33 m2 / 61 m2 / 89 m2 / 136 m2
- Bedroom: Studio / 1 / 2 / 3
- Bathroom: 1 or 2
- Study Room: 1
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Semi Furnished, untuk detail informasi silahkan chat melalui whatsapp untuk kita kirim brosur lengkapnya.
- Facility: Swimming Pool, Jacuzzi, Sauna, Fitness Gym, Yoga Studio, Cafe, Function Room, Sky Deck, Sky Lounge, Cafe.
Branz Mega Kuningan adalah apartment dari Jepang, miliki apartment dengan kwalitas terbaik.
Japanese Developer : PT. Tokyu Land Indonesia.
Contractor : Simizhu (All Japanese Perfection). - Selling Price:
- Pilihan unit yang tersedia :
- Studio : SOLD OUT
- 1 Bedroom : Chat pasti dapat Harga Terbaik
- 2 Bedroom : Chat pasti dapat Harga Terbaik
- 3 Bedroom : Chat pasti dapat Harga Terbaik
- Pilihan Pembayaran :
- Tunai Keras
- Cicilan ke Developer
- Easy Payment / Custom Payment
- Dapatkan harga dan promo terbaik dari team marketing in-house Branz Mega Kuningan, Whatsapp kami untuk Brosur dan Promo terbaru.
- Pilihan unit yang tersedia :
- Contact: Team Marketing Official Branz Mega Kuningan
- WhatsApp: 08127779639
- E-mail: rohman.h@tokyu-land.co.id
Dijual Apartemen BRANZ MEGA KUNINGAN Jakarta Selatan – Size 1BR / 2BR / 3BR SEMI FURNISHED BRAND NEW
- Apartment Name: Branz Mega Kuningan
- Location: Jl. Kuningan Barat Raya, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: KITA/ Low, Middle, High
- Size: 33 /61 / 63 / 74 / 80 / 89 / 136 m2
- Bedroom: 1/2/3
- Bathroom: 1/2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Semi-Furnished
- Kitchen Set by Franke
- Sanitary by Toto
- Wardrobe
- AC by Panasonic/Daikin
- Marble
- Water Purifier
- Water Heater
- Intercom by Panasonic
- Facility:
- Grand Lobby, Commercial Area
- Swimming Pool, Water Forest
- Yoga Studio, Sky Deck
- Jacuzzi, Sauna, Gym
- Sky Lounge, Restaurant, Cafe
- Dedicated Parking Lot
- Function Room.
- Additional Info:
- Developer: PT. Tokyu Land Indonesia
- Contractor: Simizhu Corporation
- All Japanese Company
- Pet Friendly Apartment
- Location In Office Area (Central Bussines Distric Mega Kuningan)
- Near Embassy (Malaysia, China, Thailand, Brunei, Netherland, Etc.)
- Near Hospital (EMC, Siloam Hospital, Ciputra Healt Care, Etc.)
- Near Mall (Lotte Shoping Avnenue, Kuningan City, Pacific Place, Etc.)
