- Apartment Name: Brezze
- Location: Jalan Bintaro Utama III, Kel. Pondok Karya, Kec. Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Breeze/ 16th floor / Nice Bintaro Plaza View
- Size: 24 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: Ada
- Condition: Semi furnished
- Facility: Infinity pool, Gym/ Fitness, BBQ area, Function hall, Laundry, Children pool & children playground, Coffee shop (Mata Kopi), communal di setiap koridor dan lantai, Musholla, Wi-Fi / Indihome, CCTV 24 jam & security & access card. Mall Bintaro Plaza (akses terkoneksi langsung dengan mall)
- Additional Info:
- Apartemen at strategic location
- Very good place to stay & investment
- Selling Price: Rp 700.000.000, price negotiation & complete information please contact me..
- Contact: serious interest, please call or whatsApp “Dinda Yessi” 081213727086
- WhatsApp: 081213727086
- E-mail: yessisiagian0318@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen dekat Mall Bintaro Plaza Langsung Pemilik Tanpa Perantara Murah
Dijual Apartment The Breeze Bintaro Plaza Residences – 1 BR & 2 BR Unfurnished Siap Huni
- Apartment Name: The Breeze
- Location: Bintaro Utama III Sektor 3A, Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Breeze/1>30/Pool & City
- Size: 23,31,35,45,56,65 m2
- Bedroom: 1&2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Unfurnished & siap huni
- PT. Jaya Real Property, tbk mempersembahkan Breeze Tower di kawasan Bitnaro Plaza Residences yang terletak di pusat jantung Bintaro sektor 3.
- Dengan beberapa keunggulan diantaranya:S I A P H U N I
- Lokasi terdepan di sek 3 samping Bintaro Plaza
- Terkoneksi ke St. Pondok Ranji
- Terkoneksi langsung Mall Bintaro Plaza
- Tersedia ruang parkir yang sangat mencukupi kebutuhan akan kendaraan penghuni
- Dengan lokasi yang super premium cocok untuk yg ingin berinvestasi di property karena lokasi yang sangat Berkembang
- Breeze tower menawarkan lingkungan yg sangat nyaman cocok untuk jd hunian milenial.
- Unit terbatas karena sudah 70%sold jangan sampai kehabisan dan ketinggalan promo menarik sekarang.
- Terdapat 3 communal di setiap lantai sehingga menjadikan koridor tidak panas melainkan sejuk karena sirkulasi udara yang baik.
- Facility:
- Swimming pool
- Pool children
- BBQ area
- Gym
- Function Hall
- 2 playground di lobby dan lantai UG
- Coffee Area
- Dilengkapi dengan bangku2 yang memanjang untuk tempat bersantai bersama teman dan keluarga
- Indomaret
- Food court
- Laundry
- Mushollah Area
- Additional Info:
- Tersedia dengan beberapa macam type & ukuran sbb;
- Studio A (23.40)
- Studio B (26.08)
- Studio C (25.87)
- Studio D (30.08)
- Studio E (27.56)
- Studio F (26.35)
- Studio G (26.68)
- Studio H (30.61)
- 1 Bedroom A (31.20)
- 1 Bedroom B (34.36)
- 1 Bedroom C (35.22)
- 1 Bedroom D (30.15)
- 1 Bedroom E (26.91)
- 2 Bedroom A (65.66)
- 2 Bedroom B (56.47)
- 2 Bedroom C (43)
- PROMO SPEKTAKULER ! Hanya untk Pembelian 20 unit Pertama
- Diskon 200 Juta’an
- Free Service Charge 1Th Pertama
- Free Ac Setiap Ruangan
- Kesempatan terbatas! Hub segara Sales In -House Jaya Real Property dengan BRAM YANG BISA DIPERCAYA
- Tersedia dengan beberapa macam type & ukuran sbb;
