- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: Tangerang
- Tower/Floor/View: Ginza/09/view taman
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Unit dijual apartemen tokyo riverside pik 2
- Unit unfurnish, belum handover
- Masih cicilan ke developer
- Tower ginza lt 09 view taman
- Bayar ke pmilik rp 175juta netto
- Sisanya cicil ke developer rp 5,8juta x 36
- Facility:
- Ada tokyo hub, tempat kuliner dan resto terkenal
- Ada supermarket dan minimarket
- Ada pasar modern
- Additional Info:
- Developer terkemuka agung sedayu dan salim grup
- Sedang dibangun sekolah katolik international
- Akan dibangun prasetya mulya
- Market rental akan bagus nanti setelah semua progress selesai dibangun
- Selling Price:
- Bayar ke pemilik Rp 175.000.000 netto.
- Sisa cicil Rp 5,8juta x 36 ke developer
- Contact: 081388988295
- WhatsApp: 081388988295
- E-mail: sharone_pink@yahoo.co.id
Jual Apartemen di PIK Jakarta Utara Langsung Pemilik Tanpa Perantara Murah
Jual Rugi Termurah Apartemen Tokyo Riverside PIK2, TIPE STUDIO, 2BR, dan CONNECTING
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK2
- Location: PIK2
- Tower/Floor/View: Akihabara, Beppu, Chikusei, Dotonbori, Edogawa, Fuji, Ginza, Izikawa
- Size: 21m2, 36m2, 38m2, 40m2, 57m2
- Bedroom: 1-3
- Bathroom: 2
- Condition:
- Unfurnished
- Full Furnished
- Facility:
- Swimming pool Olympic Size with Onsen Club House
- Japanese garden Theme Park
- Floral garden, Sunken Garden, Butterfly Garden, Leisure Garden
- Fitness center & Outdoor Gym
- Reflexology path
- Basket Ball court
- Food court
- Community Plaza
- Supermarket
- Jogging track, Tai Chi & Yoga Lawn, Koi Fish Pond, BBQ Pit Areal
- Sun deck lounge & Party Deck
- Dekat dengan Universitas Prasetya Mulia
- Dekat dengan Sekolah Katolik no 1 di Indonesia St John Berchmans School Jakarta
- Akan dibangun Sekolah Pelita Harapan
- Additional Info:
- View :
- Garden
- City
- Pool
- Sea
- Selling Price:
- Studio Rp. 250.000.000,-
- 2 BR Rp. 450.000.000,-
- Connecting Rp. 750.000.000,-
- Rental Price:
- Studio Rp. 12.000.000,-
- 2BR RP. 20.000.000,-
- Contact: Untuk Informasi dan Survei silahkan Hub:
HP: 0877.8711.9587
WA: 0878.847.000.26
Agent Property
MaPro Pantai Indah Kapuk
Menerima TITIP JUAL, BELI, SEWA PROPERTY - WhatsApp: 087884700026
- E-mail: Shinta.mapro@gmail.com
Dijual Apartement Tokyo Riverside PIK 2 Studio – 2BR Unfurnished – 3BR Connecting Pantai Indah Kapuk Jakarta Utara
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside
- Location: PIK 2
- Tower/Floor/View: Akihabara, Beppu, Chikusei, Dontonbori, Edogawa, Fuji, Ginza, Izikawa
- Size: 21m2, 36m2, 38m2, 40m2, 57m2
- Bedroom: 1-3
- Bathroom: 1-2
- Condition:
- Unfurnished
- Full Furnished
- Facility:
- Swimming pool Olympic Size with Onsen Club House
- Japanese garden Theme Park
- Floral garden, Sunken Garden, Butterfly Garden, Leisure Garden
- Fitness center & Outdoor Gym
- Reflexology path
- Basket Ball court
- Food court
- Community Plaza
- Supermarket
- Jogging track, Tai Chi & Yoga Lawn, Koi Fish Pond, BBQ Pit Areal
- Sun deck lounge & Party Deck
- Additional Info: View
- Garden
- City
- Pool
- Sea
- Selling Price:
