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Apartment Name: Sentul Tower
Location: Sentul City
Tower/Floor/View: Tower A / Lt. 7
Size: 27 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: furnished
Facility: Public pool
Additional Info:
Selling Price: Rp 400.000.000
Contact: 081806211787
WhatsApp: 081806211787
Apartment Name: Dramaga Tower Apartemen
Location: IPB Dramaga Bogor
Tower/Floor/View: lantai 16 no. 21 dan no.22
Size: 21 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Unfurnished
Facility: Lift, parkir area, security 24jam
Additional Info: Masih PPJB, bisa berjalan kaki ke kampus IPB Dramaga
Selling Price: Rp 250 Juta Nego
Contact: +62 813-1111-3892
WhatsApp: 6281311113892
Apartment Name: Podomoro Golf View
Location: Jl. Raya Bojong Nangka, Bojong Nangka, Kec. Gn. Putri, Bogor, Jawa Barat 16457. Exit Tol Cimanggis cuma 50-100 m.
Tower/Floor/View: Tower Balsa / 12 / view Golf (lepas menghadap tol)
Size: 21 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: New & Unfurnished
Lokasi yang sangat strategis, 50-100m dari pintu keluar / masuk tol Cimanggis. Dekat ke Cibubur, Depok ataupun Bogor
Podomoro Bike Track
Di sekitaran beberapa lapangan golf (Esmeralda Golf Club, Riverside Golf Club, Bukit Golf Riverside)
Commercial area, resto, cafe utk hang out di sepanjang sungai Cikeas
Shuttle bus, utk membantu Anda agar lebih praktis dalam berpergian
Dekat dengan perencanaan LRT Shelter
Additional Info:
Sudah termasuk BPHTB senilai 11.4juta. Harga tertera harga bersih, biaya balik nama dan administrasi ditanggung oleh pembeli.
Khusus pembayaran CASH.
Pemilik langsung
Selling Price: Rp 209.000.000 Nett *Biaya pengalihan unit dan pajak ditanggung penjual
Contact: WA only: 081280101079
WhatsApp: 081280101079
Apartment Name: Podomoro Golf View
Location: Cimanggis, Depok
Tower/Floor/View: Tower Dahoma lantai 10
Size: 36 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Semi furnish
Commercial area, resto dan cafe untuk hang-out di sepanjang sungai Cikeas.
Children playground, modern market, taman dan area berkumpul bagi keluarga.
Shuttle bus, untuk membantu Anda agar lebih praktis dalam bepergian.
Jogging track dan Lapangan badminton.
Additional Info: Jual plus isinya
Selling Price: Rp 450 juta
Contact: Susi 081510310098
WhatsApp: 081510310098
Apartment Name: Bogor Icon
Location: Bogor
Tower/Floor/View: Alpine / 7 / View City, Swiming pool & Mountain
Size: 26,45 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Study Room: 1
Apartemen Unfurnished, Ready Stock Siap Huni. Terkoneksi dgn Hotel Bogor Icon Fasilitas hotel dapat dipergunakan oleh Pemilik Apartemen. Dengan booking 10 juta saja anda sudah mendapatkan Apartemen ready Stock dan siap huni.
Unit Premium terhubung dgn Hotel Bogor Icon.
Apartemen Bogor Icon terkoneksi dengan Hotel Horison Bogor Icon, Fasilitas Hotel Bogor Icon dapat dipergunakan oleh Pemilik Apartemen.
Kolam renang
Jogging Track
Access Card
Security dan CCTV 24 jam
Shuttle bus to Airport Soeta
Selangkah ke Exit Toll Borr
Selangkah ke Mall, Sekolah, Universitas.
Additional Info:
Untuk Bapak/Ibu ketahui secara konsep pemilihan asset property dgn rencana peruntukkan hunian ataupun Investasi terletak kata kuncinya adalah : Lokasi/akses, Fasilitas, design bangunan, lingkungan dan harga.
Sementara kami Project Bogor Icon Mixed Use Concept dan Residence 28 telah memiliki itu semua.
