Facility: Private access card (akses pribadi), restaurant, 24-hour CCTV and security, convention hall, meeting room, fitness center, swimming pool di setiap tower, pusat bisnis & lifestyle, jogging track, cafe, resto and lounge.
Additional Info:
Apartemen Grand Asia Afrika Residence Bandung, merupakan apartemen yang sangat strategis yang berada di pusat Kota Bandung, dekat area sentral bisnis jalan dan bersejarah yaitu jalan Asia Afrika, di mana banyak area perkantoran dan kantor pusat pemerintahan Lota Bandung. Sangat strategis karena dilalui oleh kendaraan umum 24 jam, dekat dengan Trans Studio Mall, pusat perbelanjaan & Factory Outlet Dago, Cihampelas dan Setiabudhi, dan wisata Lembang.
Lokasinya yang sangat strategis, berada di kawasan sentral area bisnis / perkantoran Jalan Asia Afrika
Dekat akses via Buah batu, Moh Toha & Tol Pasteur / Pasupati, Stasiun KAI Kiara Condong, Stasiun Kota Bandung
Berada dekat Pusat Perbelanjaan Trans Studio Mall, Clik Square Mall, Alun-Alun Kota Bandung, Yogya Dept Store, Kings Store, Bandung Electronik Center, Bandung Indah Plaza, Dago & Factory Outlet
Berada dekat Kawasan Pendidikan : SMA 7 Bandung, SMA 5, SMA 3, SMA 2 Bandung, SMA BPI, Univ Pasundan, UNLA, Likmi Ganesha, STIE Muhammadiyah.
Selling Price: Rp 495.000.000, nego (exclude biaya balik nama / BBN)
Contact: Info lebih lanjut, survey lokasi & konsultasi, please call or WA: Shinta – 081282880243 (fast response)
Tower/Floor/View: Tower A / Lantai 10 unit No.3 / View Gunung
Size: 44.2 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Sudah serah terima unit
View Gunung Pancar.
Status sudah AJB (info. apartment di Indonesia rata2 status masih PPJB).
Masih Baru, belum pernah ditinggali.
Security & CCTV 24 jam.
Resepsionis 24 jam.
Parkir basement.
Kolam renang & rooftop Garden.
Taman bermain
Additional Info:
Harga pasti akan naik pesat sebentar lagi, karena finishing AEON Mall terhambat pandemi saja dan sudah banyak pembangunan baru disekitar seperti IKEA, RS, Mall, Superblok, dst.
Masuk Tol Jakarta dan Tol Bogor sangat cepat.
Sangat strategis, dekat CBD Sentul City: Aeon Mall, Pasar Bersih, Giant, RS EMC, IKEA, Universitas Trisakti dan Sekolah Penabur dan SPH.
Udara segar pegunungan.
Kalau suka lari, ke trail track sentul tidak perlu berjam-jam lagi dari Jakarta/Tanggerang.
Status unit sudah AJB (info. apartment di Indonesia rata2 status masih PPJB).
Location: Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. Kav. 5, Jakarta Pusat 10250
Tower/Floor/View: All tower/All View
Size: 131 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 2
Condition: Full Furnished
Lagoon pool
Fitness & Spa (below)
Tennis court
Jogging track
Gazebo area, tranquil garden
Children’s indoor/outdoor area
50 m swimming pool, children pool
Indoor pool
Serenity garden
Indoor badminton
Additional Info:
Apartment Anandamaya Residence is the newest and most luxurious residence that stands firmly on Jalan Sudirman, which is the location of the most prestigious business center in Jakarta and even Indonesia and also This The greatest facilities with a very high-class standard which stands close to the Astra Office which is also the best office for now
Apartment Anandamaya Residences Also adjacent to the largest business office so that the apartment is very easy to reach so it does not waste time on the road which is certainly the right choice for a place to stay
Location Close to shopping centers, namely: only 5 minutes to Plaza Indonesia The most luxurious shopping center in Jakarta and also Grand Indonesia which is equipped with so many needs that are needed from restaurants, cafes, supermarkets and also the leading entertainment centers and the best for relaxing after you finish doing activities
Location: Jalan Jend. Sudirman No. Kav. 5, RT 10 / RW 11, Karet Tengsin, Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat
Tower/Floor/View: Any Tower / Higher and lower floor
Size: 131 / 150 / 174 / 217 / 268 / 363 m2
Bedroom: 2 BR ,3 BR & 4 BR
Bathroom: 2 & 3
Condition: Semi furnished and full furnished
Facility: Lagoon pool, fitness & spa (Below), access to foodcourt menara astra, tennis court, jogging track, gazebo area, tranquil garden, lounge, childrens playground indoor / outdoor area, fitness station, 50 m swimming pool, childrens pool, indoor pool (below), serenity garden, tower entry (drop Off), entrance gate, security entry gate, barbeque, function room & lounge, indoor badminton Court
Additional Info:
We have some units for rent or sale in Anandamaya, please call me for more details
Enjoy the ultimate luxury lifestyle along Jalan Sudirman, just a heartbeat away from the conveniences and pleasures of the city. Take advantage of the potential capital appreciation and solid rental yields that come from this prime location. Close to both work and entertainment.
Private lift only in Tower 1 with sky gym
Tower 2 and Tower 3 common lift
Selling Price:
2 BR Deluxe (131 sqm): Rp (Best Price)
2 BR Suite (150 sqm): Rp
3 BR Deluxe (174 sqm): Rp
3 BR Suite (217 sqm): Rp
3 BR Grande (268 sqm): Rp 19.500.000.000
4 BR Signature (363 sqm): Rp
Rental Price:
2 Deluxe Size 130 sqm, $ 3200/month
2 Suite Size 148 sqm, $ 3300/month
3 Bedroom Suite Size 216 sqm, $ 4200/month
3+1 Bedroom Grande Size 268 sqm, $ 4700 /month
4 Bedrooms Signature (private pool in unit)size 361 sqm, $ 7000
Minimum 1 year Lease with payment in advance system and Rental Price Above all inclusive
Location: Jl. Karet Pasar Baru Timur 5, RT 10 / RW 11, Karet Tengsin, Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat 10250
Tower/Floor/View: Call for info
Size: 131 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 2
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished
Lagoon pool, fitness & spa (below), access to foodcourt Menara Astra, tennis court, jogging track, gazebo area, tranquil garden, lounge, children’s playground indoor/outdoor area, fitness station, 50 m swimming pool, children pool, indoor pool (below), serenity garden, tower entry (drop Off), entrance gate, security entry gate, barbeque, function room & lounge, indoor badminton court.
Direct Access to Menara Astra Office (Food Court Zest, Lawson Minimarket, Planta Kitchen Restaurant, Daily Fresh Supermarket, Watson, Starbucks Cofee, SEIA Restaurant, Kokuo Reflexology, Masanobu Restaurant & Konoha Japan Restaurant.
Additional Info:
enjoy the ultimate luxury lifestyle along Jalan Sudirman, just a heartbeat away from the conveniences and pleasures of the city. Take advantage of the potential capital appreciation and solid rental yields that come from this prime location. Close to both work and entertainment, every advantage is yours.
Private lift only in Tower 1 with sky gym
Tower 2 and Tower 3 common lift
Other unit options are available
Selling Price: Rp Best Price Termurah (Nego Sampai Deal)
Location: Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. Kav. 5, Jakarta Pusat 10250
Tower/Floor/View: Call for info
Size: 150 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 2
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Condition: Semi Furnished
Lagoon pool
Fitness & Spa (below)
Tennis court
Jogging track
Gazebo area, tranquil garden
Children’s indoor/outdoor area
50 m swimming pool, children pool
Indoor pool
Serenity garden
Indoor badminton
Additional Info:
Apartment Anandamaya Residence is the newest and most luxurious residence that stands firmly on Jalan Sudirman, which is the location of the most prestigious business center in Jakarta and even Indonesia and also This The most greatest facilities with a very high class standard which stands close to the Astra Office which is also the best office for now
Apartment anandamaya residence Also adjacent to the largest business office office so that the apartment is very easy to reach so it does not waste time on the road which is certainly the right choice for a place to stay
Location Close to shopping centers, namely: only 5 minutes to Plaza Indonesia The most luxurious shopping center in Jakarta and also Grand Indonesia which is equipped with so many needs that are needed from restaurants, cafes, supermarkets and also the leading entertainment centers and the best for relax after you finish doing activities
Facility: Restaurant, convention hall, meeting room, CCTV, 24-hour security, access card, fitness center, swimming pool di setiap tower, pusat bisnis & lifestyle, jogging track, cafe, resto, and lounge
Additional Info:
Apartemen Grand Asia Afrika Residence Bandung, merupakan apartemen yang sangat strategis yang berada di pusat kota Bandung, dekat area sentral bisnis jalan dan bersejarah yaitu jalan Asia Afrika, di mana banyak area perkantoran dan kantor pusat pemerintahan kota Bandung. Sangat strategis karena dilalui oleh kendaraan umum 24 jam, dekat dengan Trans Studio Mall, Pusat Perbelanjaan & Factory Outlet Dago, Cihampelas dan Setiabudhi, dan wisata Lembang.
Lokasinya yang sangat strategis, berada di kawasan sentral area bisnis / perkantoran Jalan Asia Afrika
Dekat akses via Buah Batu, Moh, Toha & Tol Pasteur / Pasupati, Stasiun KAI Kiara Condong, Stasiun Kota Bandung
Berada dekat Pusat Perbelanjaan Trans Studio Mall, Clik Square Mall, Alun-Alun Kota Bandung, Yogya Dept Store, Kings Store, Bandung Electronik Center, Bandung Indah Plaza, Dago & Factory Outlet
Berada dekat Kawasan Pendidikan : SMA 7 Bandung, SMA 5, SMA 3, SMA 2 Bandung, SMA BPI, Universitas Pasundan, UNLA, LIKMI Ganesha, STIE Muhammadiyah.
Selling Price: Rp 550.000.000
Contact: Info & booking, please call or WA : Deni : WA 082111622399
Outdoor Facilities: Tennis, Swimming Pool, Children Pool, BBQ Area Indoor Facilities: Heated Swimming Pool, Sauna, Jacuzzi, Salon & Spa, Restaurant, etc
Additional Info:
Please contact me if your looking to buy or rental apartments in Central and South Jakarta.
With more than 17 years experiences handling Apartments in Jakarta, i’m happy to give you advice which apartments that you looking for.
Location: Jl. Sholeh Iskandar No. 5, RT. 4 / RW. 11, Kedungbadak, Tanah Sereal, Bogor 16152
Tower/Floor/View: 15
Size: 30 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Unfurnished
Facility: CCTV and full-time security service access card, Restaurant, mini market, playground, semi-outdoor swimming pool, swimming pool for Kids, jogging track, one complex with Hotel Arnava.