Facility: Access card, 6 lifts/tower, sekolah, tempat ibadah, lapangan basket, taman bermain anak. Mall, food court, restaurants, café, ranch market, bank, ATM center, laundry, etc. Dekat stasiun kereta Kalibata. 24 jam transportasi umum, 4 akses jalan (Pancoran, Duren Tiga, Pasar Minggu, Dewi Sartika)
Additional Info: Tersedia mulai tanggal 17 Januari 2021
Rental Price:
Rp 28.500.000/tahun (negotiable).
Termasuk maintenance fee.
Minimal sewa 1 tahun.
Cara pembayaran bisa dibicarakan.
Deposit Rp 2.000.000 (dikembalikan di akhir masa sewa)
Apartment Name: Kalibata City – Kalibata Residences
Location: Kalibata, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Cendana/06/Cafe-Food Court
Size: 33 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Unfurnished, terletak di lantai 6 (tidak terlalu tinggi dan tidak terlalu rendah), AC, dan Gorden.
Facility: Listrik 1300 Watt, dilengkapi dengan alarm kebakaran (detektor panas dan Sprinkler), keamanan 24 jam lengkap dengan kartu akses dan CCTV, tempat parkir & Basement, Mall (Kalibata dan Kalibata City Square), Food Court, ATM Center, Farmers Market, toko buku, taman bermain anak, Laundry, Jogging Track, dll.
Additional Info: Lokasi strategis, dekat kampus (STEKPI) dan pusat bisnis (Sudirman, Rasuna Said, MT Haryono, Gatot Subroto). Akses transportasi mudah (kereta api, bus dan bus bandara), dekat Stasiun Kereta Api Kalibata.
Rental Price:
Rp 29.000.000 per tahun termasuk IPL dan maintenance fee (sekitar 5 jutaan), tidak termasuk biaya utilitas (PAM, gas, listrik and parkir).
Deposit Rp 2.500.000 (akan dikembalikan setelah sewa berakhir dengan memperhitungkan tagihan terakhir).
Location: Jl. Raya Kalibata Rawa Jati Pancoran Kalibata, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Damar/19/Building
Size: 33 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Sebuah hunian nyaman dengan tipe 2BR ini memiliki beragam faktor pendukung yang membuat hunian semakin nyaman. Lingkungan apartemen yg juga dilengkapi dgn mall ini menawarkan pemandangan City dengan kondisi Full Furnished yang terdiri dari AC, Kamar utama Queen Bed, Kamar Anak Double Bed, Dining Table, Electric Stove, Gas Stove, Kitchen Set, Refrigerator, Sofa, TV, dan Wardrobe.
Parking lot khusus (1mobil/motor)
Akses door
Additional Info: Fasilitas lengkap utk kebutuhan sehari2, mall, rumah makan, loundry, minimarket, rumah ibadah, taman bermain anak, lapangan basket, dll.
Additional Info: Disewakan unit bagus full furnished di Tower Viola, boleh bayar bulanan tapi min. kontrak 3 bulan, harga tahun lebih murah, ada deposit Rp 2 juta nett. Berkah jaya Property Tersedia Juga Unit di Residence dengan Harga Spesial Covid 19.
Condition: Fully furnished and homey apartment unit, ready for occupation.
Living Room: Two-seater oscar sofa bed with 4 pillows, 32 inch LED TV HD ready (can play movie or music with USB), TV table, low Watt 2 doors refrigerator, carpet and mat, hot and cold dispenser (low watt)+gallon water, shoes cabinet, wide mirror behind the sofa bed, drop ceiling lamp, 1/2 PK low watt air conditioner, covered with wallpaper.
Kitchen: 1,5 meters luxury designed kitchen set with granite table,70 centimeters Modena gas stove 2 burner with 12 Kg gas cylinders, 60 cm Modena slim exhaust hood, Modena kitchen sink, adjusted kitchen taps, glass bar table with 2 chairs and chandelier, trash can, back door curtain, cooking utensils (pot, pan, tea pot, etc), tableware (spoons, plates, forks, etc), and cleaning tool (broom, brush, canebo, dust pan, mop, etc).
Main Room: Queen size Airland spring bed + divan, 2 pillows + bolsters and bed linen, headboard with light, 1/2 PK low watt air conditioner, 2 sliding doors wardrobe with mirror, bedside, dressing table with chair, luxury curtain, modified room lights, trash can, mat, covered with wallpaper.
Second Room: 100 x 200 cm Airland spring bed + divan, headboard, 2 pillows + bolsters and bed linen, exhaust fan from the main room, 2 sliding doors wardrobe with mirror, study table with chair, modified room lights, trash can, covered with wallpaper.
Bathroom: Wide mirror, closet seat, stainless shower and taps, stainless towel rack, mat, trash can, covered with white paint.
Facility: National & international TV cable channels, children playground, jogging track, security 24 hours, access card, parking card, centralized gas, parking lot, Kalibata City Square, food court and restaurant, supermarket, ATM center, mosque and sport facility.
