- Apartment Name: City Home, French Walk, Gading Ressort
- Location: Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara
- Size: 35,37,45,83,85,88,101,110,115,118m2
- Bedroom: 2, 2+1, 3+1
- Bathroom: 1-2
- Study Room: 0-1
- Maid Room: 0-1
- Maid Bathroom: 0-1
- Condition: Apartemen lengkap tinggal bawa koper. Apartemen yang nyaman dan lengkap untuk milenial dan keluarga. Dengan desain minimalis dan klasik dilengkapi AC di setiap kamar, Sofabed, Dining table, Kitchen equipment, Refrigenerator, washing machine, Dispenser, Microwave, Water Heater, and onther.
- Facility: Swimming pool, Fitness Center, Children Playground, Minimarket, ATM, Restoran, Coffee shop and BAR, CINEPLEX, SPORT CENTER, Money Changer, Parking, Security 24 Hours
- Additional Info: Swimming pool, Fitness Center, Children Playground, Minimarket, ATM, Restoran, Coffee shop and BAR, CINEPLEX, SPORT CENTER, Money Changer, Parking, Security 24 Hours
- Rental Price:
- Harian
- 1 Hari Rp 500.000 – Rp 600.000
- 3 Hari Rp 1 .200.000 – 1.500.000
- Mingguan
- 1 Minggu Rp 2.500.000 – Rp 3.500.000
- 2 Minggu Rp 4.000.000 – Rp 5.000.000
- 3 Minggu Rp 5.000.000 – Rp 6.000.000
- Termasuk listrik, air, dan maintenance )
- Bulanan
- 1 Bulan Rp 4 .000.00 – Rp 8.000.000
- 3 Bulan Rp 12.000.000 – Rp 21.000.000
- 6 Bulan Rp 20.000.000 – Rp 36.000.000
- Tahunan Rp 40.000.000 – Rp 65.000.000
- Harian
- Bulanan Rp 9.000.000. – 15.000.000
- Tahunan Rp 70.000.000 – 120.000.000
- Contact:
- 08175412826 (Lala)
- 081477131406 (Zanu)
- WhatsApp: 08175412826
- E-mail: afifrahmawanzanuar@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen di Kelapa Gading Jakarta Utara Langsung Pemilik Tanpa Perantara Murah
Jual & Sewa Bulanan / Tahunan Apartemen Kelapa Gading Square City Home MOI Jakarta Utara – 2 BR Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Kelapa Gading Square (MOI)
- Location: Jl. Boulevard Raya Barat, Kelapa Gading ? Jakarta Utara
- Tower/Floor/View: City Home (Hawai, Miami, Santa Monica, Manhattan, San Fransisco, Lyon Garden) / GF ? PH / Pool, Sea, City, Mall
- Size: 35 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully Furnished
- Facility:
- Apartment Facilities: Swimming pool, fitness centre, tennis court, basket court, jogging track, children playground, 24-hour security.
- Apartment facilities commercial area: Mall of Indonesia, foot reflexology, salon, laundry, bakery & snacks, restaurant, cafe, bank & ATM center, dental care, mini market.
- Mall Facilities: Blitz Megaplex, Carrefour, Gramedia, Gold Gym, Spa Centre, Starbucks, Food Court, Centro, Fun World, etc.
- Additional Info: No flood, walking distance from apartment to Mall of Indonesia (100 m), 24-hour security & taxi. Strategic location, near Toll Gate.
- Selling Price: Dijual cepat Apartemen San Fransisco 35 m2- 2 BR, furnished, 650 juta.
