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- Apartment Name: The Nest Puri
- Location: Jl. Raden Saleh Rt. 01 / Rw. 06 Karang Mulya, Kec .Karang Tengah – Tangerang, Banten
- Tower/Floor/View: B/12/18
- Size: 44 m2
- Bedroom: 2 (dua )
- Bathroom: 1 (satu)
- Study Room: 1(satu)
- Condition: Unfurnished
- Facility: Kolam anak, kolam dewasa, playground, jogging track, gymnasium (semua free), parkir 5 lantai, Resto, cafe, laundry, Indomart, bakery, ATM center dan salon.
- Additional Info:
- Kondisi unit masih Baru belum pernah di tempati
- Info sekitar radius 2 – 5 km
- Strategis dikelilingi akses toll JORR, toll Dalkot, ke Bandara 30 menit
- Rumah Sakit: RS Pondok Indah Puri Indah, RS. Siloam, JEC
- Shopping: Lippo Mall, Puri Mall, Carefour, Hypermart.
- Bank / ATM: Mandiri, BCA, BNI, Panin, BRI, CIMB
- Sekolah: Tunas Muda, Ipeka, Notre Dame, Univ Mercu Buana.
- Cafe / Resto: Starbuck, McD
- Status: Sudah PPJB untuk Strata Title SHM
- Selling Price: Rp 669.000.000
- Contact: 087876997555
- WhatsApp: 087876997555