Additional Info: *Very near to Kalibata Train Station, STEKPI Campus, 15 minutes away from Pancoran and near to business district (Sudirman, Rasuna Said Kuningan, Gatot Subroto, Tebet & MT Haryono), easy access to public transportation (train and bus). Blue Bird taxi pool. Ideal for students, married couple and small family. *Positions benefit: Gaharu building is the nearest tower from the street and the only one tower which has direct escalator to the Kalibata City Square. The unit (9-CR) is located at the center between 4 lift that operated in Gaharu building. The unit has a wide view area (food Court, garden view).
2 Unit Air Conditioner, (1 di master room & 1 family room)
1 Water heater
1 TV 24″ (new).
Lokasi di lantai 5, sehingga akses internet kuat dan akses gampang ke Mall Kalibata. Unit Baru di renovasi.
Fasilitas Umum: 4-unit lift/tower dengan kartu akses keamanan, Access card ke unit (2 pcs) parkir berlangganan (Parkir bulanan by Secure Parking) Mall, apotik, klinik, barber, salon, café/resto, Laudry.
Fasilitas Lingkungan: Food Court, Bank + ATM, farmers market, Indomaret, Ace Hardware, refleksi, sekolah, taman bermain, lapangan tenis, lapangan futsal, lapangan basket, masjid, Pertokoan Ritel (Alfamart, Indomart), dan pasar tradisional serta penunjang lainnya Sangat dekat ke Kalibata Mall (Tenant: Starbuck, Gold Gym, dll) tinggal turun sudah masuk ke loby Kalibata City, Domino Pizza,
Sangat Cocok untuk keluarga kecil, profesional muda yang tinggi mobilitas.
Dekat Stasiun Kereta Api Kalibata, Kendaraan umum, dan MRT/LRT.
Dekat dengan Tebet, Kampus STEKPI, access Tol Pancoran, RS Tria Dipa dan RS Budi Asih, perkantoran segitiga emas Kuningan, Kota Kasablanka, Gatot Subroto dan Sudirman, PGC, Giant, Carrefour MT Haryono,
Lokasi sangat strategis. 5-15 menit ke Pancoran, Kokas, Pasar Minggu, Cililitan, Dewi Sartika, lapangan terbang Halim Perdana Kusuma, dll
Additional Info: Pemilik langsung, tidak menerima sewa harian.
Rental Price:
Per tahun: Rp 32.000.000, Negoitable (sudah termasuk biaya deposit/deposit fee Rp 1 Juta)
Per 6 bulan: Rp 17.000.000, Negoitable + Rp 1.000.000 (Deposit Fee), dibayarkan di awal.
Per 3 Bulan Rp. 10.000.000, Negoitable + Rp 1.000.000 (Deposit Fee), dibayarkan di awal.
Perbulan: Rp 3.500.000, Negoitable +1.000.000 (deposit fee) dibayarkan diawal, dengan minimal kontrak 3 bulan.
Tidak termasuk biaya / exclude: IPL (Listrik & PAM) yang dibayarkan per-bulan / perpemakaian.
Biaya Service Charge (SC) per 6 bln di tanggung pemilik
Contact: Andri 085719902333 (chat by WA / SMS only) *No call please
Facility: Access card, security 24 Jam, Laundry, Mall, Farmers Market, Solaria, ATM Center, Parkiran Luas, Alfa, Sekolah Islam Al Falah, Resto 24 Jam.
Additional Info: Paling dekat dengan Stasiun Kereta Api, Kampus STEKPI, Pusat Duren Kalibata, Dep. Dagri, RS Triadipa, Tol Pancoran, Perkantoran Sudirman, Gatot Soebroto, Kuningan, MT Haryono, Ragunan, Giant, Carrefour, PGC, XXI, Mall Kalibata.
Indonesia Fasilitas Area: Sekolah, Puskesmas, Klinik, Laundry, Mall, Cafe, salon, taman bermain, alfamart, indomart, pasar Dekat Stasiun Kereta Kalibata
English Facilities Area: School, Puskesmas, Clinic, Laundry, Mall, Cafe, salon, playground, Alfamart, Indomart, market Near Kalibata Train Station
Additional Info:
Indonesia Unit Fully Furnish LENGKAP, BERSIH TERAWAT, RAPI, Sesuai dengan FOTO Luas +/- 33 m2 Tower: B Lantai: 12 View: Lepas hadap jalan raya – nyaman Ruang tamu: Sofa, TV cable Balkon luar: 1 Kamar tidur: 2 Kamar mandi: 1 (full renovasi) Dapur: kitchen set Bebas banjir
English Fully Furnished Unit COMPLETE, CLEAN MAINTAINED, Tidy, according to the PHOTO Area +/- 33 m2 Tower: B Floors: 12 View: Off facing the highway – comfortable Living room: sofa, cable TV Outside balcony: 1 Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 1 (full renovation) Kitchen: kitchen set Free flood
Swimming Pool, Gym, Children Playground, Jogging Track, School, Dentist, Doctor, Restaurant and Cafe, Supermarket, Mini Market, Culinaire and a lot of tenant at Mall.
Easy Transportation: Train (Kereta) – The Favourite Transportation -, Uber, Grab, Gojek, Public Transport (Angkot dan Metromini)
Strategic Location: Near Halim Perdana Kusuma Airport (Bandara Halim), Kemang, Pancoran, Pasar Minggu.
Additional Info: 24-hour security
Rental Price: Rp 4.500.000/month (yearly can nego)