Nego sampai deal - Contact: Novalia (0838 9809 8168)IG @sewa_apartment_moi
- WhatsApp: 083898098168
- E-mail: Novalia2266@hotmail.com
Disewakan Bulanan Apartemen Gading Nias Residence Kelapa Gading – 2 BR Furnish
- Apartment Name: Gading Nias Residence
- Location: Jl. Pegangsaan dua no. 3, kelapa gading, jakarta Utara
- Tower/Floor/View: Dahlia / lt 3
- Size: 35 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Full furniture
- AC
- Tempat tidur
- Lemari pakaian
- Kulkas
- Sofa
- Kompor, dll
- Facility:
- Taman
- Minimarket
- Laundry
- Playground, dll
- Additional Info:
- Disewakan bulanan apartemen gading Nias residence lantai rendah type 2 kmr luas 35 M2 furnish.
Lokasi dekat mall kelapa gading, mall Artha Gading, MOI, dekat ke beberapa sekolah nasional & internasional, dekat ke RS mitra keluarga , RS gading Pluit, dan dekat tempat kuliner di kelapa gading.
Akses mudah dilalui transjakarta, dan dekat stasiun MRT
- Disewakan bulanan apartemen gading Nias residence lantai rendah type 2 kmr luas 35 M2 furnish.
- Rental Price:
- Rp 2.000.000 per bulan
- Deposit 1.500.000
- Belum termasuk biaya maintenance, listrik, air
- Contact: 0821 2209 9928, 0878 7770 2967
- WhatsApp: 082122099928
- E-mail: nchplz@gmail.com
Sewa 1 Unit Apartemen Gading Nias Residence Jakarta Utara – 2 BR Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Gading Nias Residence
- Location: Kelapa Gading
- Tower/Floor/View: 18
- Size: 36 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Maid Room: 1
- Condition: Full Furnished
- Facility:
- Taman
- Minimarket
- Laundry
- Playground, dll
- Additional Info: –
- Rental Price: Rp 2,7 Juta, Inclued IPL
- Contact: 08179192000
- WhatsApp: 08179192000
Sewa Apartemen Gading Mediterania Residence Kelapa Gading Jakarta Utara – 2 BR Full Furnished – Harian / Bulanan / Tahunan
- Apartment Name: Gading Mediterania Residences
- Location: Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower A/B/C
- Size: 43 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished
- Facility: Kitchen set, AC, sofa, TV, refrigerator, water heater, etc.
- Additional Info: Swimming pool, sauna, fitness
- Rental Price:
- Rp 350.000/night
- Rp 3.750.000/month
- Rp 30.000.000/year
- Contact Number: 081513145307, 081510073807
- WhatsApp: 081513145307
- E-mail: sukses110@gmail.com
Apartemen Gading Nias Studio Disewakan – Furnished
- Apartment Name: Gading Nias Residence
- Location: Pegangsaan 2 No: 3, Seberang Pintu II Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara
- Tower/Floor/View: A/26/Citi
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Study Room: 1
- Condition:
- Kitchen set
- Wallpaper
- AC
- TV LCD 32′
- Refrigerator (kulkas)
- Kompor Gas & Cookerhood Modena
- Facility:
- Access Card
- PAM+PLN 1300 Watt
- TV Cable
- Security 24 jam,
- Parkir Mobil & Motor
- Food Court
- Lapangan Basket / Futsal / Badminton / Playground
- Additional Info:
- Mall Kelapa Gading (MKG)
- Mall Artha Gading (MAG)
- Mall Of Indonesia (MOI)
- Sekolah International
- Shuttle Bus ke MOI
- ATM : BCA, BNI, BRI, BTN & Mandiri
- Indomaret, Alfamart, Food Court, Bakery, Travel Agent, Laundry dll
- Selling Price: Rp 250.000.000 (Negotiable)
- Rental Price:
- Rp 19.000.000 / tahun
- Rp 12.000.000 / 6 bulan
- Rp 7.000.000 / 3 bulan
- Harga belum termasuk : Deposit, Maintenance dan PAM+PLN
- Contact: 0812 8217 1074
- WhatsApp: 087776988090
- E-mail: bonaventura720@gmail.com
Disewakan Bulanan Apartemen Gading Nias Residence Kelapa Gading Jakarta Utara – 2 BR Furnish
- Apartment Name: Gading Nias Residence
- Location: Jl. Pegangsaan?Dua No. 3, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara
- Tower/Floor/View: Dahlia / lt 3
- Size: 35 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full Furniture :
- AC 2
- Kitchen set
- Tempat tidur
- Lemari pakaian
- Kulkas dan lain lain
- Facility: Fasilitas apartemen:
- Taman
- Playground
- Lapang basket
- Food court
- ATM center
- Minimarket
- Laundry dan lain lain
- Additional Info:
- Disewakan bulanan apartemen gading Nias residence lantai rendah type 2 kmr luas 35 M2 furnish.
Lokasi dekat mall kelapa gading, mall Artha Gading, MOI, dekat ke beberapa sekolah nasional & internasional, dekat ke RS mitra keluarga , RS gading Pluit, dan dekat tempat kuliner di kelapa gading.
Akses mudah dilalui transjakarta, dan dekat stasiun MRT
- Disewakan bulanan apartemen gading Nias residence lantai rendah type 2 kmr luas 35 M2 furnish.
- Rental Price:
- Rp 2.200.000 / bulan
- Deposit Rp 2.000.000
- Belum termasuk biaya IPL, listrik air
- Contact: 0821 2209 9928, 0878 7770 2967
- WhatsApp: 082122099928
- E-mail: nchplz@gmail.com
Sewa Tahunan Apartemen Gading Nias Jakarta Utara – Studio Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Gading Nias
- Location: Jl. Pegangsaan Dua, Jakarta Utara
- Tower/Floor/View: 17
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full Furnished
- Facility: Ac, Pam, Refiregator, Stove, Gordyn
- Additional Info:
- Mall Kelapa Gading (+-5 Menit)
- Mall Of Indonesia (-+15 Menit)
- Nearby National & Internasional School Rs Gading Pluit (-+10 Menit)
- LRT (+-5 Menit )
- Rental Price: Rp 17,000,000
- Contact: 08179493593
- WhatsApp: 08179483593
Disewakan Apartemen Gading Resort Residence 3 BR Furnished – Jakarta Utara
- Apartment Name: Gading Resort Residence
- Location: Jl. Boulevard Bar. Raya, RT.18/RW.8, Klp. Gading Bar., Kec. Klp. Gading, Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14240
- City:
- Tower/Floor/View: E
- Size: 105 m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Condition:
- Disewakan Unit apartemen Gading Resort Residence
- Furnished (sudah ada AC di dalam kamar dan ruang tamu)
- Facility:
- Kolam Renang
- Gym
- Store Indomaret
- Laundry Dry Clean
- Additional Info: Dedicated Parkir 1 lot
- Rental Price: Rp 100,000,000
- Contact Number: Untuk informasi lebih lanjut & survey, hubungi : Dwi 081283778828
- WhatsApp: 081283778828
Disewakan / Dijual Apartemen Tifolia Jakarta Timur – Studio Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Tifolia
- Location: Pulo Mas, Jakarta Timur
- Tower/Floor/View: 2/5/Belatera Kelapa Gading
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished. Ada AC,TV LED, heater, kulkas, kitchen, desk
- Facility:
- Parkir
- Kolam renang
- Sekuriti 24 jam
- Kartu akses keluar masuk
- Lift 4 unit
- ATM, Indomaret, Coin Laundry dan kantin
- Additional Info:
- Terletak di daerah sangat strategis.
- Dekat dengan kelapa Gading, RS Columbia, Bella Terra, Transmart Cempaka Putih, dll.
