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Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
Location: Pantai Indah Kapuk,Pik2
Tower/Floor/View: Akibara
Size: 21 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Unit baru serah terima
Harga termurah
Stock terbatas
Cicilan Lunas
Dekat denga 100 Chinese restaurant
Dekat dengan pasar Raksasa
Dekat dgn 4Asian market terbesar di PIK 1
Dekat dg Univ Prasetya Mulya
Dekat dgn Mata Elang
Dekat dg Sekolah katolik No 1
Swiming pool Olympic Size with Onsen Club House
Japanese Garden Theme Park
Floral Garden, Sunken Garden, Butterfly Garden, Sunken Garden, Leisure Garden
Fitness center and Outdoor Gym
Reflexology path 7
Basket Ball court
Food Court
Community Plaza
Jogging track, Tai Chi , Yoga lawn, Koi Fish Pond, BBQ Pit Areal
Sun dect lounge &Party Deck
Additional Info:
Dekat dengan 100 Chineese food Restaurant
Dekat dengan Pasar Raksasa
Dekat dengan 4 Asian Market terbesar di Pik
Dekat dengan Universitas Prasetya Mulia
Dekat dengan Sekolah Khatolik no 1di Indonesia
Dekat dengan Mata Elang
Dekat dengan kavling komersil
Posisi Central Pik 2
Selling Price: Rp.255 jt
Rental Price: Disewakan Murah banget 2br dikawasan Elite PIK 2, kosongan Rp.18.000.000 pertahun luas 36m2 dua bedroom Studio disewakan 12jt pertahun
Contact: Rita WA 089650693556
WhatsApp: 089650693556
Categories Jual Apartemen , Jual Apartemen Jakarta Utara , Jual Apartemen Studio Jakarta Utara , Jual Apartemen Tokyo Riverside PIK 2 , Sewa Apartemen , Sewa Apartemen 1 Juta Per Bulan Tangerang , Sewa Apartemen 2 Juta Per Bulan Tangerang , Sewa Apartemen 2 Kamar Jakarta Utara , Sewa Apartemen Jakarta Utara , Sewa Apartemen Studio Jakarta Utara , Sewa Apartemen Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside
Location: PIK 2, Jakarta
Tower/Floor/View: Tower Ginza / Middle High Rise / View Laut
Size: 38 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: NEW (Progress pembangunan 100%)
Club house, fitness center & swimming pool
Supermarket & traditional market
Jogging track
Shibuya night market and other F&B tenants
Dekat ke akses tol, Pantai Pasir Putih dan Pantjoran PIK 2
Dekat ke LRT station (future development)
Dekat ke fasilitas pendidikan (sekolah & universitas)
Dekat ke Concert Arena Mata Elang International Stadium
Selling Price: Rp 759.900.000 (nego)
Contact: 081311292384 (Whatsapp only)
WhatsApp: 081311292384
Apartment Name: PIK 2 – Tokyo Riverside
Location: PIK 2
Tower/Floor/View: –
Size: 40 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: New (Hoek)
Swimming pool setiap tower
Swimming pool Olympic Size with Onsen Club House
Japanese garden Theme Park
Floral garden, Sunken Garden, Butterfly Garden, Leisure Garden
Fitness center & Outdoor Gym
Reflexology path
Basket Ball court
Food court
Community Plaza
Jogging track, Tai Chi & Yoga Lawn, Koi Fish Pond, BBQ Pit Areal
Sun deck lounge & Party Deck
Additional Info:
Dekat dengan 100 Chineese Restaurant
Dekat dengan Pasar Raksasa
Dekat dengan 4 Asian Market Terbesar di PIK
Dekat dengan Universitas Prasetya Mulia
Dekat dengan Sekolah Katholik no 1 di Indonesia
Dekat dengan Mata Elang
Dekat dengan Kavling Komersil
Posisi Central di PIK 2
Selling Price:
High zone : Rp 490 juta nett
Low zone : Rp 560 juta nego
Contact: Yuliana – 082147943427
WhatsApp: 082147943427
Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside
Location: PIK 2 Jakarta Utara
Tower/Floor/View: Tower Dontoburi (tengah) / middle / View super bagus : Timur hadap Club House + La Riveria
Size: 57 m2
Bedroom: 3 kamar (connecting unit)
Bathroom: 2
Condition: New
Swimming pool setiap tower
Swimming pool Olympic Size with Onsen Club House
Japanese garden Theme Park
Floral garden, Sunken Garden, Butterfly Garden, Leisure Garden
Fitness center & Outdoor Gym
Reflexology path
Basket Ball court
Food court
Community Plaza
Jogging track, Tai Chi & Yoga Lawn, Koi Fish Pond, BBQ Pit Areal
Sun deck lounge & Party Deck
Additional Info:
Dekat dengan 100 Chineese Restaurant
Dekat dengan Pasar Raksasa
Dekat dengan 4 Asian Market Terbesar di PIK
Dekat dengan Universitas Prasetya Mulia
Dekat dengan Sekolah Katholik no 1 di Indonesia
Dekat dengan Mata Elang
Dekat dengan Kavling Komersil
Posisi Central di PIK 2
Selling Price: Harga beli awal : Rp 858 jutaJual rugi : Rp 785 juta saja
Contact: Yuliana – 082147943427
WhatsApp: 082147943427
Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside
Location: PIK 2
Tower/Floor/View: Middle floor / laut & city
Size: 40 m2 (hoek)
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Unfurnished
Kolam renang
Jogging track
Kids playground
24hr security
Additional Info: Super bagus view laut dan juga city
Selling Price: Jual rugi Rp 545.000.000
Contact: Yuli – 082147943427
WhatsApp: 082147943427
Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside
Location: Pantai Indah Kapuk 2
Tower/Floor/View: Dotonburi
Size: 21 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Unfurnished
Facility: DIJUAL Apartemen Tokyo Riverside Studio, 29m2 Standar Developer Sudah Serah Terima Lantai Rendah View Taman Dalam FACILITY AREA :
International School
Fresh Market
Sports Club
Lifestyle Mall
Theme Park & Family Leisure
Pier Point
Outdoor Sport
Culinary Space
Kids Friendly Zone
Additional Info: –
Selling Price: Rp 275.000.000
Contact: WA/CALL : 0877-7511-0455 (Natasha) Feel Free to Ask.
WhatsApp: 087775110455
Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside – Pik 2
Location: Pik 2
Tower/Floor/View: High zone (Tengah) / View Laut + Garden. super bagus
Size: 57 m2 m2
Bedroom: Studio & 2 BR
Bathroom: 1 / 2
Condition: New,?Unfurnished
Swimming pool setiap tower
Swimming pool Olympic Size with Onsen Club House
Japanese garden Theme Park
Floral garden, Sunken Garden, Butterfly Garden, Leisure Garden
Fitness center & Outdoor Gym
Reflexology path
Basket Ball court
Food court
Community Plaza
Jogging track, Tai Chi & Yoga Lawn, Koi Fish Pond, BBQ Pit Areal
Sun deck lounge & Party Deck
Additional Info:
Dekat dengan 100 Chineese Restaurant
Dekat dengan Pasar Raksasa
Dekat dengan 4 Asian Market Terbesar di PIK
Dekat dengan Universitas Prasetya Mulia
Dekat dengan Sekolah Katholik no 1 di Indonesia
Dekat dengan Mata Elang
Dekat dengan Kavling Komersil
Posisi Central di PIK 2
Selling Price: Dijual Berbarengan Studio + 2 Bedroom – Harga Super Murah 670 Juta Nego
Contact: +62 821-4794-3427
WhatsApp: 6282147943427
Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside
Location: PIK 2
Tower/Floor/View: Tower Fuji, view city
Size: 21 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Please call
Swimming pool setiap tower
Swimming pool Olympic Size with Onsen Club House
Japanese garden Theme Park
Floral garden, Sunken Garden, Butterfly Garden, Leisure Garden
Fitness center & Outdoor Gym
