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Apartment Name: Apartemen Kalibata City
Location: Jln Raya Taman Makam Pahlawan No.01, Kalibata, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Herrbas / lt. 20 / City
Size: 32 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Study Room: 1
Condition: Full Furnished
Facility: Tinggal Bawa Koper
Additional Info: Dekat RS Budi Asih, dekat Tol Bandara masuk dari Pancoran
Selling Price: Rp 380.000.000
Contact: 085794156974
WhatsApp: 085794156974
Apartment Name: Green Palace – Kalibata City
Location: Kalibata, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Mawar/2/Pemukiman
Size: 35 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished, Sofa akan dibelikan yang baru.
Fasilitas unit apartemenAC 1 Unit
TV LED 32″
Sofa Bed (Akan dibelikan yang Baru)
Tempat tidur
Kitchen set
Akses Parkir
Lihat foto
Fasilitas Apartemen
Masjid Nurullah Kalibata city
Mushola al huda
Mall Kalibata City
Lapangan Basket, futsal, tennis
Parkir luas on groundland & Basement 3 lantai
Jogging Track
Swimming pool
Akses Transportasi:
20 menit Bandara Halim Perdana Kusumah
60 menit Bandara Soekarno Hatta
5 menit Stasiun Kereta Kalibata
5 menit Plaza Kalibata
15 menit PGC cililitan
20 menit Tol pancoran dalam kota
10 menit RS Tria Dipa
Transportasi umum 24 jam
Additional Info:
Sedang proses PPJB ke SHM.
Biaya balik nama dibagi 2 antara penjual dan pembeli.
Selling Price: Rp 450.000.000
Contact: 081914572562
WhatsApp: 081914572562
Apartment Name: Green Palace – Kalibata City
Location: Jalan Raya Kalibata No. 1, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Lotus
Size: 36 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Full furnished, 2 BR dimodifikasi menjadi 1 BR. Ruang tamu / keluarga besar. Sudah Sertifikat Hak Milik (SHM). Listrik 1.300 Watt.
Facility: Kartu akses, parkir 1 lot (langganan), kolam renang, jogging track, fitness, lapangan tenis / basket, sekolah TK / SD, kios, apotik, laundry, ATM, barber shop. Mall Kalibata Square lengkap dengan tenant terkenal: bank / ATM center, supermarket, salon, fashion, restoran, fast food, coffee shop, bioskop, refleksi, food court, kuliner, dll.
Additional Info: Ddijual juga beberapa type unit lainnya :
2 BR type besar Tower Raffles lantai 21
2 BR Tower Lotus lantai 2
2 BR (2 unit) Tower Flamboyan lantai 7 dapat digabung
Selling Price: Rp 490.000.000
Contact: 081289344839
WhatsApp: 081289344839
Apartment Name: Nine Residence
Location: Mampang, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: A/09/City View
Size: 38 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully Furnished
Infinity Pool with Amazing City View
Function Room
Exclusive Lobby
Easy Public transportation, only 50 m Halte TransJakarta
Additional Info: Closed to CBD Kuninga, Sudirman, Gatot Subroto, Kemang, TB Simatupang
Selling Price: Rp 830.000.000
Contact: Endang Sutrisna 0816 162 8088
WhatsApp: 08161628088
Apartment Name: Kalibata City
Location: Jl. TMP Kalibata Raya No.1 Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: TPRL
Size: 36 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
AC, TV, kulkas
Divan + matras springbed
Lemari pakaian + meja rias
Kitchen set
Survey unit dan Nego harga hubungi 081977708099
Kolam renang, gym, taman bermain anak, jogging track
Lapangan tenis, basket, futsal
Mall, foodcourt, Farmer Super Market, Salin kecantikan, Bank, ATM Center
Klinik kecantikan dan kesehatan
Tempat ibadah dan sekolah
Additional Info:
Tower, dokumen saat ini dan harga :
Tulip lt.7 hook, furnished, PPJB, 435 juta
Tulip lt.20, semi furnished, SHM, 465 juta
Tulip lt.11, 3 BR, unfurnished, SHM, 710 juta
Tulip lt.16, 3 BR, SHM, semi furnished, 725 juta
Rafles lt.10, type studio, SHM, furnished, 355 juta
Palem lt.16, Type 42 m2, SHM on process, 595 juta
Lotus lt.2, unfurnushed, PPJB, 435 juta
Nego harga, prosedure transaksi dan biaya2 sertifikat akan di info setelah visit unit.
