Location: Jl Permata Hijau Raya Blok B/8, Jakarta Selatan 12210
Tower/Floor/View: –
Size: 149 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 2
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Condition: Very good condition and fully furnished
Gym (fitness center)
Swimmping Pool
Children’s Playground
Beautiful garden
Tennis court
Multi Function Room
Jogging Track
Library room
Parking lot
Additional Info: This apartment is luxurious with the modern interior, convenient, and strategic location. It has close access to Sudirman, Simprug, Pakubuwono, Senayan,etc. Near by shopping area such as Gandaria City, Pondok Indah Mall, ITC Permata Hijau, Senayan City, and Plaza Senayan. Next to BINUS School, Pertamina Hospital. Very nice environment, suitable for expatriate and family.
Facility: Lagoon pool, fitness & spa (Below), access to foodcourt menara astra, tennis court, jogging track, gazebo area, tranquil garden, lounge, childrens playground indoor / outdoor area, fitness station, 50 m swimming pool, childrens pool, indoor pool (below), serenity garden, tower entry (drop Off), entrance gate, security entry gate, barbeque, function room & lounge, indoor badminton Court
Additional Info:
Enjoy the ultimate luxury lifestyle along Jalan Sudirman, just a heartbeat away from the conveniences and pleasures of the city. Take advantage of the potential capital appreciation and solid rental yields that come from this prime location. Close to both work and entertainment, every advantage is yours.
Private lift only in Tower 1 with sky gym
Tower 2 and Tower 3 commond lift
Selling Price:
2 BR Deluxe (131 sqm) : Rp. 7.500.000.000
2 BR Suite (150 sqm): Rp 7.800.000.000
3 BR Deluxe (174 sqm): Rp
3 BR Suite (217 sqm): Rp
3 BR Grande (268 sqm): Rp
4 BR Signature (363 sqm): Rp (private pool)
Location: Jalan Cihampelas belakang No. 10 Bandung
Tower/Floor/View: Tower A/lantai 12/view utara, kolam renang
Size: 33 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Apartemen The Jarrdin Cihampelas Bandung, jalan Cihampelas belakang No.10 Bandung, dekat Mall Cihampelas Walk (Ciwalk)
Lokasi sangat strategis, berada di pusat kota, tempat destinasi wisatawan domestic dan luar negeri untuk berbelanja di kota Bandung
Dijual type 2 BR 33 m2 (2 kamar) tower A, lantai 12, view utara / kolam renang
Full furnished: AC ? Pk, TV 32?, kulkas, waterheater, sofa + meja, kasur utama (queen size) & kamar anak (single size), kitchen set, kompor tanam + cookerhood, harga Rp. 326.000.000, Nego (belum termasuk biaya balik nama/BBN)
Tersedia type: studio (18,5m1, 24m2), 2 BR (33m2, 40m2) (Hook)
Keunggulan :
Lokasinya yang sangat strategis, akses via Tol Pasteur / Pasupati
Akses mudah di tempuh, karena banyak travels seperti : Xtrans, Day Trans, Cipaganti Travel, dsb
Sangat dekat pusat perbelanjaan Factory Outlet, Wisata Kuliner sepanjang jalan cihampelas, dan dekat kebun Binatang Bandung
Dekat dengan Mall Cihampelas Wall ( Ciwalk), Baltos, Bandung Indah Plaza, Dago Plaza,
Akses kendaraan umum 24 Jam, dkt RS Advent, RS Hasan Sadikin Bandung, RS Paru Rotinsulu
Dekat Kampus : ITB, STBA Yapari, Univ Parahyangan Bandung, Unpad Dipati ukur, SMA Pasundan 2 Cihampelas, SMA 2 Negeri Bandung, Sabuga (Sasana Budaya Ganesha).
Info lebih lanjut & survey lokasi, please call or WA : Radit Property: 081395064009 (fast respon)
Facility: Security 24 hours, CCTV, pool, taman air kolam, mosque, La plaza, Mini Market, ATM gallery, area parking 3 lt, food court, gym center.
Additional Info: –
Selling Price: Rp 326.000.000, Nego (belum termasuk biaya Baliknama/BBN).