- Selling Price: Starting Rp 500.000,000
- Rental Price:
- Studio Rp 5.000,000/bulan
- 1 Bedroom Rp 7.000,000/bulan
- 2 Bedroom Rp 10.000,000/bulan
- Contact: Bram: 0812-8116-5557 & 0821-1100-1220
- E-mail: bramantyo. ppr@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Breeze Tower Bintaro Plaza Residences Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan – Studio Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Bintaro Plaza Residences
- Location: Sektor 3A, Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan, Jl. Bintaro Utama 3A, Pd. Betung, Kec. Pd. Aren, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15225
- Tower/Floor/View: 16
- Size: 28.53 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished
- Facility:
- Infinity pool
- Gym / Fitness
- Minimarket
- CCTV 24 Hours
- Multifunction Hall
- Coffee Shop by Mata Kopi
- Laundry
- BBQ Area
- Wi-Fi / Indihome, CCTV 24 Hour & security
- Access card
- Sky Walk to Mall Bintaro Plaza
- Additional Info:
- Transportation :
- 500 m to Pondok Ranji Train Station
- Toll JORR (Jakarta Outer Ring Road)
- Traditional market/Supermarket/Mall:
- Bintaro Plaza (50 m)
- Fresh Market (50 m)
- Pasar Modern Bintaro (2,5 km)
- Bintaro Xchange (2 km)
- Lotte Mart Bintaro (1.9 km)
- Giant CBD Bintaro (2.4 km)
- Transpark Mall Bintaro (2.5 km)
- Hospitals (RS):
- RS Mitra Keluarga (100 m)
- RS Premier Bintaro (2 km )RS Pondok Indah Bintaro (4.9 km)
- School:
- Japan School (4.7 km)
- Pembangunan Jaya Elementary (300 m)
- University of Pembangunan Jaya (2.7 km)
- Campus STAN (1.3 km), etc
- Transportation :
- Selling Price: Cash: Rp 600.000.000 (negotiable)
- Rental Price:
- Rp. 13.500.000/3 Months
- Rp 27.000.000/6 Months
- Rp 50.000.000/1 Year
- Contact: 081807181282
- WhatsApp: 081807181282
- E-mail: nick_boys_88@yahoo.co.id
Jual Rugi Apartemen The Breeze Bintaro Plaza Residence – 1 Bedroom Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: The Breeze Bintaro
- Location: Bintaro – Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: B / 3 / City View (Bintaro Plaza)
- Size: 38 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Fully Furnished
- Queen Size spring bed
- Daikin Inverter Air Conditioning (3/4 PK)
- Refrigerator with inverter technology
- Water Heater
- Kitchen Set + Stove
- Samsung LED TV
- Indihome TV Cable
- Wifi
- Chair & Table in balcony
- Facility:
- Swimming Pool
- Gym
- Access Cards
- Parking Area
- Garden
- Children Playground
- Super Indo Convenience Store
- Community Center
- 24-hours Max Security + CCTV.
- Additional Info:
- In Front of Bintaro Plaza
- Pondok Ranji Railway Station (5 minutes)
- 10 minutes to toll Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR)
- Bintaro XChange Shopping Mall (10 minutes)
- 15 minutes driving to Pondok Indah area
- 10 minutes driving to Bintaro CBD area
- Bicycle Riders heaven (JPG) & Bintaro Loop
- Selling Price: Rp 800.000.000
- Rental Price: Rp 5.500.000/month (Minimum 3 month) :
- Rp 16.500.000/3 months
- Rp 32.000.000/6 months (discounted)
- Rp 64.000.000/year (discounted)
- Include service charge & sinking fund
- Exclude water, electricity and parking fees.
- Safe deposit 1 month
- Contact: Nanda (owner) 0822 4909 0309 (Telp & WA)
- WhatsApp: 082249090309
- E-mail: manajer@yahoo.com
Dijual Apartemen Breeze Bintaro Plaza Elegant and Compact Design Harga Tanpa PPN
- Apartment Name: Bintaro Plaza Residence – Breeze Tower
- Location: Jl Bintaro utama Sektor 3A No.01 Bintaro Jaya, Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: 1/1-35/Bintaro Plaza Mall &Sts Pd Ranji
- Size: 23-65 m2
- Bedroom: Studio/1BR/2BR
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Unfurnished
- Ready stock
- Facility:
- Connecting Bridge directly to Mall Bintaro Plaza
- Security guard 24jam
- Laundry
- Prayer Room
- (Musholla di Lobby Area & masjid di Refugee Area)
- Swimming pool
- Pool children
- BBQ area
- Gym
- Function Hall (kapasitas 200orang)
- 2 playground di lobby
- Poliklinik umum? 24 jam
- Play group for todler (3-4 years old)
- Coffee Shop by MATA KOPI (9am -10pm)
- Indomaret(07.am-10pm)
- Additional Info:
- Apartemen Breeze Bintaro adalah hunian modern compact design yg sangat diminati oleh kaum urban sekarang ini, berlokasi sangat strategis karena dikelilingi oleh ragam moda transportasi baik dari dan menuju DKI Jakarta
- Diskon 15% setara 300 jutaan (utk Type 2BR)
- Note : harga tertera sudah termasuk diskon15%
- Free AC (-Studio 1Unit, 1BR 2Unit, & 2BR 3Unit)
- Non furnished (Foto tertera adalah contoh unit saja)
- Harga tertera harga Cash setelah dikurangi diskon
- Nikmati Fasilitas Kredit
- DP min.5% Maybank, CIMB, & UOB
- Tenor panjang s/d 30th UOB Bank
- BNI syariah
- Spc fixrate sampai 5th (powered by CIMB, MAYBANK, & UOB Bank)
- Dikelilingi lingkungan yg berkembang dan kawasan yg sangat strategis
- 3 menit dari pusat pendidikan( STAN, sekolah Al-azhar bintaro, Sekolah Ricci, etc)
- 5 menit dari CBD Bintaro dan RS Premiere bintaro (dekat d BXchange Mall, Lotte Mall,GIANT, etc)
- 0 menit ke st. KRL pondok Ranji (Jurusan Tn Abang – Serpong)
- 10 menit ke Shutle bus BXC mall jurusan STS.
- Selling Price:
- Studio: Rp 488 juta
- 1 BR : Rp 650 juta
- 2 BR : Rp 1.190 juta
- WhatsApp: 085959590189
- E-mail: thedetzwie@gmail.com
Dijual Apartemen The Breeze Bintaro Plaza Residences – Hunian Exclusive di Kawasan Strategis Bintaro
- Apartment Name: Bintaro Plaza Residences
- Location: Bintaro Sektor 3A, Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Breeze
- Size: 23 m2 – 65 m2
- Bedroom: Available stock unit mulai dari type Studio, 1 BR, 2 BR
- Studio A (23,40)
- Studio C (25.87)
- Studio D (30.08)
- Studio E (27.56)
- Studio F (26.35)
- Studio G (26.68)
- Studio H (30.61)
- 1 Bedroom A (31.20)
- 1 Bedroom B (34.36)
- 1 Bedroom C (35.22)
- 1 Bedroom D (30.15)
- 1 Bedroom E (26.91)
- 2 Bedrooms A (65.66)
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Standard Developer
- Facility:
- Food court
- Laundry
- Musholla Area
- Swimming pool
- Pool children
- BBQ area
- Gym
- Function Hall
- 2 playground di lobby
- Poliklinik umum 24 jam
- Coffee Shop by MATA KOPI
- Indomaret
- Additional Info:
- Hunian exclusive di kawasan strategis Bintaro
- Discount upto 250jutaan
- Free AC di tiap ruangan
- Free Service charge
- Cicilan mulai dari 3jutaan
- Free Voucher MAP
- Fasilitas KPA dari Bank CIMB NIAGA, Bank Mandiri, Maybank, UOB baik Syariah maupun Konvensional
- Tanpa BI checking, installment langsung ke developer (Cash bertahap sampai dengan 36x)
- Proses dibantu maksimal sampai approve oleh Bank.
