Location: Jl. Kartika Utama, Pondok Indah, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12310
Tower/Floor/View: Maya – Kartika – Amala / All Floor / Pool and City View
Size: 80 / 110 / 134 / 159 / 179 m2
Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Bathroom: 1 / 2
Study Room: 1 ( depend on size )
Maid Room: 1 ( depend on size )
Maid Bathroom: 1 ( depend on size )
Condition: Fully Furnished
Facility: Covered pool, olympic swimming pool, kids pool, playground, multi-purpose area, tennis court, gym, jogging track, 24-hour security, engineering, and concierge, video phone, washing machine, refrigerator, stove, water heater, Internet Wifi, cable TV, BBQ area, reserved parking, tunnel to Mall.
Additional Info: An exclusive high-rise Apartment tower in South Jakarta’s. Walking distance to PIM 2, PIM 1 & street gallery and connected to office tower with underground tunnel (Future Development of Tunnel and Sky Bridge Pedestrians), Close to JIS (Jakarta International School ), Raffles, Pondok Indah Hospital, supermarkets, shops, sport leisure, golf, water park, hotels, office tower.
Location: Jl Kartika Utama no 47 Pondok Indah, South Jakarta
Size: 80 / 110 / 134 / 159 / 179 m2
Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Bathroom: 1 / 2
Condition: Full Furnished / Semi Furnished
Covered pool, olympic swimming pool, kids pool, playground, multi-purpose area, tennis court, gym, jogging track, 24-hour security, engineering, and concierge, video phone, washing machine, refrigerator, stove, water heater, Internet Wifi, cable TV, BBQ area, reserved parking, tunnel to Mall.
Additional Info:
An exclusive high-rise Apartment tower in South Jakarta
Walking distance to PIM 2, PIM 1 & street gallery and connected to office tower with underground tunnel (future development of tunnel and sky bridge pedestrians)
Close to JIS (Jakarta International School ), Raffles, Pondok Indah Hospital, supermarkets, shops, sport leisure, golf, water park, hotels, office tower
Location: Jl. Kartika Utama, Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan 12310
Tower/Floor/View: Maya, Kartika, Amala / all floor / pool and City view
Size: 80 / 110 / 134 / 159 / 179 m2
Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Bathroom: 1 / 2
Study Room: 1 (depend on size)
Maid Room: 1 (depend on size)
Maid Bathroom: 1 (depend on size)
Condition: Fully Furnished
Security: 24-hour security and receptionist, CCTV, comfortable & private lobby, double private lift, card access to units and facilities, private indoor parking, parking access card.
Sports: olympic swimming pool, covered pool, children pool, jogging track, tennis court, fitness center, sauna, jacuzzi.
Entertainment: children playground, function room, BBQ area, garden.
Additional Info:
An exclusive high-rise Apartment tower in South Jakarta
Walking distance to PIM 2, PIM 1 & street gallery and connected to office tower with underground tunnel (future development of tunnel and sky bridge pedestrians)
Close to JIS (Jakarta International School ), Raffles, Pondok Indah Hospital, supermarkets, shops, sport leisure, golf, water park, hotels, office tower
Location: Jl. Kartika Utama, Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Maya / Amala / Kartika
Size: 80 / 110 / 134 / 159 / 179 m2
Bedroom: 1,2,3
Bathroom: 1,2
Study Room: 1
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully Furnished
Tennis court
Outdoor playing area
Covered Swimming pool
Children swimming pool
BBQ area
Children indoor playroom
Recreation area
Walking distance to Pondok Indah Mall
Nearby International Schools
Nearby hospital
24 hours Security guard
Public lobby and tenant lobby
Additional Info:
An exclusive high-rise Apartment tower in South Jakarta
Walking distance to PIM 2, PIM 1 & street gallery and connected to office tower with underground tunnel (future development of tunnel and sky bridge pedestrians)
Close to JIS (Jakarta International School ), Raffles, Pondok Indah Hospital, supermarkets, shops, sport leisure, golf, water park, hotels, office tower
Location: Jl. Kartika Utama, Pondok Indah, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12310
Tower/Floor/View: Low Floor
Size: 138 m2
Bedroom: 2+1
Bathroom: 3
Condition: Fully Furnished
Covered pool
Olympic swimming pool
Indoor Kids pool
Multi-purpose area
Tennis court
Jogging track
24-hour security, engineering, and concierge
BBQ area
Reserved parking
Tunnel to Mall
Additional Info:
An exclusive high-rise Apartment tower in South Jakarta’s
Walking distance to PIM 3, PIM 2, PIM 1 & street gallery and connected to office tower with underground tunnel (Future Development of Tunnel and Sky Bridge Pedestrians)
Close to JIS (Jakarta International School), Raffles, Pondok Indah Hospital, Intercontinental hotel, supermarkets, shops, sport leisure, golf, water park, hotels, office tower.