- Selling Price:
- LOW Zone
- Studio start : Rp 1,7 Milyar
- 1 BR start : Rp 3 Milyar
- 2 BR start : Rp 3,3 Milyar
- 1 BR start : Rp 3,1 M sd 4,2 M
- 2 BR start : Rp 3,6 M sd 4,9 M
- 3 BR Start : Rp 5,7 M sd 6,5 M
- Harga EXCL PPN
- LOW Zone
- Contact: BETTY
Coldwell Banker Real Estate KR
NOTE : Terima Titip Jual Property Rumah, Apartemen, Office Space, Kantor, Ruko, Tanah, Gedung dll - WhatsApp: 0811170635
- E-mail: linglingkrproperty@gmail.com
Dijual Apartemen Branz Mega Kuningan Setiabudi Jakarta Selatan – 1 BR 3BR Semi Furnished / Brand New
- Apartment Name: Branz Mega Kuningan
- Location: Mega Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: –
- Size: 33 /61 / 63 / 74 / 80 / 89 / 136 m2
- Bedroom: 1 /2 /3
- Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Semi Furnished
- Kitchen Stove by Franke
- Sanitary by Toto
- Wardrobe
- Floor in Living and Dining Room: Marble
- Floor in Bedrooms: Wood vinyl flooring
- Floor in Bathroom: Porcelain
- Facility:
- Grand Lobby
- Commercial Area
- Function Room
- Fitness Center
- Yoga Studio
- Sky Lounge
- Sky Deck
- Swimming Pool
- Jacuzzi
- Sauna
- Cafe
- Dedicated Parking Lot
- Additional Info:
- All Japan Quality Apartment
- Located in CBD Mega Kuningan, the Golden Triangle of Jakarta
- Excellent location that close to High Way, MRT, and LRT
- Near to many Office Building, Retail (Shopping Area), Hospital
- Selling Price: Start from Rp. 1,8 Billion
(Hard Cash / Installment / Balloon / Easy Payment) - Contact: Irene 0818660733
- WhatsApp: 0818660733
- E-mail: irene@abieproperty.com
Jual Apartemen Branz Mega Kuningan Jakarta Selatan – Unit Studio / 1 / 2 / 3 Bedroom Semi Furnished
- Apartment Name: Branz Mega Kuningan
- Location: Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Apartmen baru, ada beberapa pilihan unit dan view.
- Size: 33 m2 / 61 m2 / 89 m2 / 136 m2
- Bedroom: Studio / 1BR / 2BR / 3BR
- Bathroom: 1 or 2
- Condition: Semi Furnished.
- Facility: Everything you want is here, call or whatsapp for details.
- Additional Info: Japanese Developer : PT. Tokyu Land Indonesia & Japanese Contractor : Simizhu (All Japanese Perfection).
- Selling Price:
- Pilihan unit yang tersedia :
- Studio : SOLD OUT
- 1 Bedroom : Mulai dari 3,6 Milyar
- 2 Bedroom : Mulai dari 4,3 Milyar
- 3 Bedroom : Mulai dari 6,6 Milyar
- Semua harga sudah termasuk Pajak 11%
- Pilihan Pembayaran :
- Tunai Keras
- Cicilan ke Developer
- Easy Payment / Custom Payment
Whatsapp kami untuk Brosur dan Promo terbaru.
- Pilihan unit yang tersedia :
- Contact: Sales Branz Mega Kuningan Apartmen
- WhatsApp: 08127779639
- E-mail: rohman.h@tokyu-land.co.id
Dijual Apartemen Branz Mega Kuningan Setiabudi Jakarta Selatan – 1BR – 3BR SEMI FURNISHED / Brand New
- Apartment Name: Branz Mega Kuningan
- Location: Jl. Kuningan Barat Raya, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower KITA / Any Floor
- Size: 33 /61 / 63 / 74 / 80 / 89 / 136 m2
- Bedroom: 1 – 3
- Bathroom: 1 – 3
- Study Room: 1
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Semi Furnished
- Kitchen Stove by Franke
- Sanitary by Toto
- Wardrobe
- Floor in Living and Dining Room: Marble
- Floor in Bedrooms: Wood vinyl flooring
- Floor in Bathroom: Porcelain
- Facility:
- Grand Lobby
- Commercial Area
- Function Room
- Fitness Center
- Yoga Studio
- Sky Lounge
- Sky Deck
- Swimming Pool
- Jacuzzi
- Sauna
- Cafe
- Dedicated Parking Lot
- Additional Info:
- All Japan Quality Apartment
- Located in CBD Mega Kuningan, the Golden Triangle of Jakarta
- Excellent location that close to High Way, MRT, and LRT
- Near to many Office Building, Retail (Shopping Area), Hospital
- Selling Price: Start from Rp. 1,8 Billion
(Hard Cash / Installment / Balloon / Easy Payment) - Contact: ICHA
Phone: 08111865599
Instagram: @cavaproperty / @ tadaproperty - WhatsApp: 08111865599
- E-mail: admin@cavaproperty.com