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- Apartment Name: Kebagusan City
- Location: Jl. Baung, Kebagusan, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: C/tengah/pool
- Size: 27 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished
- Facility: Swimming pool, minimarket, kantin dan cafe, galeri ATM, Salon n Spa, Refleksi, Century apotik, security 24 jam, parkir luas, playground anak
- Additional Info:
- Strategic location near to TB Simatupang office area and Tollgate Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR).
- Located behind Arcadia Office Building (Nestle, BP), Siemens, and PHE office tower.
- 5 min. to toll JORR (Tanjung Barat toll gate)
- 5 min. to Tanjung Barat station
- 10 min. to Arcadia office building, PHE tower, Plaza Oleos, 18 Office Park, Beltway Office Park.
- 15 min. to Citos, Talavera, Ratu Prabu 2, Ratu Prabu 1, Elnusa, Menara 165, and High Scope.
- Selling Price: Rp 350.000.000
- Contact: To be more intimate please contact anggie 081991020306 081310323031
- WhatsApp: 081310323031
- E-mail: