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- Apartment Name: Citylofts Sudirman
- Location: Jln KH Mas Mansyur – sekompleks dengan Citiwalk
- Tower/Floor/View: lantai belasan
- Size: 86 m2
- Bedroom: 1 (SOHO)
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully Furnished tempat tinggal, 100% bisa menjadi office karena ijin sebagai SOHO
- Facility:
- Connecting dengan Citiwalk Sudirman
- Dekat dengan Ayana, Mid Plaza, Astra Tower, Hotel Sahid dll
- Additional Info:
- Good for invest
- located in the heart of ACBD
- free from ganjil genap
- 2 storey with high ceiling
- Selling Price:
- Rp 1,950,000,0000 negotiable
- Serious buyer only
- Available another size from 45 sqm, 75/76 sqm, 86 sqm, 104/106 sqm and 133 sqm
- Rental Price: Please WA / call for rent Citiloft, Anandamaya, Pavilion, Sahid Sudirman and other apartment in Central and South Jakarta
- Contact: 085311758777 Ian Mulia
- WhatsApp: 085311758777