- Breeze Bintaro merupakan apartemen siap huni yang dikelilingi oleh fasilitas terlengkap di Bintaro, nilai rental mulai dari 5jutaan/bulan (type studio)
- Mengulang sukses Tower pertama (2012), kini BPR hadir dengan tower kedua, Breeze Tower sebagai penyempurna project pertama.
- 5 menit dari Pintu Tol Pondok Aren (Toll Jorr, akses Bandara-Bsd-Jakarta)
- 3 menit dari pusat pendidikan (sekolah Al-azhar bintaro, Sekolah Ricci, etc)
- 5 menit dari CBD Bintaro dan RS Premiere Bintaro
- Dekat dengan Bintaro Jaya Xchange Mall, Lotte Mall, Carrefour
- 0 menit ke st. KRL pondok Ranji (Tn. Abang – Serpong)
- 3 menit ke Exit toll. Veteran ( Jakarta- Bandara)
- 10 menit ke Exit toll Pd Aren
- 10 menit ke Shutle bus BX chang mall jurusan STS. MRT Lebak bulus
- 25 menit ke Bandara Soekarno hatta
- Selling Price:
- Studio: Rp 482.748.000
- 1 BR: Rp 548.600.000
- 2 BR: Rp
- Contact: +62 859-5959-0189 Dewi Risdianti
- E-mail: thedetzwie@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Breeze Bintaro Plaza Residence Tangerang Selatan – Semi Furnished Studio, 1 BR, 2 BR
- Apartment Name: Bintaro Plaza Residences
- Location: Jl Bintaro Utama 3A Sektor 3, Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Breeze
- Size: 65 m2
- Bedroom: Studio, 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Semi furnished
- Ready to occupy
- Strata tittle
- Facility:
- Infinity & kids pool
- Gym
- Children playground
- Coffee shop
- Minimarket
- Laundry
- Additional Info:
- Next to Mall Bintaro Plaza
- Opposite the Mitra Keluarga Hospital
- 5 minutes to Pondok Aren Toll access
- 3 minutes to access Pondok Ranji Station
- Selling Price: Start from IDR 500.000.000
- Promo Info:
- Discount 15%
- Cash Back up to 5 Mio
- Free AC
- Promo Info:
- Rental Price:
- Studio: IDR 4.500.000 per month
- 1 Bedroom: IDR 6.500.000 per month
- 2 Bedroom: IDR 9.000.000 per month
- Contact: Achmad 089663462886
- WhatsApp: 089663462886
- E-mail: adaemen18@gmail.com
Jual Sangat Murah Apartemen Bintaro Plaza Residence – Altiz Tower Furnished
- Apartment Name: Bintaro Plaza Residence – Altiz Tower
- Location: Jl. Bintaro Utama III Sektor 3A, Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Altiz / A21 / view to Bintaro Plaza
- Size: 25,4 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Apartemen baru (belum pernah dipakai), unfurnished, open space character
- Facility: Apartemen dengan private access. 24/7 security services dan CCTV, meeting room, minimarket, swimming pool, children playground, tempat parkir luas, fitness center, food court.
- Additional Info:
- Lokasi di pusat Bintaro Business District at Sektor 3 Bintaro)
- Akses mudah menuju: Tol Jakarta-Serpong, Stasiun Kereta Pondok Ranji
- Dekat dengan fasilitas umum :
- Shopping mall : Bintaro Plaza Mall (seberang apartemen), Bintaro Exchange, Pasar Modern Bintaro, Bintaro Junction, Ace Hardware, Lotte Mart, Giant
- Hospital : Mitra Keluarga Hospital (dalam pembangunan), RS Premiere Bintaro, RS Pondok Indah Bintaro
- Bank district (walking distance) : Mandiri, BCA, Danamon, Maybank, UOB, etc
- Sekolah dan universitas : Pembangunan Jaya School (3 menit), STAN (Sekolah Tinggi Administrasi Negara)
- Dekat dengan Central Business District Bintaro (8 menit)
- Selling Price: Rp 490,000,000 (jual cepat); harga jual developer Rp 629,700,000
- Contact:
- Johnny : 0816741307 (Call Only)
- Tini : 081286817647 (Call & WA/SMS)
- E-mail: dmandagi@gmail.com
Dijual Apartment Breeze Tower Type Studio / 1 Bedroom / 2 Bedroom – Bintaro Plaza Residences
- Apartment Name: Breeze Tower
- Location: Bintaro Sektor 3, Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Breeze/19/City
- Size: 23 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Study Room: 1
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: PT. Jaya Real Property, tbk mempersembahkan Breeze Tower di kawasan Bitnaro Plaza Residences yang terletak di pusat jantung Bintaro sektor 3.
Dengan beberapa keunggulan diantaranya:- Siap huni
- Lokasi terdepan di sek 3 samping Bintaro Plaza
- Low price
- Terkoneksi ke St. Pondok Ranji & Bintaro Plaza
- Tersedia ruang parkir yang sangat mencukupi kebutuhan akan kendaraan penghuni
- Dengan lokasi yang super premium cocok untuk yg ingin berinvestasi di property karena kenaikan yang fantastis.
- Breeze tower menawarkan lingkungan yg tommy cocok untuk jd hunian milenial.
- Unit terbatas karena sudah 70%sold jangan sampai kehabisan dan ketinggalan promo menarik sekarang.
- Terdapat 3 titik communis di setiap lantai sehingga menjadikan koridor tidak panas melainkan sejuk karena sirkulasi udara yang baik.
- Hadap Selatan & Utara
- Facility:
- Pool
- Gym /Fitnes Center
- Function Hall
- BBQ Area
- Play Ground
- Mushollah
- Indomaret
- Laundry
- Food Court
- 24 jam Klinik
- Area Basket
- Paud
- Additional Info: Tersedia beragam pilihan type di antara nya:
- Studio A (23.40) m2
- Studio B (26.08) m2
- Studio C (25.87) m2
- Studio E (27.56) m2
- Studio F (26.35) m2
- Studio G (26.68) m2
- Studio H (30.61) m2
Dan ada pula type 1 Bedroom ;
- 1 Bedroom A (31.20) m2
- 1 Bedroom B (34.36) m2
- 1 Bedroom C (35.22) m2
- 1 Bedroom D (30.15) m2
- 1 Bedroom E (26.91) m2
Dan tersedia juga 2 Bedroom ;
- 2 Bedroom A (65.66) m2
- 2 Bedroom B (56.47) m2
- 2 Bedroom C (43.42) m2
- Selling Price:
- Studio: Rp 480.000.000
- 1 Bedroom: Rp 555.000.000
- 2 Bedroom: Rp 875.330.000
- Rental Price:
- Studio: Rp 5 juta/bulan
- 1 Bedroom: Rp 7 juta/bulan
- 2 Bedroom : Rp 10 juta/bulan
- Contact: Informasi lebih lanjut hubungi: Indah Rachman: 08777 5845 956
- E-mail: zeendahneey@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Breeze Bintaro Plaza Residences – Luxurious Apartment at Tangerang Selatan Bintaro, Get Offer Disc Up 15% & Free AC and Cash Back – Cicilan Hanya Rp 3 Jutaan/Bulan*