Rental Price: 1600 USD/month
Contact: 0819831001 – For any others size and floor please kindly contact me.
Location: Jl. Kartika Utama, Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: –
Size: 80 / 110 / 134 / 159 / 179 m2
Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Fully Furnished
Semi Furnished
Security: 24-hour security and receptionist, CCTV, comfortable & private lobby, double private lift, card access to units and facilities, private indoor parking, parking access card.
Sports: olympic swimming pool, covered pool, children pool, jogging track, tennis court, fitness center, sauna, jacuzzi.
Entertainment: children playground, function room, BBQ area, garden.
Additional Info:
An exclusive high-rise Apartment tower in South Jakarta
Walking distance to PIM 2, PIM 1 & street gallery and connected to office tower with underground tunnel (future development of tunnel and sky bridge pedestrians)
Close to JIS (Jakarta International School ), Raffles, Pondok Indah Hospital, supermarkets, shops, sport leisure, golf, water park, hotels, office tower
Selling Price:
Tower Maya :
1 BR (80 m²) Starting From IDR,-
2 BR (110 m²) Starting From IDR 5.800.000.000,-
2+1 BR (134 m²) Corner Starting From IDR 7.300.000.000,-
Tower Kartika :
3 BR (159 m²) Starting From IDR 8.300.000.000,-
3 BR (179 m²) Starting From IDR 9.300.000.000,-
Tower Amala :
3 BR( 156 m²) Starting From IDR 8.500.000.000,-
3 BR (176 m²) Starting From IDR 9.500.000.000,-
Unit Penthouse :
4 BR (337 m²) Starting From IDR,-
Rental Price:
1 BR Starting From USD $ 1,300 – $ 1,900/month
2 BR Starting From USD $ 2,000 – $ 2,300/month
3 BR Starting From USD $ 2,500 – $ 3,000/month
All Prices are negotiable, and with a minimum of 12 months rent (Included tax & service charge) and pay in Advance.
Dee 08176778887
For more listing, please see my Instagram : @dee_eraprojectcbd
Location: Jl. Kartika Utama, Pondok Indah, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan-12310
Tower/Floor/View: Any Tower / Higher and Lower Floor
Size: 80 / 110 / 134 / 156 / 159 / 176 / 179 m2
Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Brand New (Bare Condition)
Fully Furnished
Semi Furnished
Tunnel to Mall, Double Private Lift, Covered Pool, Olympic Swimming Pool, Kids Pool, Playground, Gym, Multi-Purpose Area, Tennis Court, Jogging Track, 24-hour Security, Engineering, and Concierge, Video Phone, Washing Machine, Refrigerator, Stove, Water Heater, Internet Wifi, Cable TV, BBQ Area, Reserved Parking, ATM, Pharmacy.
Additional Info:
All the units have balcony and All units are direct owner
Walking distance to PIM 2, PIM 1 & street gallery and connected to office tower with underground tunnel (Future Development of Tunnel and Sky Bridge Pedestrians), Close to JIS (Jakarta International School ), Raffles, Pondok Indah Hospital, supermarkets, shops, sport leisure, golf, water park, hotels, office tower.
Available Some units for rent or sale 1 BR, 2 BR , and 3 BR in Pondok Indah Residences secondary units and with the best price.
Selling Price:
Tower Maya :
1 BR (80 m²) Starting From IDR,-
2 BR (110 m²) Starting From IDR 5.800.000.000,-
2+1 BR (134 m²) Corner Starting From IDR 7.300.000.000,-
Tower Kartika
3 BR (159 m²) Starting From IDR 8.300.000.000,-
3 BR (179 m²) Starting From IDR 9.300.000.000,-
Tower Amala
3 BR( 156 m²) Starting From IDR 8.500.000.000,-
3 BR (176 m²) Corner Starting From IDR 9.500.000.000,-
Rental Price:
1 BR Starting From USD $ 1,300 – $ 1,900/month
2 BR Starting From USD $ 2,000 – $ 2,300/month
3 BR Starting From USD $ 2,500 – $ 3,000/month
All Prices are negotiable, and with a minimum of 12 months rent (Included tax & service charge) and pay in Advance.
Location: Jl. Kartika Utama No.94, RT.6/RW.3, Pd. Pinang, Kby. Lama, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12310
Tower/Floor/View: Maya/10/City
Size: 80 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 2
Unit Pondok Indah Residence bertipe 2 BR ini cocok sekali bagi Anda yang menginginkan tempat tinggal dengan ruangan yang seluruhnya sudah dilengkapi dengan berbagai furnitur yang mewah dan ekslusif. Di unit yang berada di lantai 10 dan menghadap ke City ini sudah tersedia tempat tidur yang dilengkapi dengan ac. Unit ini juga dilengkapi ac, tv. Anda pun tidak perlu khawatir dengan daya listrik di unit ini, karena mempunyai kapasitas yang besar.
Kode Unit: PIRC010
Apartemen Pondok Indah Residence terletak di jantung salah satu kawasan prestisius di Jakarta Selatan yakni Pondok Indah. Dikelilingi berbagai fasilitas eksternal dengan kualitas terbaik diantaranya mall (Pondok Indah Mall), perkantoran (Pondok Indah Office Tower 1, 2 & 3), bank (UOB, Commonwealth, Permata Bank), lapangan golf, rumah sakit (Rumah Sakit Pondok Indah) dan sekolah berstandar internasional (Jakarta International School dan Raffles Christian School).
Apartemen Pondok Indah Residence menawarkan fasilitas yang mumpuni dan sanggup memanjakan serta dapat membuat Anda semakin nyaman untuk tinggal di hunian ini, seperti lapangan tennis, %area% bermain outdoor, BBQ Area, gym, kolam renang indoor dan outdoor, kolam renang anak, kids playroom, dan taman rekreasi outdoor.
Additional Info:
Jangan kelewatan apartment terbaik di Jakarta
Unit pilihan terbaik di apartment Pondok Indah Residence
Location: Jl. Kartika Utama, Pondok Indah, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12310
Tower/Floor/View: Maya – Kartika – Amala / All Floor / Pool and City View
Size: 80 / 110 / 134 / 159 / 179 m2
Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Bathroom: 1 / 2
Study Room: 1 ( depend on size )
Maid Room: 1 ( depend on size )
Maid Bathroom: 1 ( depend on size )
Condition: Fully Furnished
Facility: Covered pool, olympic swimming pool, kids pool, playground, multi-purpose area, tennis court, gym, jogging track, 24-hour security, engineering, and concierge, video phone, washing machine, refrigerator, stove, water heater, Internet Wifi, cable TV, BBQ area, reserved parking, tunnel to Mall.
Additional Info: An exclusive high-rise Apartment tower in South Jakarta’s. Walking distance to PIM 2, PIM 1 & street gallery and connected to office tower with underground tunnel (Future Development of Tunnel and Sky Bridge Pedestrians), Close to JIS (Jakarta International School ), Raffles, Pondok Indah Hospital, supermarkets, shops, sport leisure, golf, water park, hotels, office tower.
Location: Jl. Kartika Utama No.94, RT.6/RW.3, Pd. Pinang, Kby. Lama, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12310
Tower/Floor/View: Maya/40/City
Size: 110 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 2
Unit Pondok Indah Residence bertipe 2 BR ini sudah dalam kondisi fully furnished. Diseluruh ruangannya, sudah dilengkapi dengan beragam fasilitas dan perlengkapan rumah tangga yang bisa Anda gunakan, seperti listrik dengan kapasitas kwh yang besar, TV dan AC. Selain itu, Anda tak perlu repot-repot membawa perlengkapan dapur sebab di unit ini sudah disediakan Dining Set.
Apartemen Pondok Indah Residence terletak di jantung salah satu kawasan prestisius di Jakarta Selatan yakni Pondok Indah. Dikelilingi berbagai fasilitas eksternal dengan kualitas terbaik diantaranya mall (Pondok Indah Mall), perkantoran (Pondok Indah Office Tower 1, 2 & 3), bank (UOB, Commonwealth, Permata Bank), lapangan golf, rumah sakit (Rumah Sakit Pondok Indah) dan sekolah berstandar internasional (Jakarta International School dan Raffles Christian School).
Apartemen Pondok Indah Residence menawarkan fasilitas yang mumpuni dan sanggup memanjakan serta dapat membuat Anda semakin nyaman untuk tinggal di hunian ini, seperti lapangan tennis, %area% bermain outdoor, BBQ Area, gym, kolam renang indoor dan outdoor, kolam renang anak, kids playroom, dan taman rekreasi outdoor.
Additional Info:
Listing terbaru dari apartment Pondok Indah Residence !
Pilihan unit terbaik untuk tinggal bersama keluarga
Location: Jl. Kartika Utama No.94, RT.6/RW.3, Pd. Pinang, Kby. Lama, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12310
Tower/Floor/View: Maya / 0 / City
Size: 65 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Unit Pondok Indah Residence bertipe 1 BR ini cocok sekali bagi Anda yang menginginkan tempat tinggal dengan ruangan yang seluruhnya sudah dilengkapi dengan berbagai furnitur yang mewah dan ekslusif. Di unit yang berada di lantai 0 dan menghadap ke City View ini sudah tersedia tempat tidur yang dilengkapi dengan ac. Unit ini juga dilengkapi ac, dapur, dining set, kulkas, listrik, tempat tidur, tv. Anda pun tidak perlu khawatir dengan daya listrik di unit ini, karena mempunyai kapasitas yang besar.
Kode Unit: PIRB003
Apartemen Pondok Indah Residence terletak di jantung salah satu kawasan prestisius di Jakarta Selatan yakni Pondok Indah.
Dikelilingi berbagai fasilitas eksternal dengan kualitas terbaik diantaranya mall (Pondok Indah Mall), perkantoran (Pondok Indah Office Tower 1, 2 & 3), bank (UOB, Commonwealth, Permata Bank), lapangan golf, rumah sakit (Rumah Sakit Pondok Indah) dan sekolah berstandar internasional (Jakarta International School dan Raffles Christian School).
Apartemen Pondok Indah Residence menawarkan fasilitas yang mumpuni dan sanggup memanjakan serta dapat membuat Anda semakin nyaman untuk tinggal di hunian ini, seperti lapangan tennis, %area% bermain outdoor, BBQ Area, gym, kolam renang indoor dan outdoor, kolam renang anak, kids playroom, dan taman rekreasi outdoor.
Additional Info:
Tempat tinggal dengan fasilitas lengkap
Unit siap untuk ditempati
Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk tinggal di apartment Pondok Indah Residence
Location: Jl. Kartika Utama, Pondok Indah – Jakarta Selatan 12310
Tower/Floor/View: Maya, Kartika, Amala/All Floor/City and Pool View
Size: 80 / 110 / 134 / 159 / 179 m2
Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Bathroom: 1/2
Condition: Full Furnished
24-hour security system, comfortable & private lobby for each tower, card access to unit & facilities, private indoor parking, Olympic swimming pool, covered pool, children pool & playground, basket & tennis court, minimart, outdoor lounge, function room, jogging track, sauna & jacuzzi, fitness center, barbeque area & garden, ATM, pharmacy, tunnel to the mall.
Additional Info: Walking distance to PIM 1 & PIM 2 & street gallery and connected to office tower with underground tunnel, close to international schools, hospitals, shops, sports leisure, golf, water park, hotels and office tower.