Jual Apartemen Aeropolis Tangerang – 1 BR 27.90 m2 Unfurnished

Jual Apartemen Aeropolis Tangerang - 1 BR 27.90m2 UnfurnishedJual Apartemen Aeropolis Tangerang - 1 BR 27.90m2 UnfurnishedJual Apartemen Aeropolis Tangerang - 1 BR 27.90m2 UnfurnishedJual Apartemen Aeropolis Tangerang - 1 BR 27.90m2 UnfurnishedJual Apartemen Aeropolis Tangerang - 1 BR 27.90m2 UnfurnishedJual Apartemen Aeropolis Tangerang - 1 BR 27.90m2 Unfurnished

  • Apartment Name: Aeropolis
  • Location: Jl. Raya Marsekal Surya Dharma No. 68, Neglasari, Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia 15129, Tangerang
  • Tower/Floor/View: ACR 3 / 6
  • Size: 27.90 m2
  • Bedroom: 1
  • Bathroom: 1
  • Condition: Kondisi Unfurnished (Apartemen Sudah Ready)

    Unfurnished Condition (The Apartment is Ready)
  • Facility:
    • Fasilitas yang tersedia antara lain clubhouse, food center, dan Aeropolis Techno Park untuk gudang kargo dan perkantoran.
    • Kolam renang, mini market, gedung perkantoran, gudang, Restoran. Free shuttle ke dan dari Bandara, laundry, Cafe. Kedepannya akan tersedia Stasiun Kereta Api Bandara.
    • Facilities available include clubhouses, food centers, and Aeropolis Techno Park for cargo warehouses and offices.
    • Swimming pool, mini market, office building, warehouse, restaurant. Free shuttle to and from the airport, laundry, Cafe. In the future, the Airport Train Station will be available.
  • Additional Info: Cocok untuk investasi karena lingkungan yang potensial, cocok untuk di sewakan rata2 harga 3.000.000 s/d 4.500.000/bulan, adanya penambahan kapasitas Bandara/perluasan Bandara, kereta api, 400m menuju Bandara Soekarno Hatta. Unit SUDAH READY !! bisa langsung disewakan.

    Suitable for investment because of the potential environment, suitable for rent at an average price of 3,000,000 to 4,500,000 / month, an additional capacity of the Airport / Airport expansion, train, 400m to Soekarno Hatta Airport. Unit READY !! can be rented out immediately.
  • Selling Price:
    • Over kredit 125.000.000(NEGO SAMPAI JADI!!), Cicilan sisa 8 tahun 10 bulan menggunakan bank bjb 4.600.000 s/d 5.500.000 / bulan seluruh pembiayaan alih kredit bank, notaris, biaya alih nama, dan biaya lainnya ditanggung oleh pembeli. 
    • Potensi keuntungan sangat jelas!!
    • Over credit 125,000,000 (NEGOTIABLE PRICE!!), 8 years and 10 months remaining installments using bank bjb 4,600,000 to 5,500,000/ month for all bank credit, notary, name transfer fees, and other costs borne by the buyer.
    • The profit potential is very clear !!
  • Contact: Hengky Agustian – 082281444350

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