- Studio Rp. 245.000.000, – Rp. 250.000.000,-
- 2 BR 36m2 Rp. 430.000.000,- Rp. 450.000.000,-
- 2 BR 38m2 Rp. 490.000.000,- Rp. 500.000.000,-
- 2 BR 40m2 Rp. 500.000.000,- Rp. 550.000.000,-
- Connecting Rp. 680.000.000,- Rp. 750.000.000,-
- Rental Price:
- Studio Rp. 15.000.000,- RP. 35.000.000,-
- 2BR RP. 20.000.000,- RP. 45.000.000,-
- Contact: 087759800900
- WhatsApp: 087759800900
- E-mail: homylandproperty@gmail.com
Jual Cepat – Super Murah, Apartmen Tokyo Riverside PIK 2, 2 Bedroom Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: Jl.Marina Indah Raya no 1,Pantai indah kapuk
- Tower/Floor/View: Chikusei
- Size: 36 m2 m2
- Bedroom: 2BR
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully Furnish beserta elektronik
- Kamar utama:
- Ranjang 160+ matras
- Meja Rias
- Lemari 3pintu sleding
- Hordeng
- Panel tv dan tv Sharp 32i
Kamar anak:
- Lemari
- Meja rias
- Sofa satu dudukan
- Hordeng
Living room
- Kitchen set atas bawah ,rak piring
- Kompor listrik
- Cocer hood teka
- Meja makan 4kursi
- Elektronik
- 2 AC merek sharp
Water heater ariston
Tv Sharp 32inch
Coker hood teka
Kompor listrik
- 2 AC merek sharp
- Sudah termasuk biaya biaya
- Listrik 1300watt
- Ipl perbulan 546 rb
- Unit Baru, Interior Baru, Elektronik Baru
- Kamar utama:
- Facility:
- Swimming pool Olympic Size with Onsen Club’House
- Japanese garden Theme Park
- Floral garden Sunken garden Butterfly Garden Leisure Garden
- Fitness center and out door gym
- Reflexology Path
- Basketball court
- Food Court
- Community plaza
- Supermarket
- Jogging track, Thai chi and yoga lwan ,Koi Fish Pond,BbQ pitAreal
- Sun deck lounge and Party deck
- Dekat dengan Universitas Prasetya Mulya
- Dekat dengan Sekolah katolik no 1 di Indonesia Sy Jhon
- Berchmans School Jakarta
- Akan dibangu sekolah pelita harapan
- Additional Info:
View City ,Pool ,Sea
- Selling Price: Rp 500.000.000 nego tipis
Jual karena BU - Rental Price: Rp.32.000.000/tahun
- Contact: 089650693556 Rita
- WhatsApp: 089650693556
- E-mail: duomaximum.property@yahoo.com
Dijual Apartment Gold Coast Semi Furnished – Full Furnished Pantai Indah Kapuk Jakarta Utara
- Apartment Name: Gold Coast
- Location: PIK
- Tower/Floor/View: Atlantic, Bahama, Carribean, Honolulu
- Size: 29m2, 51m2, 90m2, 106m2, 113m2, 142m2
- Bedroom: 1-4
- Bathroom: 1-3
- Condition:
- Unfurnished
- Full Furnished
- Facility:
- Swimming Pool Outdoor
- Swimming Pool Indoor
- Children Pool
- Jacuzzi
- Children Playground
- Jogging track
- Tree-house
- Aquatic Club House
- Party Deck + Spa Pool
- Garden
- Sauna
- Yoga Room
- Karaoke Room
- Restaurant
- Multipurpose Room
- Basketball Court
- Additional Info:
- The location is very strategic at PIK, has a PIK interchange (direct toll road access).
- The most complete Water Front City concept on the coast of Jakarta, super complete and exclusive facilities.
- Has a Water Treatment Plant, so tap water can be drunk directly like in foreign countries.
- Close to Tzu Chi School, Pertamina, Shell, PIK Mall, Fresh Market, Water Boom, business and culinary areas.
- Equipped with 24/7 security with CCTV camera, audio & visual phone, finger scan lift.
