Facility: Swimming pool, fitness centre, jogging track, children playground, laundry shop, banks and ATM center, 24-hour security with CCTV, shuttle bus, tennis court, futsal field, basketball field, minimarket
Additional Info:
Lokasi sangat strategis berada di pusat bisnis dan niaga Jakarta Selatan.Dekat dengan pusat perbelanjaan (Plaza Pasar Festival, Mall Epiwalk, Mall Kota Kasablanka, Mall Kuningan City, Mall Ciputra World, Mall Ambassador, ITC Kuningan).Akses mudah menuju Jln. MH Thamrin, Jendral Sudirman, Gatot Subroto, Slipi dan Blok M.Akses mudah menuju Bandar Udara Soeta dan Halim Perdana Kusumah.Dekat dengan sarana pendidikan mulai tingkat SD sampai perguruan tinggi.
unit fullfurnish tower 16 2kamar harga 1,150M ,3kamar tower 8 harga 1,370M , ada juga 1kamar unit unfurnish tower 11 harga 850 juta, ada 2kamar tower 6 harga 1,250M , ada tower 12 3kamar harga 1,7M unit bagus, ada 3kamar tower 1 harga 1,370M ,ada 3kamar tower 14 harga 1,5M , ada 3kamar tower 15 harga 1,6M
Selling Price: Rp 830 juta || Rp 1,150 M || Rp 1,360 M || Rp 1,5 M
Facility: Security 24 Jam, swimming pool, Mini Market, laundry, Parking Area, Taxi, dekat dari Sekolah, Rumah Sakit dan Mall.
Additional Info:
Lokasi strategis di Segitiga Emas Jakarta. Akses mudah ke Kuningan, Sudirman, Thamrin, Gatot Subroto, Semanggi, Casablanca, Jalan Tol Menuju ke Bandara.
Dekat dengan:
Kawasan Bisnis CBD / Pusat Bisnis (Sudirman, Thamrin & Gatot Subroto).
Kedutaan Besar (Australia, Singapura, India, Belanda, dll).
Rumah Sakit MMC. Mall (Duta Besar, ITC Kuningan, Carrefour, Grand Indonesia).
Pusat Kuliner & Hiburan (Epicentrum, Pasar Festival, Tebet, Menteng & Kemang)
Menerima jual, beli dan sewa properti, tersedia banyak unit untuk dijual dan disewakan, menerima juga jasa titip unit untuk dijual dan disewakan
Kunjungi kami di www.asikpol.id untuk lebih banyak apartemen dan rumah yang tersedia, dan Desain Interior.
Facility: 24-hour security with CCTV, children playground, free shuttle bus to busway station and mall, swimming pool, fitness center, basketball field, jogging track, tennis court, yoga, zumba, aerobic classes, function hall, bank, atm centers, intercom to lobby, personal mailbox, convenient stores, mini market, laundry service outlets, access cards, etc.
Additional Info: Strategic location, in CBD area at Kuningan South Jakarta. Easy access to Sudirman, Thamrin, Gatot Subroto, Semanggi, Casablanca, Toll road to Airport. Near to : Embassy (Australia, Singapore, India, Dutch, etc). MMC Hospital. Mall (Ambassador, ITC Kuningan, Carrefour, Grand Indonesia). Culinary & Entertainment Center (Epicentrum, Pasar Festival, Tebet, Menteng), etc.