- Apartment Name: Breeze Bintaro
- Location: Bintaro Sektor 3A (Sebelah / seberang Mall Bintaro Plaza)
- Tower/Floor/View: Breeze / 35 / utara & selatan
- Size: 23,40m2 sampai dengan 65,66m2
- Bedroom: Studio / 1 BR / 2 BR
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
1. Ready stock / Siap Huni
2. Unfurnished / kosongan
3. Limited unit: type 2BR-B Fully Furnished (show unit for sale) - Facility:
1. Infinity pool
2. Gym / Fitness
3. Minimarket
4. CCTV 24 Hours
5. Multifunction Hall
6. Coffe Shop by Mata Kopi
7. Laundry
8. BBQ Area
9. Sudah dilengkapi Communal System di area coridor yang menjadikan sirkulasi udara menjadi bagus dan tidak pengap
10. Musholla
11. Wi-Fi / Indihome, CCTV 24 jam & security & access card
12. Mall Bintaro Plaza (Akses terkoneksi langsung dengan mall). - Additional Info:
- Best Location :?Lokasi terintegrasi & kota mandiri
- Akses Mudah dijangkau
- Selangkah menuju Mall Bintaro Plaza, RS Mitra Keluarga dan Stasiun Kereta Pondok Ranji
- Dekat dengan Premier Hospital Bintaro, RS. Pondok Indah Bintaro
- Transportasi public: Angkutan Umum (Royal Trans, Trans Jakarta, Jak Linko)
- 5 menit Menuju Toll JORR
- 5 menit ke Mall Bx Change
- Dekat dengan Sekolah National dan International ( Sekolah Pembangunan Jaya, Al Azhar Bintaro, High Scop, BPK Penabur, Sun Flower School, Mentari School, Global International School, British School, Japan School.
- Dekat dengan Pasar Traditional dan Modern, Perkantoran (CIMB Niaga Tower, Permata Bank Tower, INDI/Tripatra Tower, Pusat perbelanjaan (Hero Supermarket, Lotte Mart)
- Selling Price:
- Type Studio: IDR 500.000.000
- Type 1 BR: IDR 650.000.000
- Type 2 BR: IDR
- Get Offer:
- Disc Up 15% all payment
- Cash Back up to 5juta
- Free AC di setiap ruangan
- Free Voucher Coffe Shop Mata Kopi
- Rental Price:
- Type Studio : IDR 5.000.000/mounth
- Type 1BR : IDR 6.500.000/mounth
- Type 2BR : IDR 9.000.000/mounth
(di luar Biaya Service Charge, listrik & air, indihome)
- Contact:?Rini Arian (Inhouse Marketing Jaya Real Property – Breeze Bintaro Plaza Residences)
- WhatsApp: 081263933258
- E-mail: rinify.rinie@gmail.com
Sewa / Jual Apartemen Strategis Fasilitas Lengkap, Bintaro Plaza Residence Tower Altiz, Depan Mall
- Apartment Name: Bintaro Plaza Residence – Tower Altiz
- Location: Jl. Bintaro Utama III Sektor 3A, Tangerang Selatan 15225
- Tower/Floor/View: ALTIZ/8/South Jakarta
- Size: 31 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Furnished
- Spring queenbed with 6 drawers
- Water heater
- Smart TV Sharp 42 inc
- Kitchen set
- Wardrobe
- nightstand drawer
- Minibar
- Refrigerator
- AC
- Water Dispenser
- Facility:
- Swimming Pool
- Musholla
- Car parking for residents
- Food court & coffee shop
- Mini market
- Laundry
- 24 security & CCTV
- Additional Info:
- Walking Distance/ accross the steet to Mall Bintaro Plaza (20 m)
- Walking Distance to Commuter Rail Station (KRL) Jurangmangu (300 m)
- Walking Distance to Mitra Keluarga Hospital (150 m)
- Walking Distance to Pembangunan Jaya Int School (200 m)
- Walking Distance to STAN campuss (500 m)