- Selling Price:
- STUDIO Rp. 750.000.000,-
- 1BR Rp. 1.300.000.000,-
- 2BR RP. 2000.000.000,-
- 3BR Rp.,-
- 4BR Rp. 6.500.000.000,-
- Rental Price:
- STUDIO Rp. 47.000.000 – Rp. 60.000.000
- 1BR Rp. 52.000.000 – Rp. 85.000.000
- 2BR RP. 92.000.000 – Rp. 125.000.000
- 3BR Rp. 102.000.000 – Rp. 190.000.000
- 4BR Rp. 202.000.000 – Rp. 255.000.000
- Contact: 087759800900
- WhatsApp: 087759800900
- E-mail: homylandproperty@gmail.com
Disewakan / Dijual Apartemen Studio Tokyo Riverside PIK 2 Jakarta Utara – Unfurnished
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: PIK 2
- Tower/Floor/View: 25
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished
- Facility:
- Tokyo Market
- Traditional market PIK 1
- Jogging track
- Foodcourt
- Security 24 hour
- Additional Info: Dekat dengan Bandara Internasional Seokarno Hatta
- Dekat dengan Kebon Jeruk
- Dekat dengan Kawasan SCBD Pusat Bisnis
- Dekat dengan Kelapa Gading
- Dekat dengan PIK Pantjoran, Pantai Pasir Putih, Central Market dst.
- Selling Price: Rp 325.000.000
- Rental Price: Rp 1.250.000 / bulan
- Contact: 089617005087
- WhatsApp: 089617005087
- E-mail: diansentosa19@yahoo.com
Jual Murah Studio Apartemen Tokyo Riverside PIK 2 – Tersedia Lantai Sedang / Rendah / Tinggi
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK2
- Location: Pantai Indah Kapuk 2
- Tower/Floor/View: Sedang
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished
- Facility:
- Market
- Foodcourt
- Traditional Market
- Parking
- Security 24 hour
- Additional Info: DIJUAL MURAH Apartemen Tokyo Riverside PIK2
- Studio, 21sqm
- Standard Developer
- Tersedia Lantai sedang/tinggi/rendah
- View Taman Dalam Tanpa Tertutup Gedung
- Murah meriah
- Siap huni
- More Info : 0877-7511-0455 (Natasha)
- Selling Price: Rp 260.000.000
- Contact: 087775110455
- WhatsApp: 087775110455
- E-mail: natashafitriw@gmail.com
Jual Cepat – Super Murah! Apartemen Tokyo Riverside PIK 2 Tipe 2 Bedroom!
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: PIK 2
- Tower/Floor/View: Lantai Middle
- Size: 36 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished
- Facility:
- Swimming pool setiap tower
- Swimming pool Olympic Size with Onsen Club House
- Japanese garden Theme Park
- Floral garden, Sunken Garden, Butterfly Garden, Leisure Garden
- Fitness center & Outdoor Gym
- Reflexology path
- Basket Ball court
- Food court
- Community Plaza
- Supermarket
- Jogging track, Tai Chi & Yoga Lawn, Koi Fish Pond, BBQ Pit Areal
- Sun deck lounge & Party Deck
- Additional Info:
- Dekat dengan 100 Chineese Restaurant
- Dekat dengan Pasar Raksasa
- Dekat dengan 4 Asian Market Terbesar di PIK
- Dekat dengan Universitas Prasetya Mulia
- Dekat dengan Sekolah Katholik no 1 di Indonesia
- Dekat dengan Mata Elang
- Dekat dengan Kavling Komersil
- Posisi Central di PIK 2
- Selling Price:
- Jual rugi super murah : Rp 440 juta nego tipis
- Harga beli awal : Rp 535 juta
- Contact: Yuliana – 082147943427
- WhatsApp: 082147943427
Dijual Termurah Saat Ini Apartemen Tokyo Riverside – Type 2BR Standart Developer (36 m2)
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside
- Location: PIK2
- Tower/Floor/View: –
- Size: 36 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Standart developer
- Brand New
- View garden / Taman Dalam
- Lantai Sedang
- Harga Hanya 450jt Sudah All in (Include Pajak dll) !!
- Facility:
- Swimming pool setiap tower
- Swimming pool Olympic Size with Onsen Club House
- Japanese garden Theme Park
- Floral garden, Sunken Garden, Butterfly Garden, Leisure Garden
- Fitness center & Outdoor Gym
- Reflexology path
- Basket Ball court
- Food court
- Community Plaza
- Supermarket
- Jogging track, Tai Chi & Yoga Lawn, Koi Fish Pond, BBQ Pit Areal
- Sun deck lounge & Party Deck
- Additional Info:
- Harga Sudah ALL IN !!!
- Dekat dengan 100 Chineese Restaurant
- Dekat dengan Pasar Raksasa
- Dekat dengan 4 Asian Market Terbesar di PIK
- Dekat dengan Universitas Prasetya Mulia
- Dekat dengan Sekolah Katholik no 1 di Indonesia
- Dekat dengan Mata Elang
- Dekat dengan Kavling Komersil
- Posisi Central di PIK 2
- Selling Price: Rp 450 juta (All in) !!