Contact: Info lebih lanjut & survey lokasi, please Call or WA: Radit 081395064009 (Fast Respon)
Location: Jl. Professor Doktor Satrio Kav. 18, Karet Kuningan, Setia Budi, RT 14 / RW 4, Karet Kuningan South Jakarta, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12940
Tower/Floor/View: Kintamani
Size: 92 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 2
Maid Room: 1
Condition: Furnished
Langsung ke Kuningan City Mall Sports: kolam renang, jalur joging, lapangan tenis, sauna, dan pusat kebugaran
Kebutuhan sehari-hari: binatu, perpustakaan, toko obat, dan outlet komersial lainnya
Keamanan: keamanan 24 jam, CCTV 24 jam, kartu akses dan kartu parkir tertutup pribadi
Hiburan: ruang multifungsi, penitipan anak, taman bermain anak, area BBQ dan piknik.
Additional Info:
Terletak di Kawasan Pusat Bisnis Jakarta (Thamrin, Kuningan, Sudirman)
Dekat dengan: Distrik Mega Kuningan (5 menit)
Shopping Mall: Ambassador Mall, Kota Kuningan, Lotte Shopping Avenue
Kedutaan: Rusia, Malaysia, Polandia, Finlandia, Denmark, dll
Hotel mewah bintang lima: Hotel Four Seasons, Ritz Carlton, JW Marriot, dll
Pusat Bank & ATM: OCBC NISP, Mandiri, BTN, BRI, BII, UOB, BCA, dll
Akses mudah untuk menghindari 3 in 1 & even-odd: jalan Prof Dr. Satrio, jalan HR Rasuna Said, jalan Lingkar Mega Kuningan, Jalan KH Mas Mansyur
Menerima jual, beli dan sewa properti. Tersedia banyak unit untuk dijual dan disewakan menerima juga layanan titip unit untuk dijual dan disewakan
Kunjungi kami di www.asikpol.com, untuk lebih banyak apartemen dan rumah yang tersedia, dan Desain Interior. Dapatkan Desain Eksklusif dari Asik Interior.
Selling Price: Rp, nego. Tersedia beberapa unit :
Condition: Full furnished kondisi baru & bagus; spring bed, lemari baju, meja kamar, kursi kamar, meja makan, kursi makan, sofa, water dispenser, AC, TV 36″, water heater, kulkas, stove (kitchen) korden, dinding di wall paper terkesan bersih dan mewah.
Access card
Infinity swimming pool
Children play area
Ground jogging track
Rooftop garden
ATM, salon & laundry
Fitness center
Basket Ball field & mini futsal
Alfamart & Indomaret
Food court
24-hour security and engineering support
Additional Info: Unit masih baru, bersih dan nyaman, furniture juga bagus dan baru. Dekat dengan Universitas Parahyangan cocok untuk students. Hubungi Fran: 082139399932 / 085931319191
Additional Info: Strategic location (Sudirman, Tanah Abang), few minutes away from Thamrin, Tanah Abang, Kuningan, Mega Kuningan and Gatot Subroto area. Big shopping Malls can also be reached easily City Walk Shopping Mall, Ambassador Mall, Plaza Semanggi, Grand Indonesia and Plaza Indonesia.
Selling Price: Rp. call / whatsapp for detail
Location: Jalan Jend. Sudirman No.Kav. 5, RT 10 / RW 11, Karet Tengsin, Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat 10250
Tower/Floor/View: Tower/Floor/View: 1-3 / Low, Mid, High / Sudirman, Shangri-la
Size: Size: 131 / 150 / 174 / 217 / 268 / 363 m2
Bedroom: Bedroom: 2 / 3 / 4
Bathroom: Bathroom: 2 / 3 / 4
Condition: Semi furnished conditions / Furnished
Facility: Enjoy the ultimate luxury lifestyle along Jalan Sudirman, just a heartbeat away from the conveniences and pleasures of the city. Take advantage of the potential capital appreciation and solid rental yields that come from this prime location. Close to both work and entertainment, every advantage is yours.
Tower 1: Private Lift
Tower 2 and Tower 3: common lift
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Additional Info: Enjoy the ultimate luxury lifestyle along Jalan Sudirman, just a heartbeat away from the conveniences and pleasures of the city. Take advantage of the potential capital appreciation and solid rental yields that come from this prime location. Close to both work and entertainment, every advantage is yours.
Tower 1: Private Lift
Tower 2 and Tower 3: common lift
Receive entrusted, sell and rent property, special area around South Jakarta
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Selling Price: (fully furnished, TV & Internet included):