- Halte Busway dan Halte LRT
- Selling Price: Rp 500.000.000
- Rental Price:
- 1 Tahun = Rp 40.000.000
- 6 Bulan = Rp 21.000.000
- 3 Bulan = Rp 12.000.000
- Harga belum termasuk: Listrirk, Air, Maintenance dan Save Deposit Rp 1.000.000 Untuk Jaminan
- Contact: Felicia 081314776263
- WhatsApp: 081314776263
Sewa Murah Apartemen Tifolia Jakarta Timur – Best View Studio Rp 20 Juta – Dekat Kelapa Gading
- Apartment Name: Tifolia
- Location: Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan, RW.16 Kayu Putih, Pulo Gadung, Jakarta Timur.
- Tower/Floor/View: Tifolia / 29 / City
- Size: 26 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished dengan AC dingin dan korden
- Facility:
- Apartemen Aman dengan security 24 jam
- ?Receptionist
- ?Lift
- ?Kolam renang
- ?Indomaret di Lobby Apartment jadi mudah belanja kebutuhan sehari-hari
- ?Laundry Kiloan dan Restaurant dekat lobby
- ?Dekat pusat makan Boulevard Kelapa Gading
- ?Dekat Halte Busway
- Samping Stasiun LRT
- Additional Info:
- Lokasi strategis
- Dekat Mall Kelapa Gading, Mall of Indonesia, Mall Artha Gading dan Bella Terra 10 menit jalan kaki
- Dekat RS Mitra Keluarga
- Depan Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan
- Dekat Tol Wiyoto Wiyono
- Banyak kendaraan umum
- Rental Price: Rp. 20.000.000 / Tahun
- Contact: Virda 081803089945
- WhatsApp: 081803089945
Sewa Apartemen Gading Nias 2 Kamar Tidur Unfurnished Jakarta Utara
- Apartment Name: Gading Nias
- Location: Jl. Pegangsaan Dua, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia 14240
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Emerald / Lantai 22 / View Kolam Renang
- Size: 35 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Unfurnished
- Fasilitas : AC
— - Condition : Unfurnished
- Facility : AC
- Facility: Gading Nias Residence menyediakan fasilitas terbaik untuk menunjang kenyamanan para penghuninya, di antaranya kolam renang, taman tematik, lapangan futsal, lapangan basket, gazebo, dan taman bermain anak. Ada juga fasilitas lainnya seperti ATM center, Taman, Lapangan Futsal, Lapangan Basket, Food Court, Kantor Pos, Apotik Century, Laundry, Pegadaian, Bank BNI, Bank BTN, Pasar, Salon, Klinik, Minimarket 24 jam dan pangkalan taksi White Horse.
Gading Nias Residence provides the best facilities to support the comfort of its residents, including a swimming pool, thematic park, futsal court, basketball court, gazebo, and children’s playground. There are also other facilities such as ATM center, Park, Futsal Court, Basketball Court, Food Court, Post Office, Century Pharmacy, Laundry, Pegadaian, BNI Bank, BTN Bank, Market, Salon, Clinic, 24-hour Minimarket and White Horse taxi. - Additional Info: Letaknya 5 menit dari sentra Kelapa Gading, halte busway dan jalan tol. Jarak dari apartemen ini sangat dekat ke Singapore International School dan Kelapa Gading Mal beserta pusat makanan terlengkap di Kelapa Gading, di mana Anda bisa mencapainya hanya dengan berjalan kaki. Selain dekat dengan mall dan restoran, apartemen ini juga dekat dengan daerah industri, sekolah, dan rumah ibadah.
It is located 5 minutes from Kelapa Gading center, busway stop and toll road. The distance from this apartment is very close to Singapore International School and Kelapa Gading Mall along with the most complete food center in Kelapa Gading, where you can reach it only on foot. Besides being close to malls and restaurants, this apartment is also close to industrial areas, schools, and houses of worship. - Rental Price:
- Price IDR 15,000,000 / Year (Nego)
- Deposit IDR 2,000,000
- Contact: Yuliana – 0813-8503-0695 / 0877-0922-2272
- WhatsApp: 081385030695