Reflexology path
Basket Ball court
Food court
Community Plaza
Jogging track, Tai Chi & Yoga Lawn, Koi Fish Pond, BBQ Pit Areal
Sun deck lounge & Party Deck
Additional Info:
Dekat dengan 100 Chineese Restaurant
Dekat dengan Pasar Raksasa
Dekat dengan 4 Asian Market Terbesar di PIK
Dekat dengan Universitas Prasetya Mulia
Dekat dengan Sekolah Katholik no 1 di Indonesia
Dekat dengan Mata Elang
Dekat dengan Kavling Komersil
Posisi Central di PIK 2
Selling Price: Rp 300 juta
Contact: +62 821-4794-3427
WhatsApp: 6282147943427
Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside
Location: PIK 2
Size: 57 m2
Bedroom: 3
Bathroom: 2
standart developer
view garden
Swimming pool setiap tower
Swimming pool Olympic Size with Onsen Club House
Japanese garden Theme Park
Floral garden, Sunken Garden, Butterfly Garden, Leisure Garden
Fitness center & Outdoor Gym
Reflexology path
Basket Ball court
Food court
Community Plaza
Jogging track, Tai Chi & Yoga Lawn, Koi Fish Pond, BBQ Pit Areal
Sun deck lounge & Party Deck
Additional Info:
Harga Sudah All in
Bisa Survey Kalau Serius
Dekat dengan 100 Chineese Restaurant
Dekat dengan Pasar Raksasa
Dekat dengan 4 Asian Market Terbesar di PIK
Dekat dengan Universitas Prasetya Mulia
Dekat dengan Sekolah Katholik no 1 di Indonesia
Dekat dengan Mata Elang
Dekat dengan Kavling Komersil
Posisi Central di PIK 2
Selling Price: Rp 720 juta
Contact: 085328288838
WhatsApp: 085328288838
Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside
Location: PIK 2
Tower/Floor/View: Beppu / 26 / City View
Size: 21 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Standard developer (unfurnished)
Unit milik pribadi
Cicilan lunas
Sudah serah terima
Fasilitas Elite
View City
Additional Info: Listrik 1300 watt
Selling Price: Jual RUGI Rp 290.000.000 (Nego tipis)
Contact: Vanny – 081290653357
WhatsApp: 081290653357
Apartment Name: Pik 2 – Tokyo Riverside
Location: Pik 2
Tower/Floor/View: Tower Edogawa / lantai 25 / view garden
Size: 57 m2
Bedroom: 3
Bathroom: 2
Condition: New
Swimming pool setiap tower
Swimming pool Olympic Size with Onsen Club House
Japanese garden Theme Park
Floral garden, Sunken Garden, Butterfly Garden, Leisure Garden
Fitness center & Outdoor Gym
Reflexology path
Basket Ball court
Food court
Community Plaza
Jogging track, Tai Chi & Yoga Lawn, Koi Fish Pond, BBQ Pit Areal
Sun deck lounge & Party Deck
Additional Info:
Dekat dengan 100 Chineese Restaurant
Dekat dengan Pasar Raksasa
Dekat dengan 4 Asian Market Terbesar di PIK
Dekat dengan Universitas Prasetya Mulia
Dekat dengan Sekolah Katholik no 1 di Indonesia
Dekat dengan Mata Elang
Dekat dengan Kavling Komersil
Posisi Central di PIK 2
Selling Price: Rp 675.000.000
Contact: Yuliana – 082147943427
WhatsApp: 082147943427
Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside
Location: PIK 2
Size: 36 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: JUAL RUGI!!
Harga Termurah Untuk Saat Ini
Harga sudah Include Semua (All in)
View Garden
Dekat dengan 100 Chineese Restaurant
Dekat dengan Pasar Raksasa
Dekat dengan 4 Asian Market Terbesar di PIK
Dekat dengan Universitas Prasetya Mulia
Dekat dengan Sekolah Katholik no 1 di Indonesia
Dekat dengan Mata Elang
Dekat dengan Kavling Komersil
Posisi Central di PIK 2
Standart Developer
View Garden
Additional Info: –
Selling Price: Rp 465 juta
Contact: 085328288838
WhatsApp: 085328288838