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- Apartment Name: Seasons City
- Location: Jl. Prof. Dr. Latumeten No. 33-13, RT. 13 / RW. 1, Jembatan Besi, Tambora, Jakarta Barat 11320
- Tower/Floor/View: A, B, C, / City View & Swimming
- Size: 48 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished / Kosongan (Hanya Ada AC)
- Facility:
- Waterpark 1.8 Ha,
- 5 swimming pool,
- Mini Waterboom,
- Jogging track,
- Gym,
- Basketball,
- Table tennis,
- Gymnastics Field,
- Jacuzzi,
- Sauna Room ( Coming Soon),
- Security 24/7, dll
- TM Seasons City : STARBUCKS, XXI, Food Court (Hokben, KFC, Solaria, Yosinoya, A&W etc), Modern Market (Coming soon Hapi Mart)
- Additional Info:
- Only 15 minutes to Soekarno-Hatta International Airport
- Strategic Location
- Easy to reach by public transportation, busway stop is in front of the location (Iron Bridge Stop)
- Easy access, Close to tollgate ( Grogol / Angke 1 / Angke 2 / Jembatan Tiga 1 / Jembatan Tiga 2)
- Super Facilities, Complate with a waterpark in area of 1,8Ha
- 24-hour security
- Step toward to the shopping center (TM Seasons City)
- Surrounded by a leading international school & universities (Trisakti,Untar, Ukrida) on West Jakarta
- Selling Price: For buying and selling prices contact me directly I will offer the best price
- Rental Price: Kosong / Unfurnished
2 BR (48 m2) = Rp 30.000.000 s.d Rp 35.000.000 / tahun
- Note: Harga belum termsuk maintenance fee dan listrik-air (untuk bulanan & tahunan).
- Contact: Informasi Lebih Lanjut
Call / WA : 0877 4464 4541
Alamat Office : Mall Seasons City lantai GF2 Blok A2, No. 07 ( UNILAND PROPERTY ) Patokanya Deket Pintu Selatan 2 Atau Solaria
- WhatsApp: 087744644541
- E-mail: