- Apartment Name: Seasons City
- Location: Jl. Prof Dr Latumenten No. 33, Grogol, West Jakarta
- Tower/Floor/View: A, B, C, / City View & Swimming
- Size: 32 m2 / 48 m2 / 55 m2 / 65 m2 / 84 m2
- Bedroom: Studio / 2 BR / 2+1 BR / 3+1 BR
- Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
- Study Room: 1 / 2
- Maid Room: Only Available at Unit 2+1 & 3+1
- Maid Bathroom: Only Available at Unit 2+1 & 3+1
- Condition: Dijual Kondisi Furnish
- Tower C
- Lantai 16
- Hadap Pool
- Harga Sangat murah
- Facility:
- Free TV Cable 112 channel
- Waterpark 1.8 Ha, 5 swimming pool, Mini Waterboom, Jogging track, Gym, Basketball, Table tennis, Gymnastics Field, Jacuzzi, Sauna Room ( Coming Soon), Security 24/7, dll
- TM Seasons City : STARBUCKS, XXI, Food Court (Hokben, KFC, Solaria, Yosinoya, A&W etc), Modern Market (Coming soon Hapi Mart)
- Additional Info:
- Only 15 minutes to Soekarno – Hatta International Airport
- Strategic Location
- Easy to reach by public transportation, busway stop is in front of the location (Iron Bridge Stop)
- Easy access, Close to tollgate ( Grogol / Angke 1 / Angke 2 / Jembatan Tiga 1 / Jembatan Tiga 2)
- Super Facilities, Complate with a waterpark in area of 1,8Ha
- 24 hours security
- Step toward to the shopping center (TM Seasons City)
- Surrounded by a leading international school & universities (Trisakti,Untar, Ukrida) on West Jakarta
- Selling Price:
- Tower B lantai 20 <2BR> Harga 490.000.000
(kondisi masih di tempati oleh pemilik, unit terawat dan bersih – Nego Halus)
- Tower B lantai 12 <2BR>Harga 580.000.000
(Kondisi sangat terawat hadap kolam renang – Nego Halus)
- Tower C lantai 27 <2BR>Harga 620.000.000
(Kondisi sangat-sangat terawat, belum pernah disewakan, pemakaian pribadi dan jarang di tempati, kondisi furnish 90% seperti baru – Nego Halus) - Tower C Lantai 30 <2+1BR> Harga 685.000.000
(Kondisi saat ini semi furnish, unit terawat dan bersih untuk info lebih lanjut dapat hubungi kami – Nego Halus)
Note : Kondisi saat ini Pembelian hanya bisa cash karena masa transisi perpanjangan HGB Bank tidak mau terima.
- Tower B lantai 20 <2BR> Harga 490.000.000
- Rental Price: .
- Unfurnished – Semi Furnished :
- Studio (31 m2) : Rp 20.000.000 s.d 25.000.000 / year
- 2 BR (48 m2) : Rp 30.000.000 s.d 35.000.000 / year
- 2+1 BR (64 m2): Rp 38.000.000 s.d 45.000.000 / year
- 3+1 BR (84 m2): Rp 45.000.000 s.d 55.000.000 / year
- Fully Furnished
- Studio :Rp 4.000.000 s.d Rp 5.000.000 / month
Rp 27.000.000 s.d 32.000.000 / year
- 2 BR :Rp 5.000.000 s.d 7.000.000 / month
Rp 37.000.000 s.d 42.000.000 / year
- 2+1 BR :Rp Rp 45.000.000 s.d 50.000.000 / year
- 3+1 BR :Rp 55.000.000 s.d 70.000.000 / year
- Studio :Rp 4.000.000 s.d Rp 5.000.000 / month
- Unfurnished – Semi Furnished :
- Contact: Jpro88 – Christy – 08888990888
- Address Office : Apartement Seasons City Lantai P6 dalam Lobby tower C
Untuk Showing unit bisa janjian minimal H-1
- Address Office : Apartement Seasons City Lantai P6 dalam Lobby tower C
- WhatsApp: 08888990888
- E-mail: agent.jpro88@gmail.com