- Walking Distance to border South Jakarta (500 m)
- 15 minutes to Mall Gandaria City
- 15 minutes to Mall Pondok Indah
- 10 minutes to Toll access JOR
- Selling Price:
- Rp. 470.000.000 (below market price)
- SHM (Ownership Sertificate) ready
- Rental Price:
- Monthly Rent : Rp. 4.000.000,-
- 6 months rent : Rp. 20.000.000,-
- exclude maintenance fee, electricity, water usage
- Contact:
- Direct Owner YAYAN 0817293663
- WhatsApp: 08118415758
Dijual Apartemen Bintaro Plaza Residence – Tower Breeze Excusively Living Space Free AC & Cashback Get it Now Special Discount 15%
- Apartment Name: Bintaro Plaza Residence – Tower Breeze
- Location: Jl Bintaro Raya Utama 3A No.01 BintaroJaya Pd Aren, Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: 1/1-35/ Bintaro Plaza Mall &Sts Pd Ranji
- Size: 23-65 m2
- Bedroom: Studio / 1 BR / 2 BR
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Brand new
- Ready stock (siap huni, siap serah terima)
- Unfurnished
- Legalitas SHMSRS
- Facility:
- Connecting Bridge directly to Mall Bintaro Plaza
- Security guard 24jam
- Laundry
- Prayer Room
- (Musholla di Lobby Area & masjid di Refugee Area)
- Swimming pool
- Pool children
- BBQ area
- Gym
- Function Hall (kapasitas 200orang)
- 2 playground di lobby
- Poliklinik umum 24 jam
- Play group for todler (3-4 years old)
- Coffee Shop by MATA KOPI (9am -10pm)
- Indomaret(07.am-10pm)
- Specification:
- Soundproof
- Lockdoor system with material finest steel
- Sanitary wear by TOTO
- Electricity1300wt
- 3 Level parking lot
- 7 passanger elevator
- 2 loading dock elevator
- 2 emergency exit
- 3 communal circullation air
- etc
- Additional Info:
- Apartemen Breeze Bintaro adalah hunian modern compact design yg sangat diminati oleh kaum urban sekarang ini, berlokasi sangat strategis karena dikelilingi oleh ragam moda transportasi baik dari dan menuju DKI Jakarta
- Diskon 15% setara 300 jutaan (utk Type 2BR)
- Free AC (-Studio 1Unit, 1BR 2Unit, & 2BR 3Unit)
- FREE Cashback
- Studio Rp 3 juta
- 1 BR Rp 4 juta
- 2 BR Rp 5 juta
- Nikmati Fasilitas Kredit
- DP min.5% Maybank
- Tenor panjang s/d 30th UOB Bank
- BNI syariah
- Spc fixrate sampai 5th (powered by CIMB, –MAYBANK, & UOB Bank)
- Negotiable biaya akad kredit
- 3 menit dari pusat pendidikan( STAN, sekolah Al-azhar bintaro, Sekolah Ricci, etc)
- 5 menit dari CBD Bintaro dan RS Premiere bintaro (dekat d BXchange Mall, Lotte Mall,GIANT, etc)
- 0 menit ke st. KRL pondok Ranji (Jurusan Tn Abang – Serpong)
- 10 menit ke Shutle bus BXC mall jurusan STS. MRT LEBAKBULUS
- 25 menit ke Bandara Soekarno hatta
- Available stock unit mulai dari, type Studio, 1BR, 2BR
- Segera miliki sekarang juga karena passive income nya menguntungkan banget utk type studio Rp 5 juta/bulan (NOTE : harga tercantum harga dg cara bayar CASHKERAS”)
- Selling Price:
- Studio mulai dari Rp 500 juta-an
- 1BR mulai dari Rp 650 juta-an
- 2BR mulai dari Rp 1.2 M-an
- Rental Price:
- Studio Rp 5 juta/bulan
- 1BR Rp 6.5 juta/bulan
- 2BR Rp 9 juta/bulan
- Contact: Dewi- Official Sales Consultant JAYA REAL PROPERTY
085959590189 - WhatsApp: 085959590189
- E-mail: thedetzwie@gmail.com