Location: Jalan Pangeran Antasari No. 36, Jakarta Selatan 12150
Tower/Floor/View: –
Size: 165 m2
Bedroom: 3
Bathroom: 2
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Good Condition
2 Private Lift
Car Parking Free
24-hours Security
Private and Comfortable Lobby
Private Lift
Private Balcony
Access Cards to Units and Facilities
Security Video Calls
Swimming Pool
Fitness Center
Yoga Corner
Tennis Court
Basketball Court
Jogging Track surrounded by Tropical Gardens
Aerobics Rooms
The Mall is connected to Avenue of The Star,
XXI Cinema in Lippo mall Kemang
Indonesian, Italian, Japanese and other Restaurants
Additional Info:
Located in South Jakarta, it is very strategically located which can be accessed from various directions.
Kemang is referred to as the second Bali in Jakarta, surrounded by very entertaining places such as bars, cafes, restaurants, etc.
Only 15-minute driving to the International School. 10 minutes to the international hospital, and 30 minutes to the national embassies.
Kami menerima jasa “Design & Build” untuk unit Apartemen dan Office Anda, dengan waktu pengerjaan dan kualitas yang dapat diandalkan
Please call / WhatsApp for other units in Tower Intercon, Infinity, Empire, Tiffany, Cosmopolitan, Ritz and Bloomington
Rental Price: USD 2.500/month Minimum Rental 1 Year
Contact: Charles Susanto Lim Call / Whatsapp: 081377765768 – 087778899910 E-mail: prestigescbd@gmail.com http://charlessusanto88.agenproperti.com www.PrestigeSCBDProperty.co.id PRESTIGE SCBD PROPERTY Office: One Pacific Place Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD) Jl Jendral Sudirman Kav 52-53, Jakarta Selatan 12190 MILLION DOLAR LISTING JAKARTA – SELL IT LIKE CHARLES
Location: Jl. Pangeran Antasari No. 36 RT. 14 / RW. 5, Bangka, Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Empire / lantai 23
Size: 132 m2
Bedroom: 3
Bathroom: 2
Condition: Furnished
Facility: 24-hour security, and CCTV, Private and comfortable lobby, private elevator and private balcony, access cards to units and facilities, security video calls. Swimming pool, fitness center and yoga corner, tennis court, basketball court, jogging track surrounded by tropical gardens and aerobics rooms. The mall is connected to Avenue of the star, XXI Cinema in Lippo mall Kemang. Indonesian, Italian, Japanese and other restaurants
Security: 24 hours of Security and CCTV, private and comfortable lobby, private lift and Private balcony available, access card to unit and facility, and security video call, swimming pool, gym and fitness centre, yoga corner, tennis court, basketball court, jogging track.
Surrounded by tropical garden and aerobic space.
Mall connected, Avenue of the star, Cinema XXI Lippo Mall Kemang.
Restaurant Indonesian, Italian, Malaysian, Japanese, Ethnic restaurant connected to the area.
Additional Info:
Kemang Village is Superblock area, very convenience for living.
Located in the heart of Jakarta’s, walking distance to the Mall, big supermarket, restaurants, bars and cinema.
5 minutes walked to Kemang Area.
Right next to Hospital, International Schools.
15-20 minutes by Taxi to Tol JORR, Simatupang, Senayan, Kuningan, SCBD.
Tower/Floor/View: Eminence Tower / Hadap Utara / Lantai 20 UP
Size: 136 m2
Bedroom: 3
Bathroom: 2
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Condition: Semi Furnished
Fitness Centre
Reflecting Pool
Cafe Akoe
Swimming Pool Eminence tower
Swimming Pool South tower
Tennis Court
Business Centre
Farm to Table
Lobby South tower
Meeting Room
Additional Info:
Premium and Strategic Location, Surrounded by Elite Neighborhood such as Darmawangsa, Kemang, Pondok Indah, Simprug and Permata Hijau. Only 10 Minutes to Central Business District Area. Close to Well Known Amenities such as Darmawangsa Square, Pondok Indah Mall and Cilandak Town Square.
Close to Well Established Hospital such as RS Pertamina, RS Pondok Indah and Brawijaya Women & Child Hospital. Close to Reputable International & National School such as Jakarta International School, International School, Australian International School, L’ecole de Francaise, Highscope School, Mentari School, Pangudi Luhur.
Close to Exclusive Hotels such as Darmawangsa Hotel, Grand Kemang, and Grand Mahakam
Keamanan 24 jam, dan CCTV, Lobby Pribadi dan nyaman, lift pribadi dan balkon pribadi yang tersedia, kartu akses ke unit dan fasilitas, video call keamanan. Kolam renang, pusat kebugaran dan Yoga Corner, lapangan tenis, lapangan basket, Jogging track dikelilingi oleh taman tropis dan ruang aerobik. Mall terhubung ke Avenue of the star, Bioskop XXI di Lippo mall kemang. Restoran
Additional Info:
Unit Sudah Sertifikat
Kondisi Fully Furnished Sudah Siap Huni
Sangat Bagus Untuk Investasi atau Di Tinggali
Connect Langsung ke Lippo Mall Kemang
Apartemen Kemang Village Terletak di Kawasan Kemang yang disebut sebagai Bali kedua di Jakarta, dikelilingi oleh tempat-tempat yang sangat menghibur seperti Bar, Kafe, Restoran, dll.