Selling Price: Rp. 900.000.000, Nego
Rental Price:
1 BR: Rp 6.000.000 – 8.000.000
2 BR: Rp 7.500.000 – 10.000.000
3 BR: Rp 9.500.000 – 13.000.000
Contact: Call or WA : 0877 8852 2475 / 0821 1305 2475
Location: Komplek Epicentrum Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Menteng Atas, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: –
Size: 60 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished
Facility: Keamanan 24 jam dengan CCTV, kolam renang, taman bermain anak-anak, pusat kebugaran, lapangan basket, jalur joging, lapangan tenis, yoga, zumba, ruang serbaguna, Atm center, Mail Box, toko serba ada, layanan Laundry, bus antar-jemput gratis, rumah sakit mmc, festival plaza, bioskop, restoran 24 jam, stasiun busway, kartu akses, ruang parkir gratis
Additional Info:
Lokasi Strategis di kawasan pusat bisnis, Dekat dengan tol Akses mudah ke Cinema XXI, Rumah Sakit MMC, Plaza Festival, Setiabudi OneMalls Kota Kasablanka, Kota Kuningan, ITC kuningan, Mall Ambassador, Lotte Shopping Avenue, Plaza Festival, dll. Sertifikat HGB
Receive entrusted, sell and rent property, special area around South Jakarta Visit our website at www.prasetyoproperty.co.id for more available apartments and houses and Interior Design Get Exclusive Desain from Prasetyo Interior and Make Deal with Us
Selling Price: Rp, We have more available units for sale. Call / WA for details.
Rental Price: We have more available units for rent. Call / WA for details
Location: HR Rasuna Said, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Epicentrum
Size: 74 & 90 m2
Bedroom: 2/3
Bathroom: 2
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished
Facility: Swimming pool, fitnes centre, jogging track, children playground, laundry shop, banks and ATM center, 24-hour security with CCTV, shuttle bus, tennis court, futsal field, basketball, mini mart.
Additional Info: Dekat dengan perkantoran, Sekolah, Rumah sakit, mall, plaza festival, kantor polisi, pasar tradisional, shuttle bus, dll.
Location: Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: 1/2/8/9/11/14/16/17/18
Size: 41m2/54m2/74m2/80m2/90m2
Bedroom: 1/2/3
Bathroom: 1/2
Maid Bathroom: 1
Condition: Semi furnished / fully furnished
Facility: Free parking space, 24-hour security with CCTV, children playground, free shuttle bus to busway station and mall, swimming pool, fitness center, basketball field, jogging track, tennis court, yoga, zumba, aerobic classes, function hall, bank, atm centers, intercom to lobby, personal mailbox, convenient stores, mini market, laundry service outlets, access cards, etc.
Additional Info: Strategic location, in CBD area at Kuningan South Jakarta. Easy access to Sudirman, Thamrin, Gatot Subroto, Semanggi, Casablanca, Toll road to Airport. Near to : Embassy (Australia, Singapore, India, Dutch, etc). MMC Hospital. Mall (Ambassador, ITC Kuningan, Carrefour, Grand Indonesia). Culinary & Entertainment Center (Epicentrum, Pasar Festival, Tebet, Menteng), etc.
Location: Kompleks Epicentrum, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Kuningan, RT.17/RW.1, Menteng Atas, Jakarta Selatan, 12940
Tower/Floor/View: 8 / Lantai bawah
Size: 90 m2
Bedroom: 3
Bathroom: 2
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished
Facility: 24-hours security with CCTV, swimming pool, children playground, fitness center, basketball field, jogging track, tennis court, yoga, zumba, function hall, bank atm centers. intercom to lobby, personal mailbox, convenient stores, laundry service, free shuttle bus, mmc hospital, plaza festival, cinema, 24-hours restaurants, busway station, access card, free parking space
Additional Info: Strategic in central business district, Easy access to Toll Near to Cinema XXI, Hospital MMC, Plaza Festival, Setiabudi OneMalls, Kota Kasablanka, Kuningan City, ITC kuningan, Mall Ambassador, Lotte Shopping Avenue, Plaza Festival, etc.
Location: RT 001/RW 010, Kelurahan Menteng Atas, Kecamatan Setia Budi Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Tower 2 no 26F
Size: 73,82 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 2
Condition: Call for info
ATM – ATM BTN, BNI, ✓BCA, Bank Bukopin
TV Kabel
Grocery Store – Swastick mart, FamilyMart
Kolam Renang
Lapangan Basket
Ruang Serbaguna
Gym – Mini gym
Jogging Track
Lapangan Tenis
Taman Bermain
Additional Info:
Apartemen ini memiliki akses yang mudah menuju kawasan Sudirman, Thamrin, Kuningan, Gatot Subroto, Kasablanka, Semanggi dan Bogor. Juga dekat dengan gerbang tol menuju Bandara Soekarno-Hatta. Selain itu, dari apartemen ini Anda hanya memerlukan waktu 5 menit saja menuju pusat perbelanjaan Kota Kasablanka, ITC Kuningan, RS MMS dan RS Tebet serta pusat kuliner dan hiburan di Tebet, Menteng dan tentu saja Epicentrum Mall (Farmer’s Market, Cinemas, High-end Restos).
Unit Taman Rasuna Apartment bertipe 2+1 BR ini cocok sekali bagi Anda yang menginginkan tempat tinggal dengan ruangan yang seluruhnya sudah dilengkapi dengan berbagai furnitur yang mewah dan ekslusif. Di unit yang berada di lantai 29 dan menghadap ke City View ini sudah tersedia tempat tidur yang dilengkapi dengan ac. Unit ini juga dilengkapi dining set, kulkas, listrik, tempat tidur, tv, ac, dapur. Anda pun tidak perlu khawatir dengan daya listrik di unit ini, karena mempunyai kapasitas yang besar.
Location: Jl. HR. Rasuna Said, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: South and north
Size: 35, 38, dan 42 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Luxurious fully furnished, Nice interior and clean, ready to be occupied
3 AC
LED TV 32-40
Big refrigerator
Standing dispenser
Water heater
Leather sofa
Big spring bed
Kitchen set
Washing machines, etc.
Facility: Free parking space, 24-hours security with CCTV, children playground, free shuttle bus to busway station and mall, aikido classes, swimming pool, fitness center, basketball field, jogging track, bank, atm centers, intercom to lobby, personal mailbox, convenient stores, laundry service outlets, near MMC hospital, Plaza Festival, Cinema, near busway station, 24-hours restaurants, access cards
Additional Info: Easy access to central business district Close to Mega Kuningan and Sudirman Walk for many malls, Hypermart, Cinema XXI and food station, hospital, plaza festival, police station.
Rental Price: Rp. 5.500.000 – 6.500.000 per month including service charge Excluding electric water bill, internet dan tv table Minimum rent per 3 month.
Location: Jl. HR. Rasuna Said, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: 9,14,15,18
Size: 73sqm
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 2
Study Room: 1
Condition: Fully furnished with bed, cupboard, 2 AC, TV, couch, dinning set, fridge, stove, water heater, washing machine.
Facility: 24-hour security with CCTV, lift with access requirement, basement parking, swimming pool, children’s playground, fitness center, function hall, intercom system unit to lobby, personal mailbox, convenient stores, laundry service, Pizza Hut Delivery.
Apartment Name: Aston Rasuna / Taman Rasuna / The 18th Residence
Location: H. R. Rasuna Said, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Tower 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18; Aston Tower B / City & Area Facility View
Size: 54 – 93 m2
Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Bathroom: 1 / 2
Study Room: 1
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Condition: Unfurnished / semi furnished / fully furnished / renovated unit with negotiable Price
Facility: Free parking space, 24-hour security with CCTV, children playground, free shuttle bus to busway station and mall, swimming pool, fitness center, basketball field, jogging track, tennis court, yoga, zumba, aerobic classes, function hall, bank, atm centers, intercom to lobby, personal mailbox, convenient stores, mini market, laundry service outlets, access cards, etc.
Additional Info: Strategic location, in CBD area at Kuningan South Jakarta. Easy access to Sudirman, Thamrin, Gatot Subroto, Semanggi, Casablanca, Toll road to Airport. Near to : Embassy (Australia, Singapore, India, Dutch, etc). MMC Hospital. Mall (Ambassador, ITC Kuningan, Carrefour, Grand Indonesia). Culinary & Entertainment Center (Epicentrum, Pasar Festival, Tebet, Menteng), etc.