Yang tidak kalah satu hal yang sangat penting perlu Bapak/Ibu pertimbangkan adalah momen yg tepat untuk saatnya Bapak/Ibu memutuskan membeli asset tersebut dalam berinvestasi.
Tersedia Suttle Bus ke Bandara Soekarno-Hatta
In / Out Tol Bogor Outer Ring Road
Selling Price: Studio Starts From Rp. 675.000.000
Rental Price:
Type Studio= Rp 4.000.000/bulan
Type Studio= Rp 40.000.000/tahun
Type 2 BR= Rp 7.000.000/bulan
Type 2 BR= Rp 70.000.000/tahun
Contact: Call / chat for more info and extra promo 0896-6718-3361
WhatsApp: 089667183361
Apartment Name: Podomoro Golf View – Cimanggis
Location: Jl. Bojong Nangka Tapos Depok
Tower/Floor/View: Tower Cordia / Lantai 6
Size: 36 m2
Bedroom: 2 (ada 2 unit)
Bathroom: 1
Ruang Tamu
View Golf
View Golf
Shopping Center
Masjid At Thohir
SD Karekter Podomoro
Riverside Golf
Akses LRT
Akses Tol Cimanggis
Additional Info: Langsung AJB nama Pembeli
Selling Price: Rp 325 Juta / Unit (Nego sampai Deal !!)
Contact: More Info : WA 081517858399 – 08119075656
WhatsApp: 081517858399
Apartment Name: Podomoro Golf View
Location: Exit tol Jagorawi km 19, Cimanggis Depok
Tower/Floor/View: Tower Cordia / Lantai 18 No. 2 / View Jagorawi
Size: 35 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Full Furnished
Lobby Bintang 5
Taman bermain anak
Jogging track
Bike Track
Masjid Viral At Thohir
Food Truck Bazaar
Shuttle Bus/Stasiun MRT
Additional Info: Samping stasiun LRT
Selling Price: Rp 395 juta
Rental Price: Rp 2 juta / bulan Minimal sewa 3 bulan
Contact: 08999777111
WhatsApp: 08999777111
Apartment Name: Podomoro Golf View
Location: Jln. Raya Bojong Nangka, Bojong Nangka, Gunung Putri, Bogor 16963
Tower/Floor/View: Dahoma/16/south
Size: 2 x 35 m2
Bedroom: 2 x 2
Bathroom: 2 x 1
Condition: Brand new, unfurnished
At Thahir mosque (masjid)
Direct toll road access (Cimanggis toll gate).
Commercial area at theentrance.
Modern market
Restaurant and cafe area facilities for family hang-outs along the Cikeas river.
Children playground.
Park and gathering area.
Jogging track and badminton court.
Car port
Water & Electricity
Shuttle bus.
Surrounded by green area, 3 golf courses and Cikeas river.
Gunadarma University and Character School
Additional Info: Paid off, no more installment
Selling Price: Rp 990 milliion, 2 units
Contact: Indah Kuswardani 08123010511 (Call and WA)
WhatsApp: 08123010511
Apartment Name: Podomoro Golf View
Location: Jl. Raya Bojong Nangka, Bojong Nangka, Kec. Gn. Putri, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16963
Tower/Floor/View: Dahoma / View GOLF
Size: – m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Unfurnished
Facility: Restoran, cafe, minimarket, convention hall, meeting room, CCTV, security 24 jam, mesjid, stasiun LRT, sekolah, pusat bisnis dan lifestyle, jogging track
Additional Info:
Bisa langsung AJB
Pinggir jalan tol, tidak macet 30 menit ke Jakarta.
