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- Apartment Name: Parkland Avenue
- Location: BSD
- Tower/Floor/View: 20/08
- Size: 36 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished
- Facility: Water heater, swimming pool, gym, playground, sky terrace, coworking space, restaurant, cafe, mini market, laundry, dll
- Additional Info:
- 2 Menit Ke Pusat Jajan Bsd
- 2 Menit Ke The Brezze Bsd
- 3 Menit Ke Stasiun Serpong
- 4 Menit Ke Aeon Mall Bsd
- 5 Menit Ke Ice Bsd
- 5 Menit Ke Univ Prasetya Mulya
- 5 Menit Ke Tol Serbaraja
- 5 Menit Ke Tol Bsd Serpong
- 5 Menit Ke Stasiun Rawa Buntu
- Rental Price:
- Rp 2,5 juta / week
- Rp 375 ribu / day (weekday)
- Rp 450 ribu / day (weekend)
- Contact: 08812398575, +62 851-3690-8345
- WhatsApp: 08812398575