- Contact: 0853-2828-8838
- WhatsApp: 085328288838
Dijual MURAH Apartemen Tokyo Riverside PIK 2 Studio Unfurnished di Jakarta Utara
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: Pantai Indah Kapuk, Jakarta Utara
- Tower/Floor/View: Dotonbori/21/Pool
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Kosongan apa adanya baru dari developer
- Facility:
- Swimming pool Olympic Size with Onsen Club’House
- Floral garden, Sunken garden, Butterfly Garden, Leisure Garden
- Fitness center and out door gym
- Basketball court
- Food Court Tokyo hub beraneka ragam restoran
- Jogging track, BbQ, Yoga lawan
- Sun deck lounge and Party Lounge
- Additional Info:
- Dekat dengan Universitas Prasetya Mulya
- Dekat dengan Sekolah Katholik no1 di Indonesia St Jhon Berchmans School Jakarta
- 5 menit ke stadium mata elang
- Dekat dengan Kavling Komersil Hits La Rivera PIK 2
- Posisi Central PIK 2
- Dekat dengan Rumah sakit TzuChi dan PIK
- Apartemen dekat dengan tempat wisata di PIK 2Pantjoran Kuliner bernuansa Tionghoa yang terletak dekat dg Pasir putih
- Cove at Batavia PIK menawarkan pemandangan indah tepi laut yang indah
- Urban Farm PIK
- Lariviera berlatar bangunan berkonsep arsitektur Eropa
- Selling Price: Rp 220.000.000
- Contact: 081314177280
- WhatsApp: 081314177280
- E-mail: whitz_cute@yahoo.com
Jual Cepat – Unit Langka! Apartemen Tokyo Riverside PIK 2 Tipe 38 m2 (Besar) View City!
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: PIK 2
- Tower/Floor/View: Lantai Middle / best view tidak terhalang apa-apa menghadap ke la riveria (rukan Amsterdam)
- Size: 38 m2? m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished
- Facility:
- Swimming pool setiap tower
- Swimming pool Olympic Size with Onsen Club House
- Japanese garden Theme Park
- Floral garden, Sunken Garden, Butterfly Garden, Leisure Garden
- Fitness center & Outdoor Gym
- Reflexology path
- Basket Ball court
- Food court
- Community Plaza
- Supermarket
- Jogging track, Tai Chi & Yoga Lawn, Koi Fish Pond, BBQ Pit Areal
- Sun deck lounge & Party Deck
- Additional Info:
- Dekat dengan 100 Chineese Restaurant
- Dekat dengan Pasar Raksasa
- Dekat dengan 4 Asian Market Terbesar di PIK
- Dekat dengan Universitas Prasetya Mulia
- Dekat dengan Sekolah Katholik no 1 di Indonesia
- Dekat dengan Mata Elang
- Dekat dengan Kavling Komersil
- Posisi Central di PIK 2
- Selling Price: Jual rugi Rp 500 Juta nego
Harga beli awal : Rp 600 juta
- Contact: Yuliana – 082147943427
- WhatsApp: 082147943427
Jual Apartemen Tokyo Riverside PIK 2BR Unfurnished SPECIAL UNIT – Direct Owner
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: PIK 2
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Beppu/26
- Size: 36 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished
- Facility:
- Swimming pool Olympic Size with Onsen Club House
- Japanese garden Theme Park
- Floral garden, Sunken Garden, Butterfly Garden, Leisure Garden
- Fitness center & Outdoor Gym
- Reflexology path
- Basket Ball court
- Food court (Tokyo Hub)
- Community Plaza
- Supermarket
- Jogging track, Tai Chi & Yoga Lawn, Koi Fish Pond, BBQ Pit Areal
- Sun deck lounge & Party Deck
- Dekat dengan Universitas Prasetya Mulia
- Dekat dengan Sekolah Katolik no 1 di Indonesia St John Berchmans School Jakarta
- Akan dibangun Sekolah Pelita Harapan
- Additional Info:
- Unit Spesial! 1 lantai dengan Sky Garden
- Dengan view yang TIDAK menghadap ke unit lain (hanya ada 2 unit type 2BR yg seperti ini di setiap lantainya)
- Selling Price: Rp 520.000.000 (nego)
- Contact: 0819868908 – Direct Owner
- WhatsApp: 0819868908