Ada stasiun LRT
Selling Price: Rp 450 juta / nego
Contact: Hub : Sandra (08118003920)
WhatsApp: 08118003920
Apartment Name: Podomoro Golf View
Location: Cimanggis, Depok
Tower/Floor/View: Dahoma / 05 / City
Size: 35 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Full Furnished
Spring Bed 160×200 at Main Bedroom
Spring Bed 100 x 200 at 2nd Bedroom
Full set Wardrobe at Main and 2nd Bedroom
Working Table at Main and 2nd Bedroom
2 Air Conditioner (1 unit at Living room and 1 unit at Main Bedroom)
1 Exhaust Fan
Sofa and TV Table
1 unit TV
1 unit Refrigerator
1 unit Dispenser
Kitchen set with sink, stoves and cooker hood
Bathroom (Shower)
LRT Station to Jakarta
Commuter/shuttle bus to Jakarta business area
At-Thohir Mosque
Nearby Jagorawi Toll Exit KM 19 (only 100m)
Wide access road
Spacious Car Parking Area
Commercial areas
Restaurant and Cafes
Children playground
Park, Jogging Track, and gathering area
Water & Electricity
Located nearby prominent Golf Courses (Emeralda Golf Club, Riverside Golf Club, Jagorawi Golf and Country Club)
Security 24hours
Lift access card
Additional Info:
Low Floor Unit
New and Modern Interior
Legality of unit is under PPJB (Perjanjian Pengikatan Jual Beli)
Selling Price: IDR 610 Million (nego)
Rental Price:
IDR 3.5 Million (per month)
IDR 38.5 Million (per year)
Free IPL, Exclude Water and Electricity Bill (paid monthly), Parking, Laundry, etc.
Contact: 081228301700
WhatsApp: 081228301700
Apartment Name: Sentul Tower
Location: Babakan Madang, Bogor
Tower/Floor/View: B/8 Mountain
Size: 44.2 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Standard furnished water heater, AC, kitchen set, ranjang
Facility: Fasilitas:
Kolam renang anak dan dewasa
Jogging track
Basement parking
24 jam security
Additional Info:
Pemandangan bagus, menghadap gunung dan Opus apartment
Suasana nyaman, adem, udara bersih
15 menit ke Aeon Mall
15 menit dari tol Sentul selatan
Bebas macet
Apartemen terdepan
15 menit ke RS EMC
15 menit ke pasar bersih Sentul
Nilai invest per bln 3 jt-7 jt
Dijual cepat
Hub owner
Selling Price: Harga jual Rp 549.000.000 Pemilik baru terima beres Sdh incl semua
Rental Price: 20.jt/thn Diluar IPL Min 2 thn Deposit 5 jt Direfund stlh check out Hrg tahunan Tdk B’s byr bulanan Hrg bulanan 4.5 jt incl ipl Min 3 bln
Contact: 08176000666
WhatsApp: 08176000666
Apartment Name: Podomoro Golf View
Location: JL. Bojong Nangka, Gunung Putri, Bogor, Jawa Barat (100M Exit Tol Cimanggis Km19)
Tower/Floor/View: Tower Dahoma Lt. 15 View City
Size: 21 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Brand New Full furnished
Spring Bed
Kitchen Set
Clothes Cabinet
Dressing Table
Additional Info:
Hanya 100 meter dari Pintu Tol Cimanggis
Dikelilingi 3 Lapangan Golf
Akan Terintegrasi dengan Stasiun LRT
Rumah Ibadah di Kawasan Apartemen (Masjid Besar)
Terdapat Fasilitas Pendidikan:
Sekolah Karakter mulai dari Kindergarten/TK, SMP, dan SMA (sudah beroperasi)
Universitas Gunadharma (on progress)
Lapangan Olahraga
Taman & Area Berkumpul bersama Keluarga
Cafe & Restoran
Kolam Renang
Jogging Track
Fitness Center
Security 24 Jam
Lift Access Card
Area Parkir & Basement yang Luas (Free Parkir untuk Penghuni)
Lingkungan yang Bersih dan Nyaman
Sudah serah terima tetapi sertifikat belum keluar
SIAP HUNI DAN FULLY FURNISHED, datang hanya bawa koper saja.
Selling Price: Rp 300 juta (nego)
Contact: Lydia 087877140485
WhatsApp: 087877140485