Selling Price:
IDR. 2,8 Milyar NETT !
Status Kepemilikan : SHM
Mau Informasi Lebih Lanjut ? Ayo Segera Hubungi : Herry 0812-8055-1306 ( WA /Telp )
Apartemen Kemang Village Terletak di Lokasi yang Strategis di Kawasan Kemang yang Disebut Sebagai Bali Kedua di Jakarta, Dimana Tempat ini Dikelilingi Oleh Tempat-Tempat yang Sangat Menghibur Seperti Bar, Kafe, Restoran, dll. Apartemen Kemang Village Sendiri Juga Sudah di Dilengkapi Oleh Fasilitas Lengkap Antara Lain : Keamanan 24 Jam & CCTV, Yoga Corner, Lapangan tenis, Lapangan basket, Jogging track dikelilingi oleh taman tropis dan ruang aerobik. Terhubung langsung ke Lippo Mall Kemang dan Avenue of the star
Premium and Strategic Location, Surrounded by Elite Neighborhood such as Darmawangsa, Kemang, Pondok Indah, Simprug and Permata Hijau. Only 10 Minutes to Central Business District Area. Close to Well Known Amenities such as Darmawangsa Square, Pondok Indah Mall and Cilandak Town Square.
Close to Well Established Hospital such as RS Pertamina, RS Pondok Indah and Brawijaya Women & Child Hospital. Close to Reputable International & National School such as Jakarta International School, International School, Australian International School, L’ecole de Francaise, Highscope School, Mentari School, Pangudi Luhur.
Close to Exclusive Hotels such as Darmawangsa Hotel, Grand Kemang, and Grand Mahakam
Location: Jl. Pangeran Antasari No.36, RT.14/RW.5, Bangka, Kec. Mampang Prpt., Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12150
Tower/Floor/View: Bloomington
Size: 220 m2
Bedroom: 3
Bathroom: 2
Condition: Furnished
Facility: 24-hour security, and CCTV, Private and comfortable lobby, private elevator and private balcony, access cards to units and facilities, security video calls. Swimming pool, fitness center and yoga corner, tennis court, basketball court, jogging track surrounded by tropical gardens and aerobics rooms. The mall is connected to Avenue of the star, XXI Cinema in Lippo mall Kemang. Indonesian, Italian, Japanese and other restaurants.
Additional Info:
Located in South Jakarta, it is very strategically located which can be accessed from various directions.
Kemang is referred to as the second Bali in Jakarta, surrounded by very entertaining places such as bars, cafes, restaurants, etc.
Only 15-minute driving to the international school. 10 minutes to the international hospital, and 30 minutes to the national embassies.
Menerima titip unit sewa maupun jual Properti Apartemen, Rumah, Kantor, ruang usaha, tanah dan lain-lain.
Premium and Strategic Location, surrounded by elite neighborhood such as Darmawangsa, Brawijaya, Kemang, Pondok Indah, SCBD.
10 Minutes to Central Business District Area. Close to Darmawangsa Square, Lippo Mall Kemang, Pondok Indah Mall and Cilandak Town Square.
5 minutes to Brawijaya Women and Children Hospital and another well known Hospital such as RS Pertamina, RS Pondok Indah, Siloam and Mayapada Hospital.
5 minutes walking distance to Mentari International School and another Reputable
International & National School such as Jakarta International School, Australian International School, Highscope School, Pangudi Luhur.
5 minutes to Exclusive Hotels such as Darmawangsa Hotel, Grand Kemang, and Grand Mahakam, Sheraton.
Location: Jl. Darmawangsa X No. 86. Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12160
Tower/Floor/View: Eminence / under 10 / city, lagoon, pool
Size: 168 m2
Bedroom: 4
Bathroom: 3
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Fully Furnished Minus kulkas
2 kitchen : Dry and wet kitchen
Facility: Mempunyai Berbagai Fasilitas Lengkap Seperti: Keamanan 24 jam, Receptionist & CCTV, Lobby yang Nyaman & Privacy, Kartu Akses ke Unit & Fasilitas, Kartu Akses Untuk Parkir. Gym & Fitness Center, Kolam Renang, Joging Track & Taman.
Additional Info:
Essence Darmawangsa Terletak di Cipete Jakarta Selatan Lokasi nya dekat dengan Sekolah Internasional dan fasilitas kesehatan terdekat seperti RS Pondok Indah, RS Pertamina, RS Wanita, Anak Brawijaya & SOS Emergency Services.
Hanya 15 Menit Menuju ke Area TB Simatupang, 15 Menit ke Area CBD, 5 Menit ke Lippo Mall Kemang Village.