Selling Price: Rp 435.000.000
Contact: 081977708099
WhatsApp: 081977708099
Apartment Name: Nine Residence
Location: Jln Buncit Raya no.12 Durentiga Mampang Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: A/B/city
Size: 38/44/75 m2
Bedroom: 1/2/3
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Disewakan dengan kondisi fully furnished luxury interior. Banyak pilihan dengan harga terjangkau. Furniture :
Sofa Tvcabinet dsn tv
Tempat tidur
Meja makan
Kursi makan
Mesin cuci
Water heater
Dll pls call
Lobby room
Lobby receiption
Fitness room
Function room
Security 24 jam
Parkir luas
Dll pls call
Additional Info:
Lokasi strategis dekat ke Kuningan, Gatsu, Sudirman, Tb Simatupang
Lingkungan aman
Bebas banjir
Lokasi di jalan besar ada mrt
Selling Price:
Studio Rp 800 juta – 1 M
1 BR Rp 1.2 M – 1.3 M
2 BR Rp 1.9 M – 2.2 M
Rental Price:
Studio Rp 6 juta – 7.5 juta
1 BR Rp 8 juta – 10 juta
2 BR Rp 12 juta – 15 juta
Contact: Ibu Nur. BTF Jaya Property
Hp.087881525659 #ibunurAgent1000klien Spesialis Apartemèn Dipercaya selama 12 Tahun. Jual -Sewa Apartemen dan Interior. Salon Apartemen Apt Marbella Kemang Residence Apt Nine Residence Apt The Royal Olive Residence Apt.Kemang Village Apt Kemang Mansion
WhatsApp: 087881525659
Apartment Name: Kalibata City
Location: Jl. Makam Pahlawan No. 1, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Cendana / 6
Size: 33 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Semi furnished
Facility: Taman bermain, akses card, security 24 jam, mall, mini market, laundry
Additional Info:
Sudah sertifikat
Pajak ditanggung masing-masing
Biaya notaris bagi 2
Selling Price: Rp 315.000.000
Contact: 081808003393
Whatsapp: 081808003393
Apartment Name: Kalibata City
Location: Kalibata, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Lotus
Size: 33 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully furnished
Facility: Kolam renang, gym, mall, cinema, super market dan lapangan tennis
Additional Info: Depan Bussway dan stasiun kereta api
Selling Price: Best Offer
Rental Price: Rp 4,000,000 per bulan
Contact: 081294101072
WhatsApp: 081294101072
Apartment Name: Kalibata City
Location: Jl. Kalibata Raya No.1 Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Jasmine
Size: 33 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished
TV, Credenza TV, TV cable, kulkas, AC
Divan + springbed
Lemari Pakaian
Kitchen set
Nego harga dan survey unit hubungi 081977708099
Additional Info: SHM on hand, harga belum termasuk biaya biaya balik nama sertifikat ke pembeli (AJB2)
Selling Price: Rp 340.000.000
Contact: 081977708099
WhatsApp: 081977708099
Apartment Name: Kalibata City
Location: Kalibata City,?Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Sakura
Size: 35 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Full Furnish, Lengkap
Kolam Renang
Fitness Center
Jogging Track
Resto, Mall
Minimarket dan Masih Banyak lagi
Additional Info:
Lokasi Dekat Ke mana-mana
5 Menit ke Stasiun KRL
Gojek dan Gofood 24 Jam
Parkir Murah
Free Maintenence Fee 6 Bulan
Selling Price: Rp 490.000.000
Rental Price: Rp 5.000.000/bulan
Contact: 0818.897.160,?0817.11.3568
WhatsApp: 0818897160
Apartment Name: Kalibata City
Location: Kalibata – Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Damar/ 2 / Garden
Size: 28.73 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Full furnished dan terawat.
2 Bedroom with springbed,?kitchen set, dining table, sofa bed,?TV, desk, built-in wardrobe with big mirror, 2 units AC, refrigerator, shoe case, nice interior,?TV cabinet, shower.
Facility: Mall, supermarket, apotik, bookstore, daycare, laundry, cafes / restaurant,?clinic and dentist,?parking lot,?lapangan basket, dan lain lain.
Additional Info:
Kalibata City merupakan superblok yang sangat strategis, bebas banjir, dan dekat pusat kota. Mudah diakses dengan angkutan umum seperti bus, taksi, angkot dan kereta (sebelah stasiun kereta).
Dekat sekali dengan universitas ternama, sekolah, tempat ibadah, tempat hiburan dan bioskop, hotel serta perkantoran.
Harga sudah termasuk?sertifikat
Selling Price: Rp 450.000.000 (negotiable)
Rental Price:
Rp 21.000.000 for 6 months (negotiable)
Rp 40.000.000 for 1 year (negotiable)
Contact: 08119308089, 085894962303 (Yenni)
WhatsApp: 08119308089
Apartment Name: Kalibata City
Location: Jl. Taman Makam Pahlawan No. 1, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: E/08/barat
Size: 21 m2
Bedroom: Single bedroom
Bathroom: Standar, ember, toilet duduk, dengan water heater
Study Room: Ada meja belajar
Condition: Simply furnished apartment. Completed with :
1 kasur
1 TV
1 AC
1 refrigerator
1 wardrobe
kitchen set + table & chairs
Sertifikat Starta title
Kartu akses per lantai, security 24 jam, lobby yang nyaman, mail box.
Tempat parkir mobil dan motor
Tempat bermain anak, restoran, Farmers Market, Food court.
ATM dan Bank, Masjid, Apotik, Salon, laundry, Sekolah TK dan
Additional Info: Lokasi strategis
Akses mudah ke publik trasnportasi ( Kereta/ Bis, Taksi)
Dekat dengan stasiun Duren Kalibata
Dekat dengan center bisnis (MT Haryono / Gatot Subroto, Rasuna Said / Mega Kuningan & Sudirman / SCBD)
Dekat dengan Rumah Sakit
Dekat dengan Sekolah
Dekat dengan daerah kuliner dan Mall Kalibata City
Selling Price: Rp 288.000.000 (nego)
Strata Title
AJB masing masing
Pemilik langsung
Rental Price:
Dengan deposit
Minimal 3 bulan
Per 3 bulan Rp 8.000.000
Per 6 bulan Rp 15.000.000
Per tahun Rp 29.000.000
